In Which Countries Is Vaccinations Not Commonly Used

How much does the H5N1 bird flu vaccination cost?

The cost has been lowered a good bit. The world food supply being at risk causes governments to really get on the ball. The cost per large bird is USD $3.50 and a small is USD $1.95. This cost is for twenty or more birds. The cost is greater for less birds.

Why is Flu vaccination not as popular or relevant in India as in the US?

There is something called as disease burden, which includes the population affected by a disease, its mortality/morbidity rates and the financial costing it requires to effectively cure/prevent the disease from spreading and affecting the masses. For Influenza, the burden though being significantly higher in developing countries including India, the statistical data required to prioritize and make evolving strategies for the successful prevention, is still not widely available. A lot of further research is required on this front to prove the efficacy, right now the country cannot afford to vaccinate masses with something which might not even be required! Although its not like flu shots are totally not recommended in India. IAP (Indian association of Pediatrics) recommends the vaccination for morbidly ill, malnourished, immune compromised children. Same is for elderly and adults. Another constraint in the whole scenario is, like other regular vaccines provided free of cost by the government, the triple strain vaccine of Influenza has yet not made it to the available free of cost list, for the population. So only those who really need it, get it.

Is the anti-vaccination movement being supported by Russian agents to undermine the United States's health and security?

Wahaha! No.This is plain desperation on the part of those who profit from vaccines. The recent measles ‘crisis’ could easily be averted by having a nutrient-rich diet and taking sufficient vitamin A. Measles is mostly a benign viral infection the is self-limiting - it is not the dreadful, life-threatening disease it is being made out to be. There are even benefits to getting it naturally:The Unreported Health Benefits of Measles used to be no big deal but vaccine promoters have turned it into something that it is not, i.e. a deadly scourge on humanity. China has 99% vaccination rates but they still have measles outbreaks. So much for herd immunity, which, by the way, does not apply to artificial immunity and only to the naturally acquired kind. If it applied to vaccines, we wouldn’t need boosters, would we?Philip Incao, M.D. Testimony on the Hepatitis Vaccine, Ohio 3/1/99: “A critical point, which is never mentioned by those advocating mass vaccination is that children’s health has declined significantly since 1960 when vaccines began to be widely used. According to the National Health Interview Survey conducted annually…a shocking 31% of US children today have chronic health problems… In my medical career, I’ve treated vaccinated and unvaccinated children, and the unvaccinated were far healthier and more robust. Allergies, asthma, and behavioral and attention disturbances were clearly more common in my young patients who were vaccinated.” DOCTORS AGAINST VACCINES – HEAR FROM THOSE WHO HAVE DONE THE RESEARCH | Circle of Docs

What baby vaccines are considered "dangerous" and why?

There are many toxins in all vaccines.

The one most people are concerned about is the MMR (usually given between 12-15 months) It may be connected to Autism somehow.

But all vaccines have ingredients in them, you'd never want to give your child otherwise. Aluminum, Formaldahyde, Aborted Fetus Cells, Monkey Cell, Paint thinner.. .The list goes on and on...

You do not HAVE to give your child any vaccines. They are supposedly "required" to enter school/daycare, but you can sign a waiver (very easy to do actually!) to enter public schools. Private schools can deny your child entrance. That's it. Doctors/Insurance/CPS cannot make you vaccinate.

I did a lot of research, and if you read the statistics.. Serious side effects occur more often because of vaccines, than serious effects these diseases...

Good Luck with your research! ~

Why are vaccines and injections given mostly on the left arm?

Toto is correct. Most people are right handed, therefore, the injection is usually given in the left deltoid muscle (upper arm). Vaccines can cause localized muscle pain and it just makes sense not to cause unnecessary pain in an arm that a person needs to use frequently. If a person is left handed, they need to be sure to let the health care professional know prior to injection so they will inject the right arm. Also, it is much easier and quicker to inject an arm than a buttock or a thigh as those usually require removing clothing and having another health care professional in the room for it if a person is exposed. The buttock area also had s lot of nerves and when Ann injection does not need to be given there, it shouldn't.

