In Your Words Define This Style

How do you define the style of a poem?

The "style" of a poem isn't like the definition of a word. If you say "I think a sunset is defined by the sun going below the horizon" and I say "I think a sunset is a vegetable," one of us is clearly wrong. But if you say "I think this Sylvia Plath poem's style is energetic and commanding," and I say "I think it's actually quite mopey," then, as long as both of us can point to the poem and show how and where we came to our conclusions, neither of us are really wrong. The style of a poem is made up, at its most basic level, of the elements you would need to include in order to write an imitation or a parody of it. With that being said, here are some elements of style to consider when you're thinking about the overall "style" of a poem:-Speaker (who's speaking in the poem? Who are they speaking to?)-Tone (what emotions does the speaker seem to be communicating? how are they communicating them?)-Word choice (does the poem use casual words like what you might hear in conversation, or does it sound more formal?)-Patterns (poems can have many different patterns, including rhyme, form, repeating words, stanzas of a particular length, etc.-- basically anything that stands out to you that repeats)-Subject matter (what's the poem about? Think about the plot of the poem. If you were filming it, what would you show?)There are many more things to consider if you want to delve deeply into reading poems, but these are a good start.

In your own words define Evil...?

Evil: When people insist on pigeon holing, categorising, labelling, dividing and defining.

We divide the world into us and them, numbers and words, religion and science, men and women, black and white, African and European, right and wrong, Evil and Good, dogs and cats.

We define our selves and our roots as if this is what matters most.
And in doing so we define every one else. Us: pure, good, righteous chosen. Everyone else: Tainted, untouchable, unforgiven, fallen, cast out out and ultimately, Evil.

We answer bigotry with hate and violence with annihilation. We spit words like 'A tooth for a tooth. An eye for an eye', even as we proselytise 'Love thy neighbour'.

This leads to jewish families in concentration camps, whole races nearly wiped out by the likes of Mugabe, Caste system in India and acres of rubble, where homes with families and schools full of children once stood in Gaza.

We lay claims we do not have and lay waste what we have no right.

Edit: RE Athren's edit ;-)
- I think that 'we' is about as inclusive as a person can be.

In your own words, how do you define life?

The first thing I thought was that I would be moving because I am sitting in my room, and I am the only thing among the mechanical objects that is moving at this moment.

I think the only thing that I would notice, and it would not be immediately apparent, is the ability to feel pain. Or to feel anything. The fact that human life is sentient. There can be a myriad of scenarios that could put language or the fact that the human and I look similar out of the water. But if I had to demarcate humans between other moving things like a robot, that is what it would be.

How do you define the words "fashion" and "style"? Do you think of them as the same or different?

Style and fashion are definitely had different meaning and context. Fashion is a trend, what everyone follows, it is changed by decade, year, season, even by weeks. Fashion is not constant. On contradictory, Style is personal, whatever you wear with confidence that will become the style statement of yours.Fashions fade, style is eternal

How would you describe your art style in one word?

PosterizedAt least that’s how I paint in oils (note 1). I break it down to shapes and colours. I have done it this way since my teen years. Back then (note 2) I would put a sheet of clear film over the picture I wanted to paint (mostly these were portraits) and I would trace around each area that I perceived to be the same colour. Then I’d trace those areas onto the canvas, and mix up the colours and paint them in. After all the areas were painted, I’d blend. Blend the face areas to soften it, blend the hair, blend the background, etc. The final piece still looks somewhat posterized, but not entirely.Note 1: I also paint in acrylics and underglazes on ceramic. My style here really depends on the piece.Note 2: Now I use a computer to posterize, although it is not nearly as simple as what photoshop would have you believe. I don’t actually use the posterize filter. I like decide what colours I want to use, and to what detail level I go. In fact, even using a computer, it takes me just as long as my old method, to get a result that I am happy with. I like my art the way I want it to look, not the way photoshop would have it look.

Photographers - if you had only one word to define your style what would it be?


Define beauty and define ugly in your own words?

beauty is someone who is comfortable and confident in his/her skin
ugly is someone who is insecure and feels they have to cake on makeup, stuff their bra, wear slutty clothes, etc, to feel okay.

In your own words define culture?

culture is...
defined through the actions that bring people together (within a family, local community, global) , express our unity through arts, political ideas, education, law, sports, etc. anything that is built on a foundation of common interests and pursue a growth in social advancement (web of cultures are created--culture within cultures connected through similar ideas and goals)

how about answering my Q pls

Define prejudice, in your own words?

It is when you have shaped an opinion about something that you have not experience for yourself but basing your thoughts and perception on what you have heard from others or have created in your mind without any evidence to back it up.

Define any or all of the following in your own words:?

Existentialism - Realism

Deontology - social values rather than wealth.

Evil - bad and corrupt

Karma - actions determine fate

Ethics - Standards of conduct or moral judgement

Consequentialism - action is right or wrong according to whether it maximizes the net balance of pleasure over pain in the universe

Dogmatism - Tendency to force one's opinions on others

Egoism - self-importance, selfishness, vanity

The divine command theory - moral values are commanded by a god or gods

Altruism - unselfish devotion to others