Is A Joke Ever Just A Joke Do People Leak The Truth During Sarcasm

Why do some people not understand sarcasm?

I am not sure how anyone would be able to reliably tell whether someone has indeed understood or failed to understand a particular sarcasm.All that we can be sure is how the person is behaving which in turn only tells us about how he/she is coming across and that may not be an accurate reflection of the contents of their mind.  So, assuming that this question actually means to ask "Why some people come across as failing to understand sarcasm?", this would be my answer:People who come across as not having understood sarcasm can be classed into two categories - those who do it (ie. appear ignorant) intentionally and those who do it unintentionally.If it is the former (ie. intentionally), then it means that the person has in reality understood the sarcasm but is refusing to engage.  There may be various reasons for this - ranging from a sense of offence at the sarcastic remark to a general principle of refraining from sarcasm.If it is the latter (ie. unintentionally), then it means that the sarcasm is truly lost to the person.  This can sometimes happen with people who think in linear fashion such as autistics.  Sarcasm often relies on the use of double meanings for effect.  People who are literal in their style of thinking (eg. autistics) do not or cannot understand double meanings.  So, in those situations, sarcasm would be truly lost on that individual.Distinguishing between the two camps takes experience and some knowledge of the person you are analysing.Thank you for reading.

Do you hate it when people point out the obvious to you?


It's neutral.

How ironic is it that Paul Walker died in a car crash?

My God... the day before he died there was a hoax about his death--plus what Gibson says to him in the leaked footage of the fast 7 movie "Promise me Brian, no more funerals" and Brian replies "just one more". I'm starting to believe these conspiracy theories might have some truth to them. I really hope the death was more instantaneous (as it seems, considering the extent of the crash) and that they died upon collision rather than painfully burning to death. Rest in peace Paul Walker and his friend. My heart weeps for their families with whom they didn't get to cherish their last moments.

Why are emotionally sensitive people put off by dark humor?

Emotionally sensitive people aren’t just sensitive to the humor (dark or otherwise) of the joke as an isolated conceptual construct. We can also feel the emotions of the person telling the joke in real time as they are telling the joke, so we can feel why they are telling joke, even in the absence of any other information. This is a layer of information that most people totally miss: most don’t know they’re “leaking” information this way, and yet most people can’t pick up on it either - at least not at such a high level of resolution . I will briefly resume my findings on this matter.In some cases, someone tells a dark humor joke to make an satirical or cynical insight about a situation that is known to be bad, but in practice ignored or even praised. I actually enjoy that configuration - it is a way of communicating a perceptive and insightful understanding of the way the world works.In other cases, someone tells what appears to be a dark humor joke because they want to say something that would be emotionally/physically unhealthy and/or socially unacceptable, so they say it as a joke so that they can simultaneously say something while not being responsible for it. It is in these cases that we sometimes we see something or someone very unhealthy indeed that other people don’t - and we detect something we know to stay the heck away from.Emotionally sensitive people can see a brighter brightness, but also darker darkness, and both at a greater distance. We know the world is simultaneously a more beautiful place and a more ugly place than most people realize. It is kind of like living with X-ray vision. It is much more data to process, but … it contains much more information.

Why did my after market exhaust all of a sudden get quieter?

What kind of car?

What kind of engine?

What kind of exhaust system?

What year?

What make?

What Modification's?

I'm thinkin the thermoacter got sucked shut from the vacuum wipers getting clogged with leaves from the last rainstorm if you were doing over 95mph at a specific rpm at point of drop.........

Why are redheads in Australia sometimes called Blue or Bluey?

Because only Australians understand the irony of calling someone with red hair 'Bluey'.

It's just one of our many quirks.