In Your Experiences Are Women Logical

What do cancer men see in capricorn women?

Being polar opposites on the zodiac wheel, Cancerian men see the qualities that they are lacking but would like to have when they encounter a Capricorn woman (and vice versa).

Being one of the most emotional, sensitive, deep and domesticated feeler signs in the zodiac, the Cancerian man often has problems disengaging himself from his feelings. He is essentially a Watery Feeler who makes decisions purely based on his emotions. He is unable to approach this in a rational, logic, systematic way that the Capricorn woman can. Capriocr-orn is essentially a Thinker sign which is pragmatic, logical.

Thus, the Cancerian man senses in the Capricorn woman stability and safe ground for his watery emotions to take root in. At the same time, he can help her to open up her feelings more as she tends to be too logical in thought and can be cut off from her feelings, making her seem emotionless, cold and cut off.

Polar opposites are always 'attracted' to each other, though in different degrees, vary from individual to individual. To make a partnership work in the long run, it is essential to incorporate the qualities of one's opposite sign. This is not to say that the Capricorn must mate with a Water sign but they are particularly good for the Capricorn woman's soul as well.

Do women think logically?

Most women are slaves to their emotions. They are capable of logic, but most of the time completely ignore it.

What are things women find logical that men don't or vice versa?

Two possibilities.Because of different roles and choices women and men have different experiences. Therefore they would start reasoning with different assumptions. Based on the assumptions you make you can arrive at a conclusion or not.Also when you start with the same assumptions and reason your way to a conclusion what you find might agree with your experiences or not causing you to reject something as unlogical even though you arrived at it through logic.But most of the examples I could come up with just have to do with different domains of life.I know a man that is quite familiar with not pointing out a wrong decision of his boss while being quite happy to tell a friend that their new hairstyle is ridiculous.So in one domain a person might find it logical to not tell others something bad even when it's honest and might help that person to improve and in another domain they do not.I think a lot of cases where somebody of some gender would  not deem something logical the solution would be to prompt them to look at the same situation in another context.

Do women respond to their emotions more so than logic?

Yes. Women and men are alike in that way.In human beings, the emotional centers of the brain are the first to engage in reaction to a stimulus. The logic center kicks in a good bit after, and names and explains what has happened, and why.Basically, we (meaning all human beings) tell ourselves stories to make sense of our experiences and our more instinctive reactions to them. This is referred to as rationalization, where the brain reorganizes information in order to create a more consistent narrative. This is advantageous, in that it helps us to create and develop a stable sense of self: i.e., I am this type of person, and that's why I reacted in that way. The ability to create a personal narrative, a story of who and what we are, is what makes us human.Of course, rationalization has its downsides. When we use logic to explain or justify our behavior, we can easily fall into self-deception. This is a common reaction to cognitive dissonance. If I behaved in a manner that is inconsistent with the story of who I am, then I have to either change my understanding of who I am, or create a rationalization for my inconsistent behavior. Unfortunately, because it is easier to rationalize our behavior than to adjust our self-identity, it is common to blame circumstances or other people for what we did. Taken to an extreme, it's easy to become one of those people who forgets that other people also construct their own narratives, and who blames others for not buying in to your own narrative. You may even buy into the ridiculous notion that women are inherently more emotional than men, because it's easier than recognizing your own emotionality.Socially speaking, women seem to have a bit of an edge here, because we are typically not brought up to suppress our emotions in the way men are. Women generally develop a greater vocabulary for naming our emotions, and we tend not to create self narratives which characterize ourselves as unemotional. Unfortunately for men, the overwhelming social structure often encourages them to deny their own emotionality, which makes it more difficult for them to integrate their emotional responses into a consistent self-identity.

Do men tend to be more logical and women more emotional?

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.I’ll be speaking on adult males and adult females. Adult males brains are 10% larger on average. But this doesn’t illustrate superiority in any article I’ve read. IQ tests have shown that men and women’s intellect measure up to be about the same.On average, men and women’s brains are quite similar. Men have a larger amygdala, the area associated with emotions. The left hippocampus, responsible for memory formation, is also typically larger.Everything else that I’ve read states that there is no one type of male brain or one type of female brain. However, men and women’s brain’s do differ in circuitry.Men have more connections moving from the front to the back of the brain which provides stronger ability to perceive what’s going on in their environment, and in turn, have a better ability to alter said reality (Hand-eye coordination).Women have more connections moving left to right which provides them with a stronger ability to pull information for drawing conclusions. Women tend to have more grey matter particular to the hippocampus in the brain which is responsible for the formation of memories. This is also the area that is responsible for attention, social cognition, and empathy. Women are able to understand and respond to the emotions of other much more quickly.So…Women perform better at “bigger picture” & situational thinking while men do better on more specific spatial thinkingMen tend to be better at learning and performing a single task, like cycling or navigating, and women are better at juggling different tasks at once.Women are usually more empathic and comprehensive in thinking, while men focus on exact issues and disregard impertinent information. Men have a difficult time understanding emotions not explicitly verbalized but can think more logically, while women have a more wholesome view of thinking & understanding but their emotions can sometimes influence decisions.A brain area called the “Inferior-Parietal Lobule (IPL)” is normally larger in men than women. This area is thought to control mathematical processes, which explains why men typically can perform mathematical tasks better than women.Women generally have better memory than men.Men have shown to have better visual-spatial & geographic memory and thinking.You’re welcome to draw your own conclusions. Neurosciences have truly just begun to study and understand the human brain.

How logical men get along with emotional women?

I dont

As a man, from your personal experience, do you believe a woman whose operating system (psyche) is the use of logic rather then emotion makes a better life partner? In general, do you think a logical or an emotional woman enjoys sex more?

This question is based on a false premise.Research with patients who have brain injuries and cannot feel their emotions have provided scientists with profound insights about the influence of emotions on our decision-making processes.Emotions inform all of our decisions. Individuals who cannot feel their emotions cannot make the most basic of decisions.Do you want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch?No emotions? The decision becomes impossible to make.Forget about making larger decisions. Without emotions, nothing happens.As far as sex, answer it yourself. What is more arousing? Thinking of how it feels to have sex or thinking clinically about what the various parts do while someone is having sex?Now, if you’re being a shitty spouse, an emotional spouse won’t want to have sex but that’s a reflection about the relationship—not how much they enjoy sex. It’s also easily fixed.The concept of a rational human brain is an oxymoron.™If in doubt, read up on confabulations and cognitive biases.

Why is it that women resort to personal ATTACKS when they can't win an argument?

as chris rock said, men will never win in an argument with a women because men have a desire to 'make sense'. women just wanna see how long it'll take to break you.

What is the logic behind women not touching pickles during periods?

Here, “not touching” means “not eating”. Pickles (other than the sweet variety) have a high concentration of common salt. Intake of common salt is known to cause water retention in the body.During periods, most of the women experience uncomfortable bloating. If they eat pickles during this time, their condition will worsen. That’s why they are advised to “Not touch the pickle”.