Is A 108 Mg Dosage Of Concerta Safe For Me

Is 108mg of Concerta Dangerous?

Wow! 108mg is an extremely high, potentially dangerous amount for anyone regardless of weight to consume in a single dose. I completely understand your experiencing a lack of efficacy. Ive been on Concerta myself. I immediately addressed my concerns with my physician about its lack of benefits. My question is, how long have you been on this medication? And, if you have been taking an excess of the medication you will certainly build a tolerence. The problem with stimulants is that the body will quickly develop a tolerence (in most cases) and often seem as though it's not working as well. One thing to caution; there's also the "plateau effect," which in essence is your body and mind not recognizing the drastic change, the "high" or feeling of excitement that you've been able to function so much better, and therefore seems as though it's not working as well. My suggestion is to talk to your doctor before you adjust your dose. I've seen addiction happen very quickly in similar cases. You may wish to ask for methylphenidate IR tabs, or request trying Adderall XR and/or IR as I have found 20mg in the morning and 20 in the afternoon very effective. Best of luck! I know how you feel (at least I used to).

Is it safe to take 108 mg of Concerta?

Im a first time user and im going to take them right before school (6, 18 mg pills) tomorrow, because 1. I need to focus on reviewing for my cst's and 2. I wont mind the high and keeping me awake for a while because I usually fall asleep in class.

Anyways I just want to know if it is safe for a first time user to consume 108 mg of Concerta.

Is a 108 mg dosage of Concerta safe for me?

Is a 108 mg dosage of Concerta safe for me?
I'm currently 17, weigh a little less then 127 pounds, I'm 5 feet 10 inches tall, and I take two 54 mg tablets in the morning. I've been taking Concerta for many years now, I don't know exactly when, but I started it no later than 6th grade. I've been diagnosed with ADHD of course, and I've been taking this dosage for around a year I believe. I ask because most sights I'm looking at don't recommend going over 72 mg even in adults.

Taking 72mg of concerta safe?

I wouldn't take 72 mg.

Yes - it's a bad idea.

At doses that high, I'd be worried about:
A. Heart arrhthymias, anxiety, jitters.
B. The rebound that would occur when 72 mg wears off - this is NOT a pleasant feeling.

If you aren't getting anything out of 32 mg, then you're unlikely to benefit from Concerta. This may be due to the fact that Concerta is a slow release form of methylphenidate. You may need a fast release formulation.

[Responsible hat on: if you take Concerta and it makes you 'go crazy', then you shouldn't take it. If you have to work all day tomorrow, you will NOT be productive and you'll feel terrible on a high dose.]

Why does 56mg of Concerta do nothing?

I’m guessing you have ADD/ADHD and that you’re not taking Concerta as a leisure drug.Along the lines of Concerta not working for you, a person with ADHD, there’s a couple reasons.One is that it just doesn’t work. ADHD is sort of a spectrum, so some medicines just don’t work for some people. I took a crapton of meds before I found the one that works for me. No matter how high the dosage is, if the medicine isn’t right for you, it won’t do anything.A second thing to consider is that you may not actually have ADHD. Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) can often look a lot like ADHD, so if you’ve tried a lot of ADHD medicine and nothing works, you may want to see an audiologist and get tested. Depression and anxiety can both cause a lack of motivation and focus, as well as certain other personality and mood disorders.Hopefully this was helpful :) I’m pretty young, but my journey with ADHD has been a long one. I’m always happy to help other people get to a place of good functioning.

Can 108mg of Concerta harm me/kill me?

I just re-started the medication. I took two 54mg's today, and really didn't feel that bad, a little bit of stomach aching, but now I researched and people are saying it can kill you? I'm not doing this to get high, it REALLY helped my work, and I'm afraid only one 54mg will do nothing tomorrow. I just want a straight forward awnser if it can kill me, or harm me in any way. And if it's okay to do this, but there are minor side affects...that'd be a good awnser with some info behind it. Thank you!

Would it be dangerous for me to take 108 mg of Concerta...?

For people ages 13-17, you're not supposed to take more than 72mg per day. 108 mg is a LOT, and you *could* overdose. Symptoms of overdose can include confusion, agitation, excessive sweating, vomiting, convulsions, hallucinations, headaches, dry mouth, increased heart rate, and so on. If you experience these symptoms, you should go to the ER.