In Wartime Why Do Women Break Under Enemy Interrogation Much Easier Than Men

Aren't the Geneva conventions kind of stupid.?

Just place yourself in the shoes of the one being tortured, or the one being enslaved in a concentration camp, or the one about to be killed in cold blood for no reason other than existing, and then think again before asking such silly questions.

Why did they shoot horses on the beach in the movie Atonement?

During the first world war alot of horses were used on the battle field. These horses came from private stables, the army and many from private families, they were used for hauling machines and guns and also for soldiers.
When the time came for the horses to be shipped home it was uneconomical and also in many cases the soldiers had to retreat quickly. It was quicker and easier to shoot these gallant animals that had served their country so well. This also included alot of donkeys also. Some horses were shipped back, but the majority were left behind.

Do male soldiers find it hard to kill enemy female soldiers?

OK. Here are from images. You have unlimited time to decide if they are male or female. A soldier has a second or so.OK, now my generation.None of these images exactly flaunt the female form, do they? Maybe a little long hair here or there, but for the most part, you’re facing someone armed and who has the intent do kill you for being on the other side of the battle.Now, maybe if they would allow…We might be able to tell and then have a problem. But then again, most of the grunts I know wouldn’t be in the mood to fight and might even surrender, hoping for some one on one interrogation.Usually, this is when you get to find out if they are male or female.This one is from Deviant Art, which kind of spooks me. Since when is a dead woman art?Trust me, stuff like this stays with you long after it’s over.

Why do drill instructor shout at recruiters and are generally rude?

Probably because they are trying to weed out new recruits. Being a soldier is not about personal pride, but it is about serving your country no matter what. If you are going to quit the moment you get your feelings hurt, you're probably not military material. The truth of the matter is, in desperate situations, you might not get the respect you want, but you still need to serve the best you can.