In What Ways Does World Music Study Require An Interdisciplinary Approach

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How is Biology an interdisciplinary study?

Interdisciplinary study.
Something that is studied by multiple different disciplines.
Something with multiple aspects to it that can be studied in different ways by different people.

For example!
We recently had to do an interdisciplinary workshop on the treatment of pain. The Med students would look at the pharmacology, how the drugs work, which drugs to use and why, the nursing students would look at how much of the drug to give, how and when the physio students would look at how to get the patient to live with the pain and get on with their lives while the treatment is ongoing and after it finishes.

Biology is interdisciplinary because you can look at it like an ecologist, like a biochemist, like a cell biologist, like a medic, like a zoologist, like an anthropologist, like an palaeontologist, etc. etc. etc.
Hell, you could even talk about the military! Guns work by shooting someone in parts of the body known to be fatal because of anatomy, which is part of biology.
Think of AAAAAAAAAALL the different things you can do with a knowledge of the study of living things. Then think of examples for each. Think of what's been in the news lately. Think of what you've done that's involved living things. Think of what's affected the people around you.
Good luck!

Sample KQ:KQ : 1: How is adopting interdisciplinary approaches to the production of knowledge important and useful?An Interdisciplinary approach involves drawing inputs from multiple academic disciplines to understand and define problems outside the regular realm of single discipline in order to look for solutions that arise out of intricate interconnectedness.The different viewpoints derived from multiple disciplines provide different ideas, distinct ways of thinking and approaching things. The world around us consists of multidimensional , complex , dynamic and interconnected systems that necessitates knowing and understanding acquired from various disciplines. These multiple viewpoints work as the different pieces to put together a meaningful whole.Interdisciplinary approach to production of knowledge most often requires creativity , enhanced and extensive range of communication and language tools. Single discipline focus may not enable us to see topics that fall in the interstices and the errors arising because of our tunnel vision. Many intellectual, social, and practical problems require interdisciplinary approaches. The interdisciplinary approach helps close the communication gaps between the areas of knowledge and in the process mobilises the combined intellectual resources to achieve greater good. The world war two was a big catalyst for the use of interdisciplinary approach . The technology breakthroughs that were required by the Army required physicists , chemists , mathematicians , scientists and others to join forces to meet the demands of the war . Post war there was recognition and realisation that real challenges were larger that the scope of any single discipline.Historically too, Interdisciplinary approach was part of the Greek Philosophy. The Greek thinkers and historians set forth the ideas of a unified and intergrated knowledge. Even Leibniz in seventeenth-century , strove to create a system of universal justice, which required linguistics, economics, management, ethics, law philosophy and politicsIn the 1960s and 1970s, the multidisciplinary approach was successfully employed in the UK by architects, engineers, and quantity surveyors working together on major public-sector construction projects and, together with planners, sociologists, geographers, and economists.Contrary to this , a narrow single discipline focus binds us within the limits and restrictions of sketchy viewpoints.For more discussion and resources:TITLE 1 MAY 2018

Tell me an art that does not use science? Even the paint brush is a primitive keyboard. One day, a long time ago, a neolithic “scientist” figured out that hair tied to a stick worked better than fingers or a chewed stick. His artistic mates soon started using his scientific breakthrough. It’s been that ever since. Who the more creative, artist or scientist? Does it matter? There was a time when there was no difference, remember Leonardo Da Vinci?Anyhow, Art is doing it’s usual thing, breaking free of its own definitions, but the difference these days is that technology, being a lot more advanced, is providing infinitely more combinations. Among my favorite art forms are the 17th and 18th century mechanical devices - the automatons. Check this out, billed as “The 240-year-old beautiful ancestor of the modern computer” -The above is actually a self-operating, programmable machine, capable of writing letters and words with a quill pen, that’s still functioning after a quarter of a millennium.image source: the 240-year-old beautiful ancestor of the modern computer

Is there a difference between cross-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary?

Something that's interdisciplinary covers more than one field of study. If you take an interdisciplinary science and literature class, you might read a science fiction novel and then explore the scientific ideas behind it.

The word interdisciplinary can be broken into its parts: inter-, which means "between" in Latin, and disciplinary, which is from the Latin disciplina and means teaching or knowledge. Interdisciplinary means between fields, but they don't have to be unrelated disciplines. You can do interdisciplinary work between two sciences, for example. An interdisciplinary conference on biology and computer science might include workshops on both fields.

When we take an interdisciplinary approach to a study, we integrate, let's say, two disciplines - their methods, terminology, research, etc - in our study. (Cf. In medicine, an interdisciplinary team is "a group that consists of specialists from several fields combining skills and resources." )

The Cross-disciplinary Scholars in Science and Technology program seeks to strengthen international collaboration by inviting highly accomplished students to study and engage in research at a university. The students are supported by institutional agreements with universities abroad and by scholarships from their home institutions.

