Is 1400 Calories A Day Enough

Is 1400-1600 calories enough for me?

I am a 16 year old male who is 6 ft tall and used to weigh 254 lbs a week ago. Now I weigh 245. I have upped my water intake by a lot. Which I think explains my huge weight loss in a week due to loss of water weight. Anyways I am on a diet which includes around 1500 calories a day. My question is if that is enough? I have started eating healthier in general, and started counting my calories with Myfitnesspal. So anyways I sort of feel like this might not be enough. It is the first week of my new diet/calorie deficit and I have felt fatigue and have been a bit tired, but that could be due to the fact i wake up early for school each morning. Anyways any suggestions/feedback?

Is 1400 calories a day too much?

hi! im 15 years old. and im trying to just maintain my weight right now. im 5'9 and weigh 111 or 110 pounds. i just really dont want to gain any weight. i exercised today for 30 minutes on the treadmill and did around 45 minutes of pilates. will i gain weight? is this too many calories? thanks and God bless!

Is 1400 calories enough a day for a teen girl?

Common mistake of going on a low calorie diet is doing so and think you can exercise to burn off extra. Sure, you can do that, but your body doesn't receive proper nourishment. Someone like you should be getting in at least 1500 calories to sustain normal metabolic function and energy demands. Good choice on the nutrition though. It's important to know that quality of the food should be prioritized over the quantity of food. It all depends on your goal. If you are trying to exercise and get in shape, you'll need more. When you exercise, carbs and protein over fats (but some are definitely beneficial) should make up the majority of your calorie intake. Check some stuff out online.

Is 1000 to 1400 calories enough for a 13 year old girl?

The minimum amount of calories needed to properly sustain a sedentary (meaning they barely move) individual PER DAY is 1200. I can assume that you probably move, so you probably need more!

If you work out or clean/walk around school/work fairly often, I'd recommend taking in more calories to fuel these activities, otherwise you will end up feeling weak (you're 13, you don't want to feel old, do you?)

Calories provide your body with the energy it needs to function properly and healthily. Calories should not equal candy and junk food! I would recommend eating less processed foods, such as fresh veggies and fruits with lean meats. These foods fill your stomach and leave you feeling full and satisfied and you are welcome to eat plenty of them!

Is 1400 calories a day too many calories for a non active, 19 year old, 5 ft 2 in female?

It's extremely unlikely that this is too much. I estimated your weight at 100 pounds and used this BMR Calculator to come up with a basal metabolic rate of about 1,300 calories per day. That's the rate your body would use if you never got out of bed or moved around at all. So you are close to the minimum calories you need just to keep from starving to death. Even with moderate activity you probably need several hundred more calories per day than you're getting.At your age,  thinking that 1,400/day is "too many" calories could well be a marker for an eating disorder. You're at least in the highest risk age group. That's a very dangerous condition. Please see a doctor right way, because there is help for it.

Is 1400 calories good enough to lose 2 pounds a week for a 14 year old boy?

No, its not “good enough”. In fact, it’s a very bad idea.A 14 year old boy should not be asking strangers on the internet for advice about his health and fitness. That is a really, really, really bad idea for a 14-year-old.First of all, it’s just not safe, for about a million reasons.But more to the point: You can’t trust an opinion about your weight from a stranger who can’t examine you, measure you, and look at your growth history and your personal and family medical histories.You need to ask your parent or guardian to call your physician and make an appointment for you to discuss this. If that’s not possible, then go into the health office at your school and talk to the nurse. Those are the only two ways you should even consider trying to lose weight.If I were giving you advice myself instead of telling you to talk to your doctor, how would you know you can trust me? Someone else could just as easily give you very, very different advice. Someone else could say “Sure, 1400 calories is good enough!” Contradictory answers happens all the time here on Quora. There’s an awful lot of very bad advice about weight loss here, and a lot of that advice is even worse for teenagers. There’s some good advice, too, for adults - but how would you know the good advice from the bad?It’s good that you’re concerned about your weight, but teenagers are different from adults. You’re still growing and maturing, and losing weight at the same time that you’re doing that can cause problems. If it does, the result will be that you end up going through the rest of your life with a body that will never reach its full adult potential. That’s why you need to talk to your doctor.

Will 1400 calories a day make me gain weight? I don't work out or anything, I just do everyday things.

Dear 1400 caloriesA normal healthy male needs around 2000 to 2500 calories to maintain a healthy weight and body. Around 1500 to 2000 calories for a female person. Why exactly so many calories? It has been shown and proven that the base metabolic rate, plus some increases in metabolism for everyday normal activities requires around 2500 calories and 2000 calories for males and females respectively. These are the requirements for those who do not engage in strenuous training activities. These values have been calculated for the normal average person, of average age, average height and average weight.If your daily activities require that you take 1400 calories in during the day, then 1400 calories won't make you gain weight. If your daily activities require 1200 calories for instance, then 1400 might make you gain weight because your creating a calorie surplus of 200 calories. That surplus will be converted to fat. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you're female, 27 years old, about 5' 10" and weigh approximately 150 lb. By using an online calculator like the one found here Calorie Maintenance Calculator - Daily Calorie Requirements, I calculated that you require approximately 1700 calories per day to function normally and maintain your health and weight. At the moment you're taking in 1400 calories which is 300 calories below. Theoretically you should be losing weight, but I would go ahead and say your 1400 calorie intake will not make you gain weight.Please be careful though when living on a reduced calorie plan. You must still make sure you get all the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs for optimal function. Furthermore, every so often I recommend a "cheat" day, where you totally overshoot the calorie mark. This is necessary to kickstart a metabolism that decreased because of continuous lower calorie intake. If you stick to your 1400 calorie mark, you should be totally fine.Hope this answers your question. Best of luck!Stefan Stoman, Author of LYFA! FITNESS, 21 Days to Health and Fitness for Life! Visit Page on and LYFA! FITNESS Blog for more information.

Is this normal? I feel fat when I eat 1400 calories.?

You don't exercise moderately. You exercise a lot. Not that that is bad or anything, but if you are a teenager and growing and your nutritionist says you need more calories then they are right. You probably do need more fat in your body as what you're describing sounds like secondary amenorrhea, when you have had your period but then it stops for three months (if your periods are regular) or six months (if your periods are irregular). When you are menstruating your body is telling you that you can have babies. Since you have stopped your body is basically telling you that you are not healthy enough to support life. The causes of secondary amenorrhea are (among other things) excessive exercise; eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia; and stress. I am not suggesting that you have an eating disorder (though 1200 calories is a restrictive diet for someone in their growing years) but you definitely do a great deal of exercise and need to consume more calories. They can be healthy calories, but you just need more of them. Instead of going for non fat, you could try low fat. Also you are not fat. At 113 pounds I don't know if you are looking for reassurance because you're insecure or something, but you cannot honestly be serious. Saying that you feel fat at your height and weight is rude to people who really do have weight problems.

Can you gain weight from eating 1400 calories a day?

Your weight is too slight for your height. I think you are way too concerned with your caloric intake. You can afford to gain some weight. Being too thin is just as unhealthy as being overweight.

You don't mention your activity level. 1,400 calories is not enough to sustain your body if you're involved in sports, but you need activity to keep your heart healthy.

I suggest you ask your doctor to refer you to a dietician. I think your body image is distorted.