In Which Peri0d Of Time Were W0men 0ppressed

Are women oppressed more than men?

Not true AT ALL.

Western men die some five years earlier than women. They suffer more from nearly every medical disease and ailment that there is. And yet, far more money is spent by governments on women's health than on men's health. Men are also nowadays educationally disadvantaged significantly compared to women; with the curriculum, the teaching methods and the resources being designed to cater far more for women and girls than for men and boys. Men make up 80% of the homeless. There are more of them in social service care-homes as boys. They are many times more likely to be wrongfully arrested, wrongfully imprisoned, mugged, assaulted or murdered. They are 5 times more likely to lose their children when families break down, 4 times more likely to lose their homes, 4 times more likely to commit suicide, 20 times more likely to be killed or injured at work, 20 times more likely to be imprisoned, and, probably, more than 100 times more likely to be demeaned, denigrated and

Are women still oppressed?

Consider the following scenario:There's a middle aged couple. The wife was diagnosed with schizophrenic paranoia twenty-nine years back and is on medication. She does her duties like any other normal human being. And there is no significant 'abnormality' in her behavior.So one day, the wife is cooking early in the morning and realizes she wants to use the mixer grinder to whip some masala for the curry.She feels the need to ask her husband if she should use the grinder now or later, because grinders create a certain noise that can be repetitive and disturbing. So she thinks of asking him for permission.Before she goes ahead, she lurks behind her 26-year old daughter, and tries to see what the husband is doing.If the husband is busy with important papers, she doesn't dare to go near him.If he is not too busy, she asks in the lightest tone possible.The husband shrieks, “ Not now ! How many times do I have to tell you this ?! Do not use the grinder now !”Under similar circumstances, on another day, the husband says, “Why do you ask ? If you need to, use the grinder. Asking me as if everything happens according to my wish !”.The wife doesn't understand what to do.Notice that this woman isn't getting beaten, or physically abused.But what she's subjected to is worse. It is called emotional strangulation. Unpredictable behavior on her husband's part leading her to reinforce the doubts she has on herself.People who were diagnosed with mental illnesses need to be reassured that everything about them is okay. That they are worthy. That they shouldn't doubt themselves, as long as they are taking their medication and are behaving normally.These people shouldn't be made to feel petrified to ask for something.They shouldn't be shot down for doing something they thought would be useful for the other person.But this woman faces such things everyday. Why? Because she was diagnosed with schizophrenia, that too twenty-nine years back.Recently I read a scientific article that said schizophrenia occurs due to incorrect forms of wiring in the brain, leading to abnormal neuronal pathways and thus abnormal behavior. Here's the link:People with Schizophrenia May Have Been Born with a Different Brain Structure — NOVA Next | PBSWhy was she shouted at? After 27 years of getting married, why?Is this an example of oppression of women? You tell me.

Why were women oppressed since the ancient times? Why did many cultures of the world restrict women since times immemorial?

The premise of your question is wrong. It is not true that women were oppressed since the ancient times or since times immemorial. This is a false idea based on a very biased presentation of history. All ancient cultures respected women and in fact worshiped the feminine principle of the Mother Goddess. Things started to change at the beginning of Kali yuga only. Of course, even before Kali yuga there has been an asuric principle that generated fear and hatred toward the Mother Goddess and her manifestations such as women, cows, and earth, but it was not considered worthy of human civilisation. Criminals have been there occasionally in human societies, but they have been opposed and defeated because society in general was healthy, and crimes against women, cows, and earth were extremely rare. With the advancement of Kali yuga the negative influences of tamas and rajas increased, adharma became prominent, and society became diseased, in an increasingly endemic manner.

Were women really that oppressed?


I do housework. Maybe it is thanks to appliances, but it is not that unpleasent.

Men did not have the option to live their lives as they saw fit either. They would not be allowed to stay home and take care of the children if that was their desire.

I do not recall expressing that women had it good. I also do not recall saying that I hate women. I was asking if people exagerrate the hardships of those times.

Why do women claim that they're oppressed?

*In the criminal justice system, they receive far less convictions and far less time for their convictions.

*In most cases of domestic abuse, women are actually the antagonists, because people are taught that men can't hit them back.

*The wage gap is a lie.

*Females are more likely to get custody of a child, even if they have a history of child abuse.

*Men don't wish death on all women.

*Men can't get a woman convicted for false rape claims.

*People falsely believe that women can't rape men.

*Feminism is no longer about equality- It's about objectifying men.

How are women oppressed in first world countries in this time period?

They aren't oppressed at all unless they want to be. Just look at all of the laws meant to serve and protect only women such as the Violence Against Women Act as well as the number of shelters and social services available to them, not to mention gender discrimination laws. That being said, if a woman is oppressed, she either wants to be or hasn't done anything about it.

If women are equal how did they become "oppressed"?

Women who try to say they are equal to men are trying to sell a distorted perception that stems from jealousy. Those who try to say they are oppressed have to take the position of a victim in order to make their bigotry socially acceptable. In reality though, women are neither equal, nor oppressed.

Perfect example of someone trying to sell a distorted perception: "Ive never understood why some people keep confusing equality with sameness."

"Equal" means "the same as." But they try to warp the definition of the word so they can slip in their own definition of "equal." And notice it is different each time.

What are the causes of Oppression of Women?

1: Women are still considered to be more disposable than men. It is sad that in this day and age this still occurs, but studies have proven that a man will be hired over a woman with the same credentials.

2: Women often time oppress themselves- Society and the way woman are viewed, makes a woman feel less self- worth than a man. Especially professionally. It has been proven that in given any profession or degree held, women still earn less than men. It could be a subconscious event, however it is sad, but true. They do oppress themselves.

3: Women are not considered to be "stable " in any given job, due to the fact if they want to start a family, the company has to fill there position.

Now, this is not to say that this is true with every woman or in every situation. There are many successful women that are go getter's. The majority though fit into the categories i've listed.
I hope that this has helped you and good luck to you.
BTW..I hope that I have not offended anyone. This has also been my personal experience as well.