Is A Score Of 111 Good On An Iq Test For A 16 Year Old

I am 12 years old. I got an IQ score of 110 on a few sites. Is this good?

I’m told Internet IQ tests are notoriously unreliable. So I would do my best to disregard that number. You need to be adamant because just my telling you that isn’t going to erase it from your subconscious.IQ itself measures something, but what it is and how it plays out in terms of a successful life is inconclusive - probably because it’s not a very important factor.In Middle School, when we were being tested for Advanced Placement, one of my adventurous friends got hold of the IQ results from the principal’s waste basket and passed them around. For better or worse, mine was 120s. That’s above average, but not MENSA material. Worse, I didn’t make AP while all my friends did. Well, I did make AP English which gave me one class to hear about all the University courses my friends were taking downtown at Akron U.The upshot of this is that I mistakenly allowed that experience to calibrate my expectations for life at B- or C+. During a reasonably long and satisfactory life, I can actually remember occasions when I curbed my dreams and lowered my expectations by recalling that 14-year-old assessment.In retrospect, I might have accomplished more had I set my sites higher and lived life full-on with fewer compromises. We are amazing creatures capable of amazing things. We can not be defined by a single number.Assume you are a genius and foster deep drilling into whatever you are passionate about. Yes, keep an eye on yourself so you become self-aware, but don’t constrain your possibilities. Work hard and amaze yourself.

Is 94 a good IQ score for a 16 year old?

It means your below average in intelligence. BUT the online IQ tests are not a realistic guide. You need to take the standard IQ test. This is a very long test that measures all kinds of areas of intelligence. Don't base your IQ on an online test sample.
IQ's rarely ever change, if you're 94 at 16, you most likely were at 8 and will be at 38. But take the real one.

Is a 118 IQ a good score for a 13 year old boy?

118 is above average, but IQ tests aren't as accurate on kids under 16. It's a good sign, though, that his IQ is that high already.

Is a score of 111 good on an IQ test for a 16 year old?

My cousin took an IQ test and he got the score of 111. He's only 16, I don't know what the average IQ score is for a person of his age. Any help? Is it really good for his age, or is it normal?

What's a good IQ for a 14 year old?

The average IQ across the world is 100However, this question is worded wrong… IQ doesnt change based on age, so asking what’s a good IQ for a 14 y/o is the same as asking for a 4 y/o.IQ is measured based on proportion, not on age. A child that’s 4 years old is given an average IQ score of 100 if that child gets an average amount of questions right at an average rate of time. A 4 y/o child scores a 200 IQ if they answer at the average rate of an 8 y/o child.Moving past the misconception in the question. In terms of IQ there is really no good or bad.While an average IQ anywhere from 90 - 110, and an above average IQ is 110 - 130, this has almost no direct correlation to success. From 130 - 145 is gifted, while 145 - 164 is highly gifted / moderate genius. 164 - about 180 would be advanced genius. A score of 180 to 200 is very advanced genius, and 200+ is immeasurable genius.Meanwhile, any IQ below 70 is mentally retarded at a functionally damaging level.But in reality when it comes to good don’t worry about IQ.

Is an IQ of 121 good for a 13 year old boy?

Yes, it's very good. Most people average about 106, so you did good at taking the IQ test. Don't know how accurate the test is, but if you are that good at taking tests, you should do great in life, as test anxiety is responsible for most people's failure. Good job! Also, your IQ remains pretty much the same throughout your life. It may change in the elderly.

Is an IQ of 111 good for a 12 year-old?

An 111 IQ puts you at the 76th percentile which means you have a higher IQ than 76% of those in your age group. It also means that 24% have a higher IQ than you.

You tell me, is this good?
hope this helps, gl

Is an IQ score of 127 good for a 15-year-old girl?

An IQ score of 127 is good, for anyone. Learning your score at a young age can be good or bad for you, depending on what use you make of knowing that number. Although you are not a genius, you may at times have “flashes” of something very like it—-Moments of brilliant inspiration, and at times a gift of the perfect solution to a problem or project that you’re working on.If you happen to be working with other people when you suddenly exclaim, “I’ve got it!” someone in the group is sure to respond to your amazing idea with, “That’s perfect! You’re a genius!” And, although you would never say it, you know, in that moment, one of the benefits of having your 127 IQ points.It’s important to remember that your intelligence is a gift, something you were given without having to do anything for it. If you ever started to look down on those who had a lower IQ, stop yourself right there, instead of feeling like you’re “better.” What you are, is more fortunate. Use your intelligence to be helpful and useful to others (as well as yourself) and rather than lording it over those less fortunate, use your excellent mind to think of ways that you can help contribute to the dignity and self-respect of those less gifted.PS Although an IQ of 127 is comfortably above average, I’m sure you do know that there are many people who have 150, 165, and even higher. If you know someone who has such a gift, take note of the occasions when s/he has a fantastic idea, and without making a big deal of it, say, “That’s brilliant!” SOME people who are that smart, may look at you as if to say, “Duh! I KNOW!” But just leave your compliment stand, and know that you are being the kind of person you want to be.

Is a 111-127 IQ test normal for a 14 year old female?

It is slightly above normal.For the most part test scores will change a little, especially for younger people, and a lot of things can influence them, such as being tired, stressed, etc.It is also important to identify the source of the test, online tests are often inaccurate and misleading.My online test scores range from 75 to 178. As it is impossible to be both a super genius and have slight retardation, it shows only that you cannot trust online testing that much.Also normally, there is no reason for most people to get an IQ test. It is something most psychologists reserve for people who show signs of mental issues or abnormalities. Finding a test can actually be somewhat challenging as a result.In any event if whatever test(s) you took are near to where you stand, I would suggest that you are a little bit quicker thinker than those around you, but not abnormal (at least not abnormal in IQ, there are loads of other ways to be odd :D).