Infamous Second Son Paper Trail What Do You Do

Infamous paper trail part 1 help?

I've got to say, I like the idea for the game, but it can just be excrutiatingly difficult. Not because I can't figure out the relatively obvious clues, but because the damn game make it impossible to get the formatting right. Anyways. I'm look through the contents of the PI's wallet. I'm currently trying to log into his account. I got the son's name easily, and I figured out the that the costume was a polar bear (couldn't get the right answer for a while because it was an awful costume). But anyways, now I can't get the "where do you park?" answer. Not because I don't know what it is, but because I don't understand how to format it. The car says Grunderman's parking Lot: 12 Section: Z. I don't know what info it wants me to put.

Is Infamous Second Son worth buying?

Great game if you love the exploration aspect. They've put a lot of work into the city so there's plenty to do and explore. It's the best looking and in my opinion best next gen game out so far. It's a must for PS4 owners imo. And also they have new missions every week with the Paper Trail missions

What is a split-second decision you made that changed your life?

I failed the last year in high school and couldn't be bothered with education anymore. I was about to take a crap low pay job with some evening studies into accounting (family didn't want me to leave school all together - this was to please them). I had only one passion - trading. My family told me I was a hopeless miserable piece of existence and they weren't surprised I failed high school.My mathematics and economics teacher told me in firm words that I was an idiot and should try high school again. She told me she will apply for me to universities in London to study mathematics.She kept her word.During my first lesson back the next year she told the entire class that “this kid - me” is going to university in London if he passes with a 85% score in maths - minimum. If he does so - she would feed the entire class with cake.I passed with a 92% score in maths. She gave everyone cake. And I was called forward during graduation.Within a few months I was in London and I finished my first semester with straight A's. I did this for the entire first, second and third year, finished as top of my class and got a job before I graduated in an American financial institution working on the structured finance department.PS - when my family knew I passed my degree with straight A's they laughed at me - and told me I was an idiot for wasting so much time at high school.There was no contact until much later when my grandfather died and they visited the funeral. When I was standing in line to shake hands - they asked me why I'm not talking to them anymore. They said - they haven't done anything wrong in their opinion. They told me they were disappointed that I didnt grow up as they hoped I would do and the lack of contact is all my fault. The last they told me was that I would regret that.. I was baffled.Since then I've never seen them again. In this split second I realised that family is just something you are born with. If it wasn't for my math and economics teacher I would have never made the career I've had now. I have worked in many countries throughout the world - traveled as risk consultant everywhere (New York and and London as base) and I've met extraordinary people all over the world before I hit the age of 30. If I would have listened to family I would have been held back all my life.

What does a narcissist feel when you've made them afraid of you?

It is not that Narcissist don’t feel fear, just the conditions in which they feel fear are different.What you are describing is called “Reactionary Abuse” - when someone treats you abusively for a while, and you react verbally or physically. Reactive Abuse - They call you abusive for reacting to their abuse • r/NarcissisticAbuseGetting you to react was the goal, as now they can play victim of the big, bad wolf.She is not afraid, that is a game. You have given her fuel, to act for a while like your victim. She will thrive on that, and make you suffer as long as possible, which gives her more fuel.Narcissists are like a Paper Tiger. They seem fierce, and confident, but will collapse in a direct confrontation and try to destroy their victims using more insidious techniques like gossip, lies, bullying….So what can you do?End the relationship, go no contact.Tell her you know what she is, in a way that gives her no fuel( grey rock technique) The Gray Rock method of dealing with psychopathsExposing a Narcissist is the only thing that will make them feel afraid, but this must be done methodologically, with cold, hard, evidence, preferably using the legal system. They are afraid of being exposed for what they really are, instead of who they pretend to be.If you just tell people who she is, realize that most people do not know how to interpret cold, hard facts, and will tend to listen to sob stories about how you victimized the narcissist, especially when included with emotional pleas, of which the Narcissist is well-versed in acting out.Time will always expose them, as they leave a trail of hurt people. So just wait and watch.Unless you are really prepared for a battle of proving who this person is(if there are legal issues this could make sense), best is just to walk away. When you see them for who they really are, it becomes boring continuing relationships of any kind with these disordered people.Don’t worry, they may seem charming, but they will continue to duplicate failed relationships of all kind - friendship, personal, business, familial, because without the ability to introspect and make amends for mistakes and misdeeds, when a relationship hits a hard place, the Narc will make it worse.Their life does not have the color that a life of a person with caring and empathy does. Best is to learn to identify these people, use the grey rock technique in all interactions, and build your life full of people that care about doing good acts and kindness.