In The Natural Form Of Vitamin D3 Isn

What is the best food source of Vitamin D?

Here are 11 sources that are enriched with Vitamin D.Sunlight is the richest and easiest available source of Vitamin D. It is a proven fact that 15-20 minutes of direct skin exposure to sunlight is sufficient to meet your daily requirement. It is a myth that in morning hours Vitamin D is more in Sunlight than in evening hours. But actually, it is not so. The quantity of Vitamin D in sunlight remains the same throughout the day, However, morning hours sunbath is preferable because of good metabolism of the skin.2. Mushroom: Just like humans, mushrooms have the capacity to produce vitamin D when exposed to ultraviolet light.Mushrooms, however, are usually grown in the dark and don't contain the vitamin. Specific brands, however, are grown in ultraviolet light to spur vitamin D production. In 85 gms. of mushroom of serving the quantity of vitamin D is 400- 600 IU.3. Orange: It is found that 75% people have lactulose intolerance and 2–3 % people have a milk allergy. So for that kind of persons, orange juice is a good alternative source of vitamin D. 1 cup orange juice have 137 IU of Vitamin D.4. Cereals like wheat, cornflakes, Dalia, Ragi, Maize also has a good Quantity of vitamin D.5. Soy Milk is easily available in the market in canned form or otherwise, you can easily make it at home. To prepare it, soak milk overnight then grind it well and then filter the mixture.1 cup soy milk has 124 IU Qty. of Vitamin D.6. Curd is also good source of vitamin D. but make sure milk used at the time of curd prepration should be fortified with Vitamin D.In general, 85 gm. cup of curd has 80 IU of Vitamin D.7. Egg : Only Yellow portion of egg contains Vitamin D-.In 1 egg Yolk 40- 50 IU Qty. of vitamin D is found.It is a myth that brown egg is of superior Quality as compare to the white egg. As far as the quantity of vitamin D is concern, both varieties are same.8. Cod Liver Oil: This is oil extracted from the liver of the fish.Quantity of vitamin D is 1360 IU per capsule. This capsule also contains a relatively high amount of vitamin A and omega 3 fatty acid.9. Salmon Fish: It is a Seafood that is easily available in the market.Quantity of vitamin D is 447 IU per 100 gms. of serving.10. Sardine Fish- Quantity of vitamin D per 100 gms. of serving is 46 IU.11. Tuna - We have different recipes of Tuna Fish. But it has significant Quantity of poisonous substance named methyl mercury. So it is recommended to avoid Tuna fish.NOTE: DAILY REQUIREMENT OF VITAMIN D IS 600 IU/ DAY

What form of vitamin D modulates the immune system?

This isn't clarified yet in detail and, in my opinion, it should be of little concern outside scientific community.Calcitriol is considered to be the most active form of vitamin D. The best way to obtain it is by light-moderate sun exposure plus natural human metabolism. It starts in skin, and finishes in liver and kidney. First, UV-light induces conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol into cholecalciferol in skin. Cholecalciferol is subsequently hydroxylated in liver and once again in kidney, to yield calcitriol, the one with most biological activity.In case of lack of sun exposure, liver, kidney failure, there are appropriate supplemental formulations. They can be converted in the body and work just fine - at least a lot better than being without it. Vitamin D has only one receptor, but it can dimerize with others to yield gene expression responses. The outcome in immune modulation is likely to be influenced heavily by other factors that work in the receiving end of signaling, inside immune cells, and not the form of vitamin we ingest. It's very complicated. We can't control it.In short words, the best active form for immune system is the one produced naturally. And there aren't many active natural compounds in vitamin D system so we could discuss which do what. Calcitriol does most of the work.PS. If you intend to take some supplementation, as, just in case to build up your immunity, don't. It's a hormone, and we don't know much about it still.

Am I Taking Too Much Vitamin D?

No, that is not too much. We get more Vitamin D from the sun, some experts say up to 20,000 units in only 20 minutes of sun exposure. Some supplements are better than others, if you live in Canada try D drops, they can be found at Shopper's Drug mart, make sure you get the 1000 IU bottle, it's around $20 but it lasts a long time. Also, check out and search for Vitamin D and depression articles, he has lots of great articles on the topic.

How long do I have to be in the sun to get enough Vitamin D for the day?

15–20 minutes of full body exposure ( like you are on the beach) would be enough during the summer months. It also depends what is your natural skin pigmentation - the darker the more time is required. The geographic location is also important - the further north from the Equator you are the more time is required.It does not matter which part - the UVB rays from the sunlight trigger the vit D production in the exposed skin. Vit D is produced by your own skin cells, it is not contained in the sunlight. This production also decreases with age so the elder skin requires longer exposure to produce the same amount of vit D.Yes, if you wear ( high SPF) sunblock cream it will block vit D production as the UVB rays cannot penetrate it and reach the skin and thus initiate the vit D production reaction.The best way is to have your vit D levels tested at least once a year - after the summer to determine if supplementation would be required during the winter months.The test is called 25-hydroxy-D3. For optimal health, you should be have 75-87.5 nmol/L [30-46 ng/mL].

What are the benefits of the vitamin D3?

Vitamin D has many forms and D3 one of them. Vitamin D3, known chemically as cholecalciferol and Pet name is Sunshine Vitamin because D3 is a natural form of Vitamin D but this vitamin, the human body makes from sunlight. When skin is exposed to sunlight Vitamin D3 is made in the body.Vitamin D3 essential for the human body and perform many vital functions that typically related to bones formation. There are many major benefits of vitamin D3. They are-• Support for healthy levels of calcium and phosphate in the human body• Vitamin D3 absorbs phosphorus and calcium in the body for maintenance of healthy bones.• Vitamin D3 helpful in Insulin control because it manages blood sugar levels more effectively.• Vitamin D3 is required for Lower blood pressure when blood pressure reaches extremely high in the body then D3 actively reduces the concentration of rennin (an enzyme secreted by the kidney that has an effect on blood vessels).• Some studies say that Vitamin D and the form of vitamin D3 can be cancer prevention.• Heart function can also be impacted by the presence of vitamin D3. Many forms of Vitamin D control the Health of the heart.• Most significant benefits to vitamin D3 are its control human’s Mood swings and make it light and happy.• Vitamin D3 helpful for bones as well as teeth, it makes Teeth strong and healthy.Vitamin D3 mainly comes from-The sunFoodSupplementsD3 is created from animal’s products or human body made it by the sun, because of this familiarity most doctors and nutritionists recommending take supplements to fulfill the need of vitamin D3 in the body. Many Supplements are easily available in the market, and Caldoc one of them. Caldoc is a supplement which fulfills the requirement of vitamin D in the body. Caldoc Contain Calcium & Vitamin D3, it is also suitable for vegetarians. This supplement is easily available online at low cost