In The Following Question .

What's the answer to the following question?

A2AYou can solve every problem about functions by using the following definition of functions.Imagine that the domain(A) is a patch of land and this patch of land is divided into colored regions- each region corresponding to one element of the domain. Imagine the same with the range(B). Then the function corresponds to the throwing of a stone from one region of the domain to one of the range. The inverse of the function is the throwing of the stone by the same person from the range to the domain.According to our definition: Onto functions are those functions, such that each region of B, can be reached out by throwing stones from A.One to one functions are those functions, such that each region of B can be reached by throwing stones from one specific region of A. Simple right? Now the answers to your question. 1) Yes, the inverse of F can be defined but it won't be an onto function. Since by throwing stones from m - n regions of A we couldn't reach B ( say, these were regions of B away from A). Hence, these regions of A can't be also reached by the B, since the same person is throwing stones. 2)Yes, since the person throwing stones remains the same.

How would you answer the following question with a 1 word answer at the different decades of your life (0s, 10s, 20s, etc.), “Life is…”?

0–9=happy for the most part, 10–19=pain, 19–28=longing, 29–39=happy for the most part because of my daughter, 40-present which is 48=self reflect, hopefully 50’s I will be able to be happy again cause this year was the worst with losing my dad. I miss him so much & am thankful for the last year we had, just wish I could have done more for him than I got to do. I wanted him to see his granddaughter graduate from college so bad, he was so proud of her! I’m glad he knew that he could count on me! And my daughter was amazing with him!

Indirect proof for the following question??

To prove
if there is ice, then it is cold
you can prove the contrapositive (opposite) statement
if it isn't cold, there is no ice
If you can prove the contrapositive then there is nothing left but for the original statement to be true

the opposite of > is ≤
direct proof, if 7x>56, then x>8.
indirect proof, if x≤8, then 7x≤56 .
x ≤ 8
7x ≤ 56.........the inequality holds since 7 > 0
this proves the contrapositive 'if x≤8, then7x≤56'
so it indirectly proves 'if 7x>56, then x>8'.


What is the correct answer for the following question?

Sulphur trioxide is the correct answer. Sulphur dioxide on staying in the atmosphere for a while reacts with oxygen to give sulphur trioxide. This conversion of SO2 to SO3 is aided by UV Rays. So you can safely say that SO3 is not a primary pollutant gas.

Which of the following questions is more correct, “why he is” or “why is he”?

In English, in the interrogative (that means when asking a question) you need to invert the usual subject and verb word order. This is not optional.So, in a question, the correct way to say it is: Why is he . . .?We also do this in questions where there is no question word like “why” or “what” or “how” or “when”.For example:Question (in the interrogative): Is he coming to lunch tomorrow?Statement: He is coming to lunch tomorrow.In the above example you can see how the subject “he” and the verb “is” swap positions when asking a question.Please note: the words “why he is” can be used in a sentence which is not a question.For example: “I don’t know why he is here”, but in this sentence “why” isn’t making a quesition - it means “the reason”.In spoken English it is also possible to turn a statement into a question without swapping the subject and verb word order. But when we do this, we need to use a rising intonation to turn the sentence into a question, and it’s used mainly to express surprise. So for example: “He is coming to lunch tomorrow?” with a rising intonation, asks a question, and infers surprise.