Iran Elects A New Moderate Reformist President And The Citizens Are Celebrating In The Streets

Who should be the new president of the USA and why?

The perfect answer to this question would transcend the mundane alternatives presented to us by current politics to describe the abstract ideal of a chief executive. Then we can resign ourselves to the best of the imperfect mortals at out disposal, relative to this ideal.The Platonic president should:Be charismatic, even populist, so as to win elections both for themselves and their party, as well as to sell their agenda to the public.Be shrewd in dealing with Congress, so as to subvert partisan obstruction to pass their agenda.Have a broad education, not necessarily formal, in the sciences (all of them), economics (game theory as well as business and finance), information (computers and internet stuff), and history (foreign and domestic), so as to intelligently formulate policies, incentives, negotiations, etc., or at least to know a good one when they see it.Know the value of delegating responsibility.Be ideologically consistent but pragmatic rather than dogmatic.Know how to use the states to get nationwide programs done, appeasing both liberals and conservatives.Be able to sincerely profess respect for pretty much every religion without threatening any of them.Have a long-term vision for the US economy with more ambition than “service jobs”.Have a long-term vision for defense beyond expanding the military.That sounds like a center-liberal wishlist, but I do think a conservative could fit it, though these days… probably not a Republican.