Is A Country Better Off With A Leader Elected By A Majority Of The Population .

Is America the greatest country in the world?

After the inauguration of my president Barack Obama, I am so proud to be an American. Our freedom and our Democracy and greatness is the envy of the world. There is no better nation out there. Its probably the only country where we can elect a minority to be the leader of the most powerful nation on this planet. Ahhhh how I love to be an American.

Australia and the United States both have their origins as ‘settler societies’ and both are?

currently its hard to see the difference as howards government has been in way to long and little jonnie is now thinking hes a president rather than a prime minister and is treating the opposition parties as enemies rather than a voice of the people to learn from.... Both presidents and prime ministers are heads of the executive branch of the government of a country. Prime ministers are found in governments with a parliament. The main difference is that a prime minister is the leader of the party with the most representatives in parliament, and a president is elected indirectly or directly by the voting public of that country.

Although our federal government is Liberal due to more prefered seats in parliment, the majority of states are labour government, so individually most states like mine new south wales work prodemenantly on Labor laws not Liberal.

For federal issues and anything that will affect the entire australian population all parties in parliament must vote on it and the "majority rules" system determins whether that issue will go forth or not. Australia also has an attorney general, which is part of the constitutional monarchy as we are a british colony. The attorney general works on behalf of the queen in our country but does not directly affect our political democracy.

current polls show that next years election will have Labor Federal Government to match with our majority Labor states.

Does the USA need presidential election reform??? Our system is outdated!!!?

1. should we abolish the electoral college system described in the US Constitution and simply go for a direct vote for the leader of the executive branch? I have no intentions to dismantling the rest of the democratic republic process we rely upon in voting in Congress and other lower level offices, but the electoral college just seems so-outdated and unnecessary. An individual vote is almost worthless in an EC system. Direct elections. One vote per citizen for the President.

2. Iowa??? New Hampshire??? We're relying on two small states to determine a large portion of the USA political future? The president is the leader for all US citizens and should reflect the majority of voters found throughout the land and not two small-time states of little importance.

3. I envy the British and their election process of a Prime Minister. It lasts only a few weeks. For us, it lasts 1 and a half years now!!! It's overtop and wasteful. It also makes us jaded and apathetic.

If Trump becomes president, which country will you immigrate to?

The good news is: there are plenty of options available. If Trump becomes president, it will likely cause one of the biggest mass movements of people in a long time. I just hope all those people supportive of a free society (aka, a society in Trump is not the leader) meet their prospective country's immigration requirements. In a way, Trump's very unlikely election can bring a silver lining :)