Is A Little Respect Too Much To Ask For From Certain People

Why does Taekwondo and Capoeira get so much little respect compared to other martial arts?

Most people here in this section have never been to a real effective Taekwondo schools like in Korea,Indonesia,India,North Korea,etc. so they say it has fancy kicks, do they even know that TKD guys works a lot harder on their leg flexibiley and and strngth, so there is not much difficult for them. they also practice punches,blocks and other strikes.

As for Capoeira, if it is so innefective than how did afro brazilian slaves use it against the colonial powers ?

Do you respect older people?

I respect receive respect you must give it,as matter who you are or, how old you are.~*

Do we care too much about dogs and too little about other people?

We pay veternarians hundreds or thousands of dollars to heal cats and dogs while many people can't afford medicine and treatment. Some even condone their defacation on public property. You may know people who treat their dogs like children. A wise man once said if you see two beings, and one is carrying the other's ****, who's in charge? So why do we buy dog biscuits and doggy day care while being inconsiderate to our fellow man?
Dogs can be autonomous, and you can be nice and have a dog, your car just smells funny.

Why don't fat people have any respect for themselves?

Messier, in cast you haven't noticed, this is a place for opinions. You have yours, I have mine. And I would have loved to inlist in our forces to help the war in iraq. But they wouldn't let me. Because I was too dumb and closed minded? Nope. Because I have WPW. Thats is a heart condition where I have an extra (not elongated as the typical condition) nerver in my heart. Yes people, I have a heart.
Also, as a sideline, get rid of the anger...lighten up and relax. Go to the park and something...because all you are doing is conveying hate and intolerance and pretty much, your own ignorance.

Why do people say I am TOO nice?

When I think of someone being too nice I think of them giving too much of themselves to help anyone else, and in the process they lose focus of themselves. I think of it as being COMPLETELY selfless which really shouldn't happen unless you're raising a baby, but even then you have to take mommy time, you know what I'm saying? I don't mean that literally... I view them as sweet, but I feel sorry for them in a way because I also think of them as co-dependent like they base their self worth off of rather or not people are happy with what they've done for that person... I am nice to that person but if I truly care about them I will sit them down for a little one on one and tell them to start being a little selfish or they won't get anywhere in this world.

But for the record, I'd rather be too nice than too mean. My own family tells me I'm too mean, but really I'm just easily annoyed, sensitive, and thus vulnerable under this tough exterior so I shut people out before they can get in. Then when I do try to be nice, they accuse me of being fake, so I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. Fxck it is how I see it haha. I'm only mean to people/fighter to push them away to see if they come back then I see if they're worth that relationship I could have with them because when I don't half a s s anything, I give 100% in my relationships and I expect nothing less in return... It's just hard to find that when you're "too mean." At least they don't mess with me though! Punks! Ha.