In The Apology By Plato Why Was The Illustration Of Horses A Good Argument

Why do atheists believe in evolution theory yet it scientific and a biological impossibility?

Evolution is a great theory to believe in if you are great on assumptions. However I have noticed for some reason genotypic changes happen quite rarely in organisms like bacteria but phenotypic modifications never happen!
For example bacteria that are attacked by various penicillin developed a resistance to the antibiotics. But this was not due to the creation of a new type of enzyme to neutralize the enzyme but allosteric modifications that can be achieved by a single nucleotide change in the DNA structure that translated to a single amino acid change in the primary structure of the enzyme that made it less a target for the antibiotic.
But now we do not see the bacteria responding by becoming anything else than amoeba or becoming two celled or another protista of some sort.
If phenotypic change cannot take place that a bacterium cannot and it has been observed in labs that bacteria do not become anything apart from bacteria and if genes which are inserted that threaten that then death ensues in the bacterium.
This is what could have prevented evolution from taking place. 1 one celled creature could not become two celled and therefore the missing links will never found that will show the smooth transition from ape to man from one celled to two celled because they do not exist. It appears that evolution is most unlikely to have taken place.
In genesis of the bible, it is said that plants and animals were created according to their own kind. Seems the creator made a law that one kind cannot become another. It gives me relief to know that none of my grandparents was an ape.
Spontaneous generation and evolution cannot be tested because the proponents mischievously declare that you need billions of years. So test this one. We have the technology to do so. Large scale Phenotypic changes are not possible. Try change a bacterium to another creature; try a trillion times and the result I bet will be the same. Failure.

What is justice for Socrates?

Socrates defines justice as follows: “to do one's own business and not to be a busybody is justice” (Plato, The Republic or On Justice, 433a).To understand this definition better, we need to consider the following:1) Socrates, at least according to Plato, believed that each human’s soul consists of three parts (mental/psychological powers): the first is the logistikon ‘logical’ that includes logic and reason; the second is the thymoeides ‘spirited’ that includes emotions; the third is the epithymetikon ‘appetitive’ that includes insticts. For a man to live well, these three parts have to be balanced: the logical must govern the other two. In another platonic dialogue, Phaedro, Socrates describes human soul as a flying chariot: the charioteer is the logical part, the white horse is the spirited one, and the black horse is the appetitive one. The two horses try to pull the chariot however they want, but the charioteer intervenes and leads it where it must actually go—only then does a human live in peace and harmony.Picture: The chariot of the soul2) Again according to Plato, Socrates believed that in an ideal republic citizens would be divided in three social classes, according to their mental and spiritual powers. The philosopher-kings would be the rulers of the state and would take the place of the charioteer; the helpers would be the soldiers and protectors of the state; the producers would be the farmers, craftsmen and artisans. Again, these three classes correspond to the three parts of the soul: the philosopher-kings are like the logical part; the helpers are like the spirited part; the producers are like the appetitive part. For a city-state to be balanced and well-governed, the two lower classes must obey the philosopher-kings and all classes have to deal with their own issues and not trouble one another.Overall, justice for Socrates is balance, a common ancient Greek concept. It is also self-awareness, as one must first acknowledge his strong and weak points and then be eager to learn from the others, obey his superiors and trouble nobody.