Ipecac Can It Be Used For Dogs That Have Eaten Chocolate

I accidentally dropped a chocolate chip on the floor and my dog ate it. Will she die?

One day I came home from work and, without changing clothes or anything, I got on the computer to pay some bills. I had my purse on the floor as I paid bills. After about 10 minutes I noticed our 1 pound ferrets in my purse with her butt sticking up in the air. Several minutes later I noticed she was still there. Finally I pulled her out by her butt and she looked at me and was licking her lips. I dug around and found a candy bar in my purse I had forgotten was there. If it doesn’t kill a one pound ferret, I don’t think it would kill a bigger dog. Oh, don’t feed them grapes either. I had a dog who loved grapes (the food that would roll away) and that causes kidney disease.

Is it true that chocolate can make dogs blind?

Chocolate can cause hyperactivity, kidney damage, irregular and increased heart rate, muscle tremors, vomiting and diarrhoea, it can cause the dog to pass large amounts of urine and be excessively thirsty, if eaten in large amounts it can kill, but it is rare that this happens, but l have never heard of it causing blindness or damaging their eyesight in anyway.

How do you treat a dog if it ate a box of chocolates?

First off, if you suspect your dog has ingested chocolate, call your vet or pet poison control immediately!A chemical called theobromine found in cocoa which has very similar properties as caffeine is what causes chocolate to be poisonous to dogs. Humans have a larger tolerance for theobromine than dogs do. The darker and more bitter the chocolate is, the more theobromine it most likely contains. That being said, even as little as 15 ounces of “dilute” milk chocolate can cause severe problems or even be fatal to a 15 or 20 pound dog.Theobromine is a methylxanthine. Derivatives of methylxanthine, such as theophylline, have been used for the treatment of asthma and for increasing alertness for a long time now. These medications also have a considerable amount of side effects. In high doses, there is an increase in heart rate, tremors, nausea, gastrointestinal disturbance, and convulsions. For dogs, the dose that produces these side effects is a lot lower than the dose used by humans. These methylxanthines are found in coffee, guarana, Kola, tea, and chocolate. Dogs metabolize methylxanthines much, much more slowly than humans do which results in accumulation. Drug accumulation is a sure way to push the therapeutic level into the toxicity level.If a pet is known to have ingested chocolate, one can induce vomiting to prevent absorption if done within a few hours of ingestion. Depending upon the size of the dog, anywhere between a teaspoon and a few tablespoons of over-the-counter hydrogen peroxide can induce vomiting of the ingested chocolate. If unsuccessful, most veterinarians have access to ipecac which can also induce vomiting, as well as providing supportive care such as the administration of activated charcoal to prevent further chocolate absorption, as well as supportive IV fluids to minimize any dehydration from vomiting or diarrhea.

My dog ate some chocolate frosting what should i do?

Call your vet.
Depending on how highly concentrated the chocolate was in the frosting, he could get very very ill. If it was dark/black chocolate you've got a serious problem.
If you can't get hold of a vet, you need to make the dog sick. If you have ipecac in your house that's your best bet. After s/he's been sick, s/he will be very dehydrated so make sure you give the dog plenty of fluids.

3 year old dog ate half a pan of double chocolate brownies? Urgent!?

give it several tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide (best to use a syringe or a dropper) this will make the dog vomit and at that time you will be able to see if it vomits up the brownies. then i would try to get it to the vet ... or at least keep a close eye on the dog and look for signs of the dog being lethargic or not feeling well

My Shih Tsu has eaten nearly a whole CHOCOLATE ORANGE?? HELP.!?

You have to induce vomiting right away, won't do any good now, just make the dog sicker.

Possible that nothing more than some diarrhea will happen, or he'll vomit eventually on his own, that's not very dense choclate, the danger is more in dark or baker's chocolate.

If your dog starts getting very hyper or seems to be in respiratory distress, get him to an emergency clinic. That's a lot of chocolate for a small dog (unless you have a big shih tzu,you don't give the weight), but it's relatively low density chocolate, so not necessarily going to affect your dog much.

My chihuahua ate Dove Dark Chocolate! What should I do?

My mom had some chocolate by her TV. My dog jumped on a pillow and ate almost half of them. It was dark chocolate, so she will be ok, right? She is just a puppy and she loves sweets even though she shouldn't. This isn't her first time eating chocolate, but this time she at more than last time.

What is the least amount of IPECAC syrup one can use to make someone vomit?

Sounds like you are up to no good.

Remember this is not only potentially dangerous it is illegal.

There have been a few news stories recently about kids getting arrested for putting things in food and drinks of others, there were some ex-lax brownies, and some Febreeze in a drink, urine in coffee.

All involved were identified and arrested!

Many times such acts are felonies!

Jail or prison is not funny!

Is it true that chocolate is toxic to most of animals in the world?

We have only information on 6 species. The LD50 (dose at which 50% of the subjects die) for theobromine (the toxic component in chocolate) is about 1000 mg/kg body mass in humans. It is 200 mg/kg in cats, 300 mg/kg in dogs, 837 mg/kg in mice, and 1265 mg/kg in rats.There's 200 mg - 700 mg of theobromine per 100g of chocolate (depending on the percentage of cocoa and the source of the cocoa), so 60 kg (132 lb) woman would need to eat 8.6 kg (about 19 lb) of baking chocolate to reach that dose -- very difficult to do. A 20 kg (44 lb) dog, however, would need to eat only 0.85 kg (about 1.9 lb) of baking chocolate to reach the same level of toxicity -- well within the realm of possibility.It's toxic to all six mammal species we have data one, but the degree of toxicity varies widely, and the likelihood that anything but a dog could consume a lethal (or even harmful dose), is pretty low. That said, you probably wouldn't want to feed chocolate to any animal.Further, chocolate is hardly the most harmful human food. For example, various types of lilies are highly toxic and eaten by cats. For certain dogs, grapes and raisins are extremely toxic (we still don't know why), as are macadamia nuts. Dogs will develop intestinal yeast infections if they eat raw bread dough. Hops will cause a deadly fever in dogs. For many mammals, including dogs, avocados are toxic as are onions and garlic (which cause acute anemia).