Is All Of Our Electronic Data Government Property

What is on the Electronic Data Processing Test (EDPT) for the military, and what should I be studying in prep?

I've heard there are word analogies, picture analogies, word problems, and number sequences. