Is Actor Alex Pettyfer Is Married

Male actor or model with blonde hair and brown eyes?

I am looking for either an actor or model with blonde hair (preferably curly or wavy) with dark brown eyes. Please no blue-eyed men :) Needs to be early twenties too and good-looking. If you can think of anyone or know a good way for me to find someone of this description (I have tried google images) then please answer! Cheers :P

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Who are some of the hottest TEENAGE male celebrities?

haha I was just gonna say 'not the Jonas brothers'

How about Tom Felton?

oh and I just thought of more to add! David Henrie and Justin Berfield.

Which actor/actresses who on their way to the big time got fired from a film or television set and never got work again because they were too difficult to work with?

I don’t think that’s a thing, exactly.Even the semi-famous who get too big for their britches get to work again. It’s just that they are relegated to smaller projects or lesser roles (and in Katherine Heigl’s case, cat litter commercials). Most are given several chances before they become totally unemployable, which very few on lists like 15 Difficult Actors That Nobody Wants To Work With truly are. The very worst cases are largely fuelled by drug habits more than diva antics/out-of-control egos, except maybe Mel Gibson’s crazed meltdowns. And even he got a comeback.Most people who get kicked out of the one lucrative role they have tend not to be because they’re privately ‘difficult’, but publicly so. Firing is rare for any vaguely central role, since it can cost a lot of money to recast and replace an entertainer. Even the obviously violent, like Chris Brown, go on trucking. Yet others, like Alex Pettyfer and Lea Michele, just about disappear from public view after their big project wraps up. The latter being a great pity, given that her immense talent has been banished to the realm of HP commercials:Of course, we are all on the outside looking in. We can only speculate the real reason someone got fired, ultimately. It’s interesting to think that all this negative celebrity gossip is a packaged product just like anything else a media machine creates for us… and we as an audience gobble it right up.Thanks for your A2A, Michelle.

What's so sexy about 40-50 year old guys? Ladies please answer?

Older men are more mature, confident, and secure in themselves. They know that french fries up the nose do NOT impress us, they've got a wider experience of the world that makes them great company, and they're generally better in bed than they're younger counterparts.