Insecure About My Appearance

I feel ugly, and I'm insecure about my appearance, blah blah blah. Oh, and I'm a guy.?

You just got an attractive girl to admit she thinks u are hot. Normally, with me, this kind of confession wouldn't happen if this wasn't online.
I have had the same prob as u up until I moved. I decided to change myself
and pretend I had confidence and think about it everyday till it came naturally.
I had to work on it to keep from wanting to not go to school anymore.
The sad thing is, people tell me I actually am- aesthetically- extremely attractive [besides being confident], but I have only talked to one hot guy in my whole life- by chance, he hangs out with all the people who are a little bit of a freak and insecure, like me.
You are in the same boat. I actually think your pics are kind of beautiful, your face reveals an expression that is really calm, modest and peaceful. To me that's hotness in itself, the aesthetics are more like 2nd place.
Btw, I have been told that I'm "overly-wordy" my whole life. In an honors english class. (;

Im crying since im so insecure about my appearance?

I was similar, and one day my sister jokingly said, sometimes you just need to tell yourself how awesome you are. She didn't realize it, but she changed my life. So for a month every time I looked in the mirror I said, "I am awesome and beautiful" and eventually, I started to believe it. Now I just look in the mirror and love the person I am. And i was at one point incredibly self conscious.

I want you to try to just tell yourself how amazing and beautiful and great you are. Eventually, you wont have to tell yourself, you'll just know it

I'm 14 and i'm a insecure about my vagina,will the appearance of it still change or will it stay like this?

(don't send pictures to the guys -_-)
Mine is like that too, sadly it doesn't change, and my boyfriend saw mine and said it looks perfect (lol vagina romance) xD so don't worry about yours, guys like any type of vagina ... As long as there is no diseases o___o but I'm pretty sure you don't have lmao.
Best of luck ;) xooxoxoxoxooxxooxoxoxoxoxoxo gossip girl

I feel so insecure about my appearance?

I'm 13 years old and I've been stressing about this too much lately. Wherever I go, I see a lot of pretty girls with such lovely smiles and...they're just so much prettier than I am. Some people complimented me on my hair and how I am in shape ( I'm short though )...but no one ever said anything about my face, I don't blame them. I have small/chinky eyes, two sorta big front teeth, and the worst is my big nose.. it's the number one reason why I don't smile much. :( I can't find ANYTHING that I can like about my face..they're not unique nor special. Each and one of us have at least one feature that we like so that we can point it out to ourselves to feel better inside, but I don't. People always say why I don't smile but it's not like I don't want to..I do but I have to force myself not to. Today I got hit in the nose in P.E. and I can see how it looks even more deformed now. I don't think finishing puberty will ever gonna help me with anything, not even surgery ( I don't want to feel fake ) I'm so depressed I can't take these things off my mind. I don't care if guys don't like me but I just want to feel pretty. Answer me on what you think..

How can I feel more confident about my appearance? I'm tired of feeling insecure & painfully ugly all the time

Look at magazines and learn how to accessorize what you have, and how to apply makeup, take a few pages from the magazines with you to Super Cuts and have them give you a cut and style you like, Super Cuts is cheap and they do fine work. You don't have to spend money to look acceptable, you have to work with what you have, and know you're doing the best you possibly can.

How do I stop feeling self conscious about my appearance to others? How do I accept myself for who I am and be confident about it?

By deconditioning your mind.Your insecurities are fears born out of the thoughts, ideas, opinions and impressions of the people through out your life and society you grew up in.When you throw all of that away, you can begin building your own idea of who you are, based on what YOU know about yourself.Getting to know yourself starts with listening to your feelings and learning to accept them exactly as they are, never dismissing or suppressing them because they might be “negative”.All your feelings are part of you. They are neither good nor bad. They just are. When you accept them as they are; for example: you feel angry because you’re late, you then feel guilty for feeling angry, so you suppress it. Don’t. Instead; accept that you are feeling angry. Say to yourself “I am angry!” and then wait. Relax. Let it settle. You may notice that the feeling has passed now. You feel relieved.Try this with all of your feelings, whenever you can remember.Stop feeling guilty. Guilt is stupid. It is not useful and it serves no benefit whatsoever. It holds us in the past, when we cannot go there! We are here, now, so that is where you focus. Guilt is only about the past. Accept your feelings, no need to feel bad, move on.Try some meditation. Sitting in a comfortable chair, near an open window, in a quiet, naturally lit place. Practice clearing your mind by imagining your mind is a river. The thoughts flowing by, but you are not engaging them, you just observe.Next, try spending time alone or with a pet in nature. Try just being present, seeing how many things you can see, hear, feel, smell etc. Use the thought clearing method above when the thoughts intrude.

How to stop being insecure about my looks?

Ive been insecure about my looks my whole life even though everyone tells me im beautiful.i always think im fat even if my ribs would b poking out.i videotape myself so i can watch it and see how i look cuz i think the mirror makes me look insecure about my teeth even though they r boyfriend of 9 months tells me how beautiful and sexy i am but its like i dont believe it.i compare myself 2 other girls a tired of bein this way.i just wanna love my looks and accept them and b happy.i think stupid thoughts like im not pretty enuf 4 my bf and he will want someone can i stop this madness in my brain?i get hit on by guys at my work 2 and i dont think theyd hit on me if i was as ugly as i think i am right?i wanna b the one who doesnt need others 2 tell me im pretty..i wanna think and know it for moms always felt the same about herself and shes pretty so thats probably where i get it tired of letting this get me down..please help me..thanks