In This Experiment How Can I Make My Results More Valid Pretty Simple Stuff

How do admission officers know if a student is lying on a college application, or not?

Based on the tales of current college students I know, colleges can’t tell if your lie is a variation or limited exaggeration, like saying you did 20 hours of service instead of 10, or a club since 9th grade instead of 11th, unless they read otherwise in letters of recommendation/ school reports.Here’s the catch though. Anything you lie about is and should continue to be immediate grounds for dismissal, rejection, and notification by your college. The risk is very high, even for changing a small detail on your application that probably won’t make the difference between getting in or not.If you’re talking about lying on anything else, like through your essays, or adding activities that you never did, then it’s generally pretty easy for professional college admissions readers to gauge authenticity from “clever” high school applicants.They also do calls to counselors or other administration in your school and verify certain claims if they seem outlandish, say if you claimed to be student body president and another applicant from your school did too.In professional programs (masters, doctorates), your application is cross-referenced with years of data and an even more close-knit group of professors and program directors, so you can’t lie there anyways.Other than those deterrents, and what others have mentioned about official scores and transcripts, it’s worth noting that you are literally going to college to learn and gain experiences.If those start off from lying, or if lying is the only way you get in, that says a lot more about you than the failures of an admissions committee…

Do you understand uncertainty and how it's important to science?

There are some great examples of how laypersons can misunderstand uncertainty right here, and manage also to avoid taking in any of the very good info you have provided. I suppose this is because they are not just laypersons, they are trolls and their intention is just to say stuff to be annoying. But let's assume they are not pathological and just normal yet uneducated and explore this a bit.

Phoenix states "the next time Venus will be directly between Earth & the Sun will be December 11, 2117". What he doesn't understand is that this is an estimate based on current probabilities and hence there is a margin of error. If he wishes to make an accurate statment, he should say "the next time Venus will be directly between Earth & the Sun will be December 11, 2117 +/- z days" to reflect the uncertainty.

"Climatology, on the other hand, cannot tell you if next year's hurricane season will be heavy or light." On the contrary, scientists can asses the probability that there will be x number of severe storms in a given region and once again, this will have a margin of error.

Regarding the venus example, if the uncertainty is smaller than a single day (ie if the standard error relates to minutes or hours) then he is correct to say the date alone, but incorrect in then not applying the same standard to the climate science he routinely disregards. But where he really shows his lack of understanding is in using this comparison to begin with. An orbit is a simple system, with minimal influence from stochastic events. This means that the margin of error is much smaller than for a chaotic system such as the weather for a given region. But the principles are identical, make an estimation based on observations and assess the probabilities of the various outcomes. To disregard one because the uncertainty is larger than the other is unscientific. Science is about using the best available knowledge and not just ignoring things when they are too hard to explain.

How do you get prepare to get your driving permit?

Do they expect you to know every thing about driving...Is there a website you could go to get prepare for the test... Do you even need to study?... In New york State .... or any other state.. but i would prefer you tell me about New york state

What are some of the most counterintuitive mathematical results?

I like the 'truel' question. Albert is not in a duel, but a truel; 3 people with guns not two. Albert  the worst shot, he only hits his target  1 in 3 times. Brian hits his target 2 in 3 times. Charles hits 3 in 3 times, a perfect shot. To even the chances, Albert has 1st shot, then Brian, then Charles, then back to Albert etc....  If you were Albert, who would you aim at?The answer is, nobody, he should shoot to miss both his opponents. If Albert hit Brian, he would face Charles, who always scores - Albert is dead, 100% probabilityIf Albert hit Charles, he would face a 2 in 3 chance of death from Brian.By missing both, Brian has a 2 in 3 chance of killing Charles (Brian should of course aim to kill Charles, the bigger threat). If Brian kills Charles, Albert then stands a 1 in 3 chance of killing Brian, and if he misses, only a 2 in 3 chance of being killed by  Brian.If Brian misses Charles, Charles will kill Brian (Charles should kill Brian not Albert, as Brian is the bigger threat to Charles. Again, Albert now has a 1 in 3 chance of now killing Charles.Essentially by missing both Brian and Charles, Albert's survival chances rise from 0% (A kills B) and 33% (A kills C) to almost 50% (continued ongoing duel between A and B).2) The Monty Hall paradox, my explanation is. You choose box A; 1 in 3 you win, 2 in 3 you lose. Because, 2 in 3 the car is in another box, B or C. Doesn't matter which. Now Monty Hall, IF you shoose to swap and its the 2 in 3 times you chose the dud box A, FORCES you to choose the correct box of B or C. That's why sticking with box A you win 1 in 3; swapping, you win 2 in 3.3) Did you know a fly can stop a speeding car? A car travelling south at 100 mph hits a fly going north at 10 mph. The fly-matter must decelerate from 10mph north to end up going at 100 mph south - at some point the fly stuff must be doing 0 mph. As it's in contact with the car, the car must also be doing 0 mph at this time. Therefore the fly has halted, temporarily, the entire car.

Home made recipe for treating horse ulcers?

just so you know, the Omeprazol tabs say very clearly "do not crush" so you cannot make a paste of them. I have had no trouble at all just adding them to the feed; my horses just eat them along with the pellets.....

add--If your mom's a pharmacist, I would think it would be easy for her to make a paste; the question is, will he happily take paste day after day for 1-3 months, or would little pills that look like horse pelleted feed be easier to handle? I know the Gastrogard comes as a paste, but that doesn't mean it is the only way to get the 'goodies' into the horse.

