Intermittent Fasting Results

Intermittent fasting?

If anything, intermittent fasting would slow your metabolism down. Because you'd go long periods of time, your body would go into starvation mode. That will tell your body to absorb and store any and all fats, causing you to gain weight.
800 Calories a day is NOT enough, especially if you are still growing. The ideal is 2,000 a day- you are not taking in half as many as you need.
If you gained 6 lbs and didn't notice it- why let it bother you? You are by no means overweight.
If you are truly worried about your weight, talk to your doctor. He went to med school to know about these things- he can tell you the best diet and exercise regimen for your body and lifestyle.
Like I said, your weight is quite healthy. Losing weight is not what you should worry about. Focus on loving your body- how can you not when you think about all the processes going on in your body every moment of every day?

Intermittent Fasting (IF) Results?

This is a definition of calorie banking. Denying calories for a few days then going back to a normal diet. The claim is that it "confuses" your metabolism and causes it to increase.
Juices in particular cause insulin spikes since they absorbed faster than solid foods. Additional insulin is reported to stimulate appetite so that is contrary to what you are trying to accomplish.
A complete diet of fresh whole foods combined with moderate exercise is what works best to lose weight, gain weight, and build lean muscle tissue.
Are the youtube videos trying to sell you a product or plan?

How can I speed up results with intermittent fasting?

The main reason that intermittent fasting works for weight loss, is that it helps you eat fewer calories. All of the different protocols involve skipping meals during the fasting periods. ... In this review, intermittent fasting was found to reduce body weight by 3-8% over a period of 3-24 weeks (2).Here are some popular ways to do intermittent fasting Results speed up.The 16/8 Method: Fast for 16 hours each day. ...The 5:2 Diet: Fast for 2 days per week. ...Eat-Stop-Eat: Do a 24-hour fast, once or twice a week. ...Alternate-Day Fasting: Fast every other day. ...The Warrior Diet: Fast during the day, eat a huge meal at night.

How long does it take to see results from intermittent fasting?

Dr. Satchin Panda recommends 12 weeks to see results from time restricted feeding. He is very strict though and says only water - no food, coffee, etc - during fasting time.Due to work and scheduling issues, I’m not always reaching my goal of 16 hours fasting and 8 hour eating. On average, I am closer to his minimum threshold to see results, which is about 12–14 hours water only fasting. I break my fast around that time with a bullet-proof coffee (coffee + butter + MCT oil) to help me wake up and reduce hunger. On most days, that’s enough to get me through to my 16 hour goal before eating any food that will affect insulin or raise blood sugar.I didn’t see any difference for the first month, but I was already following a low carb diet and often skip breakfast, so that may mean this wasn’t a huge difference. After about 6 weeks though, I noticed that my morning blood glucose readings are going down and my fasting glucose levels are lower than ever. I’m diabetic, so my primary benchmark is how is this affecting my blood sugar. I used to have morning readings in the 130’s and now I frequently see 110’s - even with following a low carb diet. Now, I’m even seeing fasting blood glucose levels a few times each week that are <100 mg/dL!!I hope with more time, this (combined with low carb eating) will help me get down to normal glucose readings and get off my current diabetic medications.

Intermittent fasting 16:8?

So I’m on a journey to lose weight and I’ve come across intermittent fasting and have heard great things about it. I believe the 16:8 method would be the best for me but most people skip breakfast and eat lunch and dinner with this method. I personally would prefer to eat breakfast and lunch then skip breakfast. Would it still be “okay?” Thanks


been intermittent fasting for a week now , i'm following the 16:8 one . i drink black coffee while fasting and eat very little , for example : at 12 pm 2 pieces of meat and maybe some vegetables raw or steamed . at 6 i eat again another meal of vegetables and then start fasting again at 8 pm .
i go to the gym , i only use the treadmill , cycling and aerobics .
i didn't lose anything :/ however when i used to follow any ordinary diet i tended to lose 1-2 kgs in the first week . is that normal ? should i wait for results for maybe a month ?
why am i intermittent fasting then? it's because i get stuck at 68 kgs and never break it , so i am trying IF.
i am 21 , 70 kg , 162 cms.

How long does intermittent fasting take to see results?

i wanna try IF but I have a few questions? long will it take to see results?
2 can I still eat desserts?
3. Can I eat brown rice?
Any other advice or guidance would be appreciated

Is intermittent fasting really effective? When do you start seeing the results after doing intermittent fasting everyday?

When I started sticking to it nearly a year ago results started to show within two weeks. I had better ability to resist sugar. My waist decrease as did the size of my stomach. Most days when I worked out I felt more energised. Sleep came easily and I slept through the night, every night. Foods started tasting differently, more intense. People think, and I also did, that vegetables are bland. This went away within two weeks after daily fasting. Anything with added sugar was suddenly too sweet.It was easier to stop eating after reaching satiation. Focus improved. For some reason salt intake was higher, that it was one flavour that was different. Before fasting daily I hardly added salt, after I added more salt. Other people did not find the salt added to be too much, just that I required a more intense taste of it than before. Perhaps all the sugar from before made salt seem more intense than it was.I started to smell different. So said my girlfriend. I never digged deeper to find out what she meant. But, I did quickly realise that my dirty clothes were muskier. At first I thought that had to do with my intensified sense of smell, maybe it was increased testosterone as people said. My favourite was the clearer, smoother skin. It could have been the water intake, the higher incidence of fruit and vegetable consumption, the improved rest, or a combination of all these.

When will I see weight loss results from intermittent fasting?

Depends on what you’re doing when youre not fasting. If youre eating below maintenance calories then I would say in a matter of a week you should start seeing some movement —but everyone is different, always bear that in mind.And it depends on your fasting split. Its recommended to start off with 14/10 (14 hour fast, 10 hour feeding window), but the longer you fast the better and faster the results. So i would say start with 16/10 split and move up as soon as you can to 18/6 and so on.Also, if you work out while in a fasted state results will be even more rapid.