Interview Q.a. What Is Your Weakness And How Would U Solve Of This

Asking the "What is your weakness" in job interviews?

Be honest. The question is not designed to assess your ability to perform the job, but to gauge your level of self-awareness (ie emotional intelligence).

Whatever you do, do not give a trite answer that can be turned into a good quality, like: "I'm too conscientious", or "I'm too much of a perfectionist,". No prospective employer will buy that.

While you shouldn't use egregiously bad answers like: "I'm lazy", or "I like to drink vodka at lunch," you would benefit from an honest self-examination to identify your genuine weaknesses. Then, offer honest solutions to how you are aware of your weakness and addressing it.

I guarantee an employer will appreciate you being honest (with yourself and them) rather than giving some trite answer that you think they want to hear.

How do I answer in an interview when asked "what is your weakness"?

Do not try to be Mr. Ideal man. Every one has a weakness. Choose wisely from your weaknesses and state them clearly.Avoid using the famous: "I am perfectionist. I don't rest until I see the perfect output!" This is not a weakness. It's a bloody quality every company desires.The weakness should still persist. Do not say, "I used to be a procrastinator"  "I lacked confidence". So, these are not your weaknesses anymore and the question still remains: "What are your weaknesses?"Also make sure to pick weaknesses which won't affect your candidature. Do not say, "I cannot start my day without watching porn for 2 hours" or "I am an alcoholic and can't survive a day without alcohol!!" You could state something like this:"I tend to overthink on problems. This leads to wastage of time in cases when I reach the same solution as I had before""I am working on my patience level. I get bored easily.""I am a bit short tempered, specially if someone talks to me indecently""I am not a good conversation starter.""I am a glutton. I love to eat junk food. Though I know it adversely affects my health""I lack confidence."If the interviewer asks, "What are you doing to overcome these?", following could be your answers (for each of above weaknesses respectively) :As soon as I realize that I have devoted enough time to the problem and come up with the best solution I can, I move on and look into other problems. I would say, I have overcomed it 80%.I look forward to the outputs of the work I am doing. I keep myself engaged. If I am very bored, I take a 10minutes break to refresh myself and then resume my work.ORI work in intervals i.e. I work for 2-3 hours at a stretch and then take a 10-15 minutes break to rejuvenate myself.I am learning anger management techniques like counting in reverse, or not speaking whenever I am angry.I am learning new facts which could act as good conversation starters. I spend more time in socializing so as to learn how to start a conversation.I have set a maximum limit to the amount I would spend on junk food. I am trying to strictly adhere to it.I encourage myself from my previous achievements whenever I feel low.

What is Your Greatest Weakness? Typical job interview question?

Here's how to answer this question: Be honest and NO BS-ing!

What an interviewer wants to see is that you can honestly evaluate yourself AND that you have an action plan to fix the problem. Being honest isn't going to make you look bad- this question tests honesty, selfawareness and problem solving- it's not really about your weaknesses!

I think that you can use that answer, but you need to phrase it differently. "When I first started working as a sales rep at Widgets Inc, I was often approached by my colleagues about taking on additional projects and advice for thier projects. I am a team player, so I would say yes, but in the end, I would have to many things going on to give adequate amount of attention to each of them. Since then, I've learned to better prioritize my work and rely on other resources when I need to. Recently I have developed an action plan to enable me to....."

Some other good ones are:
-For a job that doesn't require you to make presentations, say that you aren't good at PowerPoint, but you've recently taken a class at your community college so that you can get better
-I even heard from a guy who was trying to run a marathon- he talked about his struggles training for a marathon. It really let me know that this guy was a real person with goals.

If someone ever gives me a dishonest answer like "I work too hard" or "I am a perfectionist"- I usually don't pick them because I know they are overembellishing/BSing me. When I see that someone is truely in tune with themselves, I respect that a lot more.

Teachers Aide Interview Questions??

1. I want to work with kids because I enjoy the learning process. I find it personally rewarding to play a pivitol role in helping kids get to that next level of understanding. I also enjoy the challenge of meeting the needs of students who have different learning styles.

2. I would intervene and explain how the behavior is inappropriate or unacceptable and use the classroom rules to reinforce the proper behavior we use in the classroom when dealing with other students. I would model this behavior and ask the students to provide examples of this to further reinforce the appropriate behavior. If it happened again, I would talk to the students privately to probe deeper into the problem and find a solution. If the problem persisted I would follow the teacher/school discipline guidelines. - it could be written warnings, a letter home to parents, a parent conference, etc.

3. Good strengths to have for people in education: strong interpersonal skills, patience, flexibility, determination, etc.
Weaknesses: Be honest with two weaknesses. The key is to show how you have improved on these weaknesses with short examples. Turn the weakness into something favorable.

4. You have to choose qualities which honestly describe you. Pick ones that play up your strengths and are beneficial to a positive learning environment. For example, being outgoing, creative, caring, focused, etc.

5. Learn to write a lesson plan and bring two grade-specific examples to your interview that you can hand over to them. Even if they don't ask this question. It is also a great thing to show them these examples with they pop questions like "why should we hire you" or "why would you be good for this position" etc. For example, "I'm glad you asked that. I have a passion for learning and would love to teach. I have a couple of lesson plans that I created (hand them over) and hope to share with students at some point. I think these would be great lessons because......"

How would you answer the interview question 'what is your aim in life'?

I don't know whether it's the right answer or not, but i can't pretend that I have big aims n all. So, I would say what I am.I don't plan anything in life. Therefore I don't have any aim. But yes, like many, I have dreams, which I want to live in my life & for that I will earn money so that I can contribute to my dream. But also, I will not work just because I have dream & I need to earn money to get there. But I want to do a work, which I can enjoy. I would not feel like "o, another day I have to go to office." No. infact I wanna say, "yes, today is my office day." When I started to find jobs, I didn't plan that i would come to you for interview. It's that I like the job profile, that's why i came here. That's the job I want to do. Simple.