Are Sabermetrics good or bad for baseball?

I find the sabermetrics movement to be disturbing. Yes, I do like the "OPS" stat. A good OPS means that a guy is hitting for a combination of average, power, getting on base, and producing runs. I also like WHIP, it's not hard to understand that a low WHIP means that a pitcher is letting relatively few runners reach base per nine innings. I think many of these sabermetric stats are too abstract (no pun intended), for the average fan to follow.

I am not a Keith Law fan, and I am not a fan of sportswriters letting sabermetrics determine who they vote for. Sabermetrics does not measure a player's heart. Here's an example. A pitcher may dominate a game and shut out a team for 7 innings. He is taken out after 100 pitches, his WHIP and ERA will improve. Another great pitcher like C.C. Sabathia will shut out a team for 7 innings, but stay in the game to save the bullpen and give up 2 or 3 late runs. His line won't look as impressive as it could have.

Sorry, but sabermetricians seem to have been brainwashed. They are only looking at ridiculous stats, just numbers on paper. To think that these nerds actually let these confusing stats make up their minds for them is absurd. This is a game for the fans, not for sportswriters to use formulas to determine the winners of major awards.

You mention Andre Dawson, I will give you another example. Peter Gammons, who once was a great baseball writer felt that Tim Raines should be in the Hall. One of his reasons? "Raines' OPS in 1985 was .880". Seriously.

Wow, jdr0317, pretty harsh stuff. You know, it is possible to have a good baseball argument, without being rude and insulting. But I guess because you are "bored" and have nothing better to do with your life than study sabermetrics, I will give you a pass here. BTW, Raines and Brock played in different eras, I am thinking that Raines wouldn't have hit so well against Gibson, Koufax, Marichal, and Seaver and Carlton in their primes, not to mention the wider strike zones and elevated pitcher's mounds of the day (which contributed to a lack of offense that eventually prompted the AL to add the DH). But you wouldn't know, because Sabermetrics doesn't tell you stats like that, right? HEY, the Yankees signed Nick Johnson! He doesn't hit for power. He doesn't drive in many runs. And he doesn't steal bases. But he has a great on-base percentage! Now he can walk a lot and clog the bases for the guys behind him!

How far back does genealogy actual count?

I just found out my mother spent a lot of money on and other sites to trace our ancestry. except for the first 4 generations back, none of the rest make any since.

It seems when she came across an ancestor she also would trace there siblings and cousins ancestry dating back thousands of years, thus creating a huge mess of a family tree. one of these papers says we're related to Pocahontas, you go back far enough and not only trace maternal & paternal lineage, but also their relatives, pretty much everybody is related to Pocahontas, a German king, a french king, Genghis khan, etc.

What I want to know is, genetically. how far back does an ancestor actually matter & how are you suppose to go about searching through your genealogy?

Like, is it just a few generations back or a few hundred or is it thousands of generations back?

I & everyone else in the family who are very confused and irritated by these mess of papers, would like to be able to either sort through this stuff to either get to the real family genealogy or discredit it all and know we need to start over to find out our true ancestry.

I hope I gave enough information and asked all the right questions, can't wait to hear back! :)

Do toothbrushes expire?

A lot of the answers suggest that a toothbrush gets worn out an therefore is less effective.What virtually all of the other answers omit how to tell if a toothbrush is worn out, that is, what a worn-out toothbrush looks like, and how to reduce the damage on a toothbrush, and how to make more effective use of it.(In my opinion a conventional toothbrush is not a very effective tool, and that is why you’ll never see a dentist using a conventional toothbrush to clean your teeth professionally. Furthermore, it is sad that there is that so much emphasis that has been placed on that versus on more effective ways to prevent and remove tartar . This stuff is pretty simple.)But since we are talking about toothbrushes here…Most toothbrushes are made out of plastic. Plastic has a feature that it is inert and biological substances generally don’t find plastic a great surface to grow on if it is kept clean. (Here clean just means rinse it off afterwards and let it dry. If you are paranoid about such things, you can use hydrogen peroxyde or whatever mouth wash you use to disinfect it.)Plastic doesn’t wear out on its own. (This is related to the statement that it is inert.) In fact, plastic is not biodegradable; something those who advocate throwing out toothbrushes ever 2 months also seem not to take note about.To be a little more precise about what a worn out toothbrush looks like, there has been a study on this called “A Systematic Study of the Plaque Removal Efficiency of Worn Toothbrushes” .In that there are photos of worn-out toothbrushes. Here are the first two conclusions from that study:“ The results suggest the following: Any method of detecting and signalling brush wear should be based upon the physical characteristic of the brush itself rather than on a priori temporal measures. The primary indicator should be bristle matting followed by bristle http://tapering.In lieu of any automatic method of wear, indication for home use, the user might be given a picture of a prototypical worn brush of the lightly.”In Why do we need to change our toothbrush or toothbrush heads? I hear this all the time but what is the reasoning? I go into aspects of how to reduce the unnecessary damage that people do in using a toothbrush and that leads to the recommendation that it be changed every two months.