Insecure Of Acne . Accutane

I am so insecure because of my ACNE?

1/ Never, ever touch your face.
2/ Use 3 facecloths to wash your face, one to soap on, one to soap off with very hot water, one to rinse off with ice cold water, in that order, once a day.
3/ If you are under 18 take 5,000 IU of vitamin A once a day with a full meal
4/ If you are over 18 take 5,000 IU of vitamin A twice a day with a full meal.
Do not get pregnant while taking vitamin A. Do not take any more, like Accutane, it will stop you growing.
5/ Never, ever. pick, squeeze or pop your spot. Read number 1 again.
6/ Do this for 90 days.
7/ Invest in a brand new pillow and 2 new or more pillow cases to ‘double bag’ your pillow. HOT wash every couple of days.
A bit of advice given to me as a teenager, a bit of science as I am studying allergic reactions and vitamin A is a part of that. A bit of research: I sat in a lecture at the back and watched the acne prone pick at their faces, those with the worse acne touched their faces 32 times in an hour, the clearest complexions didn't touch their faces even once. I have circumstantial evidence that acne is the result of dermatophyte transfer from hands to face...where it does not get washed off and is well fed by hormones, sweat and oil...just a hypothesis... But it would explain why vitamin A is so effective as vitamin causes skin to remove dermatophytes.
I never have had acne, a few pimples on my left chin where I am most likely to rest my hand.
The secret is never to touch the spots

The very latest treatment is super gross, but works: August 2014, T. Borody: Faecal transfer from someone with perfect skin (and I’d guess, same gender.)

How to i stop feeling insecure because of my acne?

You must be my twin! Im just like you!
The only difference is that my zits are all over my forehead. My friends think im perfect in everyway because im tall and "beatiful" and funny, just like you. The way i bring myself up in the mornings is i take in what people say about me. They call me beatiful and thats when i feel it. On the days where i cant look in the mirror cuz its that bad i just look myself in the eyes and tell myself, "I'm Kathryn and I will go throught today feeling like Kathryn" Kind of retarded but it helps me make it throught the day.

When i have to vent i talk to my bestfriend, and what helps the most is when she tells me to shut the f#@k up. Its weird but when she tells me that i look at her and she tells me the ways im perfect, the ways im Kathryn. Sometimes you just have to tell your friends to lisson because at the end of the day they are the ones who will help you be you, zits r no zits.
Plus thats what makeup is for. i use makeup all the time and leave some compact in my locker just in case.
i hope i helped and wasnt to talky... im like that sometimes!!! :)

Should I Take Accutane?

Should I take accutane? Im 13 years old and i started getting acne when I was 11. It started off small then when i read 12 it was all over me face. And then when I reached 12.5 I had acne in my Private area, back, chest, neck even my stomach. It's not that i'm insecure its just that it hurts like hell if I touch it. I'm only on tretenoin and my dermatologist said that would be our last resort if tretenoin didn't work for me. So should I take it. And my forehead is always so oily even If I wash it, 20 minutes later it will be super oily again, just to let you know.

How is Acutane suppose to get rid of acne forever?

With individuals who wish to eliminate acne, be more careful with unidentified pills, lotions,. . .it will make situation get worse. For men and women that wish to get rid of acne fast without pills, lotions,. .and you merely need 30 minutes per day to remove EVERY symptom of acne you might have that works immediately. You ought to try Imodstyle Rid Acne Quickly (please research on google, I do not remember the link). I have got good results using it. Within a week following that method all my family and friends noticed a huge change. Two months later, and without spending obscene amounts on all sorts of chemicals and creams, all of the little cysts and bumps under the skin, as well as the evil pimples I once had were gone.

Parents won’t let me go on accutane?

i’m currently 16 and since 5TH GRADE i have always had the worst acne of my grade. i’ve struggled with depression and eating disorders and self harm for a long time and always had a really bad self image. about a two years ago I started taking oral meds such as minocycline and I’m on doxycycline right now. (I had to stop taking minocycline because it has a dye in it that will turn my skin blue). anyways with both meds my skin got really good and clear then progressively got worse. My dermo keeps saying that we really need to get me on acctane bc i’ve probably built up an immunity to the antibiotics and we’ve tried everything else but my parents won’t let me because of the birth control I have to go on if I go on accutane. I have a bf and the idea of going on bc while i have a boyfriend “makes them uncomfortable”. I keep crying because I hate my skin so much and now may be able to have good skin forever and they won’t even go on it. My dad is in denial saying “your skin is normal” and “i had it worse when I was 16 you can live with it” but I hate it it’s not normal and everyone in my grade has relatively clear skin. my best friend and boyfriend and two other friends all went on accutane and their acne was cured. just help me i can’t deal with my skin like this anymore I cry almost every night

I'm insecure about my acne. What can I do to make it less noticeable?