With a crossdisciplinary approach, we remain rooted in a particular discipline as we make a leap into, say, one other discipline to study some aspects of it from our original point of view. The aim is not integration, but to highlight aspects of the first discipline by means of studying the other.

Interdisciplinary connections help ?

"Discipline" in this context means "Field of learning" and therefore "Inter-Disciplinary" means that which connects more than one subject. For example, you could say that earning a degree in Business Management requires inter-disciplinary skills, such as good command over (any) language, good understanding of math, good understanding of law, and so on. Psychology is a study of the mind (psyche = mind and ology = study of). Different types of subjects require a person to use his/her mind in different ways. So, an inter-disciplinary approach develops a person's mind the most.

With my organization we are actually doing this. It is a similar approach where we look to apply technology on big problems to find solutions to them and build self-sustained businesses based on this.What we do is an 8-week program where we bring mentors and visitors of several disciplines and experts on different fields. Each week is oriented to a different technology (the more "sciency" aspect) but at the same time we have entrepreneurship and startup building workshops.This allows the flow of ideas, application of different technologies, learning of basic concepts and ways these are being used or could be used, but also how they can be marketed, the importance of communication for a startup, growth hacking, effective presentation and pitching. Not everybody needs to know all of this in depth, but if you are a startup chances are you have scarce resources so it is good to know some of them.I would say the key for the success of this of course is the people that you are able to get. In our case the participants (they are participants because it is a paid program they assist) come from all over the world and we look to have as much diversity and disciplines as possible. So we look for all kind of engineers, programers, science people, but also business, design, communication, arts, etc.You don't need to actually have a complete control of the developing process but rather develop a structure that is robust enough to guide it through without getting to dead ends, but at the same time flexible enough to iterate and adapt to the process needs.This flexibility plus the heterogeneous crowd will spawn into an organic flow of ideas and interdisciplinary exchange that cannot be fostered in a completely controlled environment.

If you want to ensure great teaching consider taking a subject and dissecting it into three types of teaching possibilities; related subjects, Blooms Taxonomy of Learning, and 21st Century Learning Skills. It’s just not enough to find interdisciplinary connections.Make a list of subject areas. Have a copy of Blooms, and a copy of 21st Century Skill areas. When you are teaching a lesson, pick and apply points from each as makes sense and as is easy. Always remember least effort maximum result should be your motto when making lesson plans. Least time for effective results.Take a lesson you have on a skill and see what happens. For example, in addition and subtraction you may use literature by finding stories about addition or subtraction. They could write their own story creatively by fitting in a random math problem into their story that makes sense. You could look at how population increases over time in an area of Social Studies you are studying or crime statistics or how many women had the right to vote in a certain year and now or draw pictures or write poems. History could be used by using dates of when things happened or when things changed or how many years have gone by or creating application problems by saying find a trend. Analyze music into its beats. Count beats and define what is fast or slow. What type of music is fast music such as types of Rap, or blues or jazz. What period in history has slow music? Fast music and so forth? There really is no limit to how you can enrich your lesson except for time.

What are the procedures in the multiple intelligence approach or MI approach in teaching?

I actually just earned my Masters of Education in Classroom Teaching with emphasis in the Multiple Intelligences and Fine Arts.

Gardner's 8 intelligences are:
Math/Logistics- number smarts
Linguistic/Word smarts
Visual Arts- picture smarts
Bodily-Kinesthetic/hands-on smarts
Interpersonal-people smarts
Intrapersonal-self smarts
Natural- nature smarts
Musical- music smarts

I teach my students about the 8 intelligence, I made a poster with kid friendly pictures and words, I have a little survey for kids that asks questions about what they like to do. They add it up and it tells them what their "smarts" are.

Then, when I do lessons, I give lots of choices or do centers/rotations where they can experience the different activities that involve various intelligences. I try to incorporate as much of "the arts" and intelligences as possible in the way I teach and the way they learn or do projects.

I hope this helps. You can always do a search for multiple intelligence lessons.

The multidisciplinary nature of Environmental Science is imbibed in its definition that it is the study of the interaction of physical,chemical and biological components of human surroundings. To put it straight any action taken by human and its effect on the surrounding and vice versa comes under the purview of Environmental Science. Lemme give an example, air pollution is a grave issue threatening the existence of life on Earth.In recent time , considering the extent of various environmental problem like Air Pollution, Water Pollution, it is clearly observed that all these problems are somehow integrally associated. For example as the air pollution is increasing, the global temperature increases which further causes the growth of blue green algae in ponds and rivers causing eutrophication. Also considering the variables that contribute to our immediate environment like humans, animals, insects, microbes, air, water, temperature, Sun, etc. etc. and their complex interactions. Many theories like Gaia hypothesis, has already proven that nothing on this planet earth is isolated. We all are somehow contribute to everything else in this biosphere. There are usually rippling effects that occur when there is a disturbance to an area’s natural environment. For example, what if there is a proposal to build a housing development in an area where there is a natural forest inhabited by many indigenous organisms.Pic Courtesy: Google.