Since there is a vaccine, how is rabies still around?

Many, many wild animals carry the disease. Humans will never be able to vaccinate them all. Dogs and cats are merely the closest human companions that can be infected. Fortunately, most folks in the US vaccinate their animals, and that keeps the disease from spreading so easily into the “tame” population.However, we will never be able to get to all the animals who are infected and/or are carriers.In less developed countries, fewer animals are regularly vaccinated. The disease is extremely dangerous. If anyone contacts a rabid animal, and the person is fearful or exposed to rabies by the animal, they should contact their healthcare provider immediately. Vaccinations are available and quite able to take care of the issue. Do not delay, there is a relatively short window (as I recall, 3 days, but check for yourself to confirm) to get the inoculations, for them to be effective.Just a side note: Rabies is spread through animal saliva. No animal automatically develops rabies out of thin air. I read many questions on Quora regarding this issue; people need to be informed that their puppy, which has never been out of the home, does not spread rabies when the pup nips a person. The pup was never exposed to a rabid animal; therefore, no rabies.

What are the reasons why vaccine companies don't shift from harmful ingredients?

What are the reasons why vaccine companies don't shift from harmful ingredients?♦♦Nothing is harmless.The water you drinkThe food you eatThe air you breathAll contain things that harm or will ultimately kill you.Too much water will kill you if you drink excessive amounts of water you can put your blood electrolyte balance out and that can kill you, admittedly it's a lot of water but it is achievable¹.The food you eat, oh there are all sorts of things in food which can kill you, obvious things like obesity and diabetes, but also poisons.Apple seeds, no problem, unless you chew them, if you do that you can produce cyanide, which can kill you, again though you need an awful lot of them to do it².The air you breath contains oxygen, that's all right oxygen keeps you alive right, yes but it also kills you, oxygen can cause aging and mutations which can lead to cancer³.—So what's my point?In vaccines there are chemicals which are called adjuvants these make the vaccine more effective.The adjuvants normally used are aluminium (aluminum) salts⁴.Vaccines also contain preservatives the one everyone seems to know is thiomersal[math]^5[/math] (thimerosal).Thiomersal is no longer used in childhood vaccines in a number of countries such as the United States and the EU countries. This was due to popular demand not because there was any proven link between thiomersal and any problems.The point is that there is insufficient amounts of thiomersal (when it was used) and aluminium in vaccines to cause a problem anyway.It's not just whether something is present it's how much and the chemicals in vaccines that are supposed to be such a problem are in such small amounts that they are not a problem at all.——¹ Overhydration: Types, Symptoms, and Treatments² Apple seeds: What happens if you eat them?³ DNA damage: The dark side of respiration⁴ Adjuvants help vaccines work better.[math]^5[/math] Thiomersal - Wikipedia

Are SIDS and vaccines connected?

my question is can babies die after getting there vaccines? are they at higher risk of dying from sids?
im a new mom im 20 years old and have a 2 month old son whos getting his shots on monday...are their any risks? also i want to know what moms out there do to prevent their babies from sids

What is the probability that non-vaccinated immigrants bring lethal diseases to the host country?

The chance is about the same as anyone traveling carrying a lethal disease.Although, what counts as “lethal”? The flu kills quite a few people every year, and on the other hand, Bird Flu, MRSA, Ebola, and Hontavirus are considered some of the deadliest diseases out there today, and people survive them regularly.My guess is that by specifying “non-vaccinated” , the question mostly asks about vaccine-preventable illnesses that are likely to kill their host. In that case, the likelihood is still very low, as people sick with deadly, vaccine-preventable illnesses are generally easy to spot, coupled with the fact that there aren’t many of those diseases left, as most have been nearly eradicated worldwide, such as Smallpox, Polio, and the Bubonic Plague.They could spread it around after they are infected, but before they become sick, and that raises the probability somewhat, but unless they immigrate in that short period, they are so sick (from dying of a deadly disease) that they probably can’t leave the house, much less leave the country.