Is 15 A Good Age For An Iq Test


IQ is not based on age. I score about the same now as I did at 14 (142). I could have maybe improved it somewhat if I had spent more time in school and less time drinking and drugging.
If you want to improve your score, develop a huge curiosity about the world around you. Read everything you can get your hands on: classics, such as Shakespear and Longfellow, biographies of famous people, textbooks on various topics, puzzle books etc. Learn everything you can and take courses in logic and math. Improve your vocabulary by learning a couple of new words and their definitions each day.
Remember, there are plenty of geniuses who never make the honor role. There are also plenty of "average" students who do very well, because they apply themselves, ask the right questions, stay clean and sober and hang out with intelligent friends.
You can be amazing. Just take the first step!
Best wishes.

I have an IQ of 135 at age 15, is that considered good for my age?

The fact that you ask if it's good “for your age” means that you haven't read up on IQs much.Intelligence Quotient means “your score compared to others of your age.”It is standardized test, meaning that most people should be at about 100. EDIT: specifically, 2/3 of people are between 85 and 115. Once upon a time, when few people took the test, 100 was fixed as the center of the bell curve. One commenter would like to make very clear that said mean is not fixed per country, meaning that some countries have national averages higher than others. (I don't know if 100 is still the universal mean, but that was the initial intention.) Even looking at the US alone, certain demographic groups have higher scores than others. This has to do with the close ties between IQ and the old Army intelligence tests: ones designed to show that people of certain backgrounds were more likely to be officer material. IQ doesn't break people up into groups such that everyone from one country is scored against each other only or everyone from one ethnic background or income level. Instead, it was designed to have a universal mean of 100. In the old days, people would say this group scores higher than that group because they are smarter. Now we ask questions about nutrition, literacy, and the value placed on college prep. Basically, the individual number means less than the standard deviation: we can say with more confidence that someone with an IQ of 140 is really quite bright than we can say that someone with an IQ of 107 is above average. Anyone can have a good test or bad day.IQ is really only good at measuring the types of intelligence used on standardized tests in the west. This means it can help you predict your SAT, ACT, GRE, etc… scores, but not all other skills.Online tests are vague approximations at best. You need an official test for an official score.

What should I do if my IQ is 118 in the age of 15?

Finish high school with good grades. Your IQ is high enough that, given enough hard work, you can get really good grades and go to a nice college or university, but perhaps not the best like Harvard or Caltech.It’s a nice IQ where you can effectively lead the majority of people and you’re not too different nor have the problems that occur with a higher IQ. With enough work, you can do what you want and be successful. At this age, read a lot of books — books concerning practical things, like economics or construction, could do you well for preparing for the future or teaching you useful skills.

Is it appropriate to take an IQ test at the age of 15?

It might be, but it might not. It depends what the motivation is for taking it. A properly administered IQ test is (in my opinion, but I should really check with my friend who is a clinical psychologist) a medical procedure.If somebody wants an IQ test to make them feel better about themselves, can they handle the answer? e.g. I was quite weird as a teenager and was definitely not one of the super cool kids, but also not quite at the other end of the popularity spectrum either. Imagine if I or one of the other odd kids had taken an IQ test with the hope of being able to say, “Ah! I’m super brainy, that’s why nobody much gets on with me” and had then discovered that I was (or they were) completely average? Or worse still, below average? I would guess that part of the job of the psychologist must be to assess whether or not I’d be able to handle that information prior to administering the test (this is another bit I can check with my psychologist friend).It’s also worth knowing whether or not the person in question wants to take the test. If they are not compliant you might get a completely bogus score. You wouldn’t want to force an IQ test on an unwilling person and then make any important decisions based on the result of that test. A low score might not mean anything.Having said that, if somebody scores extremely highly in a real (and properly administered) test, then they are definitely bright. You can fake a low score, but you can’t fake a high score (for obvious reasons).In summary, I think answering the original question constitutes dispensing medical advice, which is not something I’m qualified to do. With that in mind, my answer has to be: I don’t know.

Is a 121 iq for a 15 year old good?

By definition average IQ is 100.

An IQ test is designed for a specific population so age is irrelevant, if you are 15 you should be taking a test designed for a 15 year old.

An IQ of 121 would have been enough to get you into an English University when I attended over 35 years ago. Today it would be guaranteed to get you in.

Don't put too much store in IQ tests. They are less a test of intelligence and more an indication of someone's ability to answer test questions.

Having said all that, I'm sure you're a very bright girl.

Is an IQ of 119 good for a 15 year old?

As most of the other answers will tell you, an IQ of 119 is well above average - more than one standard deviation above the mean of 100, which means that a person having an IQ of 119 certainly has an IQ higher than 84% of the population. And IQ is supposed to be independent of age: a 15 year old with an IQ of 119 is supposed to be in the same relative position to his or her peers as a 50 year old.

Some people have raised some concerns with using IQ, however: most of these relate to the methodology of testing it, and perceived cultural bias in the test. Others (notably Stephen Jay Gould) raise a more philosophical issue, arguing that reducing a concept like "intelligence" to one simple number is not a good way to understand the concept itself.

This being said, people with higher IQs generally perform better in school, have higher incomes, and fewer problems with the law. Whether one factor causes the other, however, is a source of much debate.

At what age did you take an IQ test? According to you, at what age or moment should one take it so that it is relevant?

My advice is to refuse to be tested. IQ is bullshit and it is never relevant to anything. No matter what number you get it will do you no good. Too many people play mine-is-bigger-than-yours with it and too many poor bastards treat their IQ as a vocational death warrant. IQ is not used in admissions to any university. I am a 63y old biologist. I have never seen a form which asked for my IQ and I have never seen it on any confidential student record either. So what purpose does an IQ test serve? Nothing, except someone earnestly telling some kid that because of their IQ they have no chance in life or perhaps worse parents and teachers continuously harassing or “monitoring” someone foolish enough to do well on an IQ test telling them all the time they are not working hard enough. A 12y old fails a spelling test and get sent to the school office to be counseled. Pretty soon they will regret their reputed IQ.My official IQ is 70, making me a moron (4 tests, NSW Department of Education at 10, 12, 14 & 16y). I look like one as well. I am such I moron that I just published my 98th peer-reviewed scientific paper (Jan 2019 - 98). If I could get hold of my official score I would love to frame it and put it up on my office wall beside my PhD (University of Sydney) in Membrane Biophysics.There is a cultural thing as well. Why are americans so intoxicated with IQ? I just do not get it. Final point - IQ is regarded as some weird type of secular predestination. Have you heard of anyone “cured” of their IQ? If any action had been taken based on my official IQ I would have been thrown into an Activity Class, instead it was ignored.

Is 118 a good IQ for a 15 year old?

what test did you take? The best tests to take are g loaded test

EDIT:that iq test is not good. Try this one

I am 15 years old and took an IQ test and got 105 does age matter. if so is 105 good? i think its average?

Heh that's kind of wierd, I'm 15 too. Except I'm a girl and my family's pretty dumb. Last time I took one I got 122. But I'm just a maniac like that. I probably have a disease. But yeah. I'd guess 105's average for 15. Probably even for an adult. The averages keep going down anyways. Who are we to compare ourselves to the "average world" that probably took their IQ test when they were on drugs? People like that shouldn't be counted in the average. Even though I'm like that with my school grades most of the time. Well anyways, nice talking to you.