I got acne at the age of 16 and I still battle with it to this day.  I finally went to the dermatologist and am getting treatment for it now which has been a relief. What helps to know is that Acne is something most people go through. I know it seems like you have it worse than others but you are not alone. What I did to help was: I wore tinted moisturizers which neutralized my skin tone and made it appear more even and reduced the visibility of scars. The next thing is to make an appointment with your dermatologist who will prescribe you tretinoin which is a topical treatment for acne much much more effective than anything available over the counter. What also helped was to see that I wasn't alone in this battle, and as you will see in the video below, this girl has severe acne and she is so incredibly positive about herself it is very uplifting to see. I recommend you check out her channel because she shares a lot of videos about how to be confident in your own skin!"Before & After Accutane SEVERE Acne Progress Video [Shitty Quality]" There is another youtuber named ElaineMokk who has some great videos as well.

Why am I insecure about my skin ?

If you are younger and in your teen years, let me assure you it is very common. It will go with time. No body is perfect, maybe the girls you see that have no acne on their skin have other flaws that they hide. Don’t feel let down by this. You on the other hand should realise that this at the end of the day doesn’t really matter. I know you may get a lot of answers saying it doesn’t really matter, it’s true. It doesn’t.A man worth your time will love you for who you are and see you through your flaws, he will happily acknowledge that there are imperfections but still want no one else other than you.You really don’t need 10 random strangers tell you about your flaws, their opinions shouldn’t bother you because they just want to let you down in some way or another. Don’t listen to them. Be confident because you ARE BEAUTIFUL , just the way you are. Your CONFIDENCE is beautiful, your COURAGE for posting this question is beautiful and the very fact that YOU ACCEPTED your flaw is beautiful. :)

Accutane Users, advice please?

I experienced nothing major - things that went away or were tolerable. I had extremely dry skin. To help that issue, I used Oil of Olay Sensitive Face Lotion, I was able to apply quite a bit without feeling sticky and it didn't irritate my skin (I still use the stuff). I also had to constantly apply lip chap (I used blistex, the stuff in the white tube...) and that seemed to help. I found that putting Vaseline on my lips overnight was helpful also. Everytime I got out of the shower, I would apply a layer of lotion all over to help with the dryness (I HATE having dry skin, lol)!

Another thing, I started having irregular periods after about a month on it. I would sometimes get spotting and sometimes I wouldn't even get my period. After being off of it, my period is back to normal.

I hated the blood tests (I am scared of needles) but for what I got in return--it was well worth the I have almost flawless skin (an occasional zit, with no scarring) and I feel like I'm normal again. I constantly felt insecure and didn't even want to go to school on bad days because I felt too ugly. Acne seriously sucks and this stuff changed my life.

You might experience depression - I did because I already suffer from depression but its not so bad. Just make sure you have a friend, family members, or someone reliable you can talk to in case you feel sad when taking it. Also, the first couple months (for me it was about 6 weeks), you might notice your acne appears worse after starting to take accutane. This is apparently common and even though you might feel like crap and think the stuff is not working, it is. I suppose its just your skins' way of clearing out the pores.

How do models get Accutane Prescribed?

I have heard that many models use Accutane for acne. But sometimes models don't even have bad acne to begin with, they just have a few pimples here and there and maybe some blackheads..! But what they really want is flawless skin. How do they get dermatologists to prescribe Accutane for them? I personally want to use accutane very much, eventhough I only have a couple of pimples on my face, I've tried everyrthing but nothing works, I want to have VERY clear skin, not just "ok" skin. Can it still be ok for me to use accutane? I am aware of the side affects so please don't go on explaining why I shouldn't use it simply because of the side affects...what are some other reasons?? Thank you soo much!