Inter Agency Chat Group With Document Upload.

Complete the sentences using the word given.Do not change the word.?

Please help me with these:
1."I wish you had asked me if you could use my computer"Mark said to Allen
Mark criticised Allen for having....................him.(the word that must be used here is WITHOUT.)
2."Shall I help you file these documents?Lyn said to me"
Lyn..................................the documents. (the word that must be used here is OFFERED)

3.It is important that we reach Milan tomorrow morning.
We really.............................tomor... morning. (the word that must be used here is ARRIVE.)

4."You stole my idea for the project,Liz"said Sarah.
Sarah.............................idea for the project. (the word that must be used here is ACCUSED.)
Thank you!!!>:D<

What is a typical day in the life of an FBI Special Agent?

One of the great things about being an FBI agent is that there really isn’t a typical, predictable, routine and every day can turn into an adventure. However, an average day starts early with an agent climbing into her/his Bureau car and heading to the office or straight to “cover a lead” in some part of his territory. Sometimes an agent will need to report directly to a crime scene or to a designated staging area where a team of agents is planning to make an early morning arrest. At the office, the agent will need to use his office electronic access system to be allowed through gates, garages, and doors. This might even involve biometric access. Once in his squad area he’ll check emails, learn if any other agents in the office need assistance with an interview, or executing search or arrest warrants, and if not, he’ll pursue progress on his own assigned investigations. This could mean developing an informant to assist his case, meeting with informants, conducting interviews of witnesses, victims, or others who might be helpful in resolving his case. An agent will likely work on more than one of his assigned cases during the course of a day. He might meet with an Assistant US attorney assigned to prosecute the agent’s cases, or he’ll meet with local police or other federal agents to work together on his case, especially if he’s assigned to a task force. At some point in the day, most agent’s will try to get some exercise, often in a gym within the office, and they are allowed an hour of fitness in order to stay in shape. The day will be long and an agent’s paycheck automatically reflects the reality that he will work a minimum of a ten hour day. Congress established this pay agreement many decades ago upon realizing that paying actual overtime to an FBI agent would “break the bank” because surveillance, bank robbery or kidnap response, terrorism and espionage cases simply don’t stop because it’s 5pm or it’s a weekend or holiday. I hope this helps.