Is A Two Hour Sleep Okay Or Not

Is it okay to sleep 2 hours a day?

You can sleep two hours during the day if you sleep 5 hours during the night… But if you plan to sleep only 2 out of 24 hours, you should reconsider. This is simply not possible for a human, or at least for any human we know of, without taking dangerous levels of stimulant drugs. That way lies madness, sickness and death.That said, there are now over 7 billion people in the world and there are some really amazing variations, so perhaps you are the first person who can do with only two hours of sleep in the long run. But I would not bet on it unless you already wake up after two hours feeling fully rested, week after week, without taking illegal drugs.

Is it better to sleep for an hour or not sleep at all?

The human sleep cycle is a complicated thing, and it has a rhythm.  The sleeper tend to rise into a "shallower" REM sleep about every 1½ hours, from which awakening is easier.  One hour tends to find the average person in stage 4 sleep, from which awakening is very difficult; in my experience one will be groggy and good for nothing – in fact, still partially asleep – until that full 1½ hour mark is reached.  The three-hour peaks tend to be shallower than the odd-numbered 1½ hour peaks. If brief relief from sleep deprivation, with acceptable functionality on wakening, is the goal, one hour is probably not the right time.  Either catch a 15-20 minute "catnap", or go the full 1½ hours, preferably three.But you can only do this once, maybe twice, before having to sleep long and heavily.  Short sleeps like this heavily deprive the brain of REM sleep (because most of our REM sleep happens later in a full night's sleep); and lack of REM sleep is particularly detrimental to cognitive function, especially memory and judgement. (This is why late-night cramming doesn't work well; REM sleep is the period during which one consolidates memory.)You need your sleep; shortchanging yourself in this area is destructive to body and mind. (And also, if you're doing things like operating heavy machinery or power equipment on sleep deprivation, or a similarly fraught activity such as energetic-materials chemistry, then other people's bodies, not to mention property, are at risk.) Seriously, if at all possible, get your sleep.

Is 6-hours sleep okay?

6 hours is fine if you still feel good during your waking hours and your brain is working the way it should. But if you feel tired and don't have the energy you should have at your age or you are having memory problems then you may need to get at least two more hours of sleep. Either take a two hour nap or add two hours at night.

I sleep 7-8 hours now...thank the Lord!

Is 2 hours of sleep better than no sleep?


Which one is better: sleeping for only two-four hours or not sleeping at all?

Since I only sleep 2–4 anyway-sometimes I’m up for 72 hours. Never have need much sleep my whole life-now at 69 no big deal.If you can get into REM sleep in that time -do it! If you are unable to relax completely-stay up. Do something productive with your time. Last night for example; went to bed at 9:30 read magazine or book for an hour fell asleep at 10:30 awoke at 2:30;3:00 fixed coffee(only drink 2–4 cups a day in morning), went to garage and started hand sanding areas unable to reach with power sanders on Jeep J20 PU!Since I haven’t needed sleep like normal people I would take a second job not in my own trade just to learn something new. It has paid off big time through out my life.If you can’t sleep make money or finish projects you want or need to do.Remember the long dirt nap lasts forever!John J

Is 6 hour sleep ok for a 15 year old?

I normally sleep 6-7 hours on a holiday or weekend and sleep like 1 - 2 hours in the afternoon. I sleep 6 - 7 hours on a school day. If I sleep early like at 8 or 9 I end up waking up at 2 or 3 and not being able to sleep till about 4 or 5. My two brothers (who are both older 17 and 22) both have the same sleeping pattern as my mom and same features and characteristics as her they sleep for hours on end where as me (the only girl) have the same sleeping pattern and characteristics as my dad. Does this play a part in my sleeping pattern ?

I only got two hours of sleep last night...?

eat before you leave!! i've gotten less than 2 hours on particular school nights, it was hard but i did manage to make it through the day. not too long after school though, i was dead asleep. don't do anything boring, always be talking to people and doing something. don't think about sleep. my mistake was not eating before i left, food gives me energy. but caffeine usually does nothing for me. if you have an energy drink i'd advise against because it will make you crash and fall dead tired. you'll be ok though, i've done it before.
btw, i've had to go through the day on 1-2 hours of sleep without eating lunch or breakfast. definitely get some food and tough the rest out.

Should I go to school on 3 hours of sleep?

I wouldn't go, school is a terrible experience with little to no sleep. I went after doing an all-nighter once, not going to lie i drank 3 energy drinks that morning before i go there. I was in such a weird mood all day. Going from happy to sad to hyper to tired, it was a bad experience..

Is it okay if I sleep 5 hours per night and take a 2 hour nap later on?

Some of the most productive and intelligent people I’ve met sleep 4–5 hours total per night.All of them are extremely physically and mentally active. All of them seem pretty healthy to meAssuming you’re taking care of yourself in other aspects of health, you’re probably fine.If you’re truly paranoid, just ask your doctor to do routine blood work if he hasn’t already. One random thing that caused me to be an extreme insomniac (I was unable to sleep for more than 2–3 hours for a month, and became pretty ill) was very low vitamin D levels. This issue was resolved simply by taking vitamins, and I went back to a normal 7–8 hours of sleep.Otherwise, your sleep patterns naturally change over time, and if you’re young and healthy, don’t worry too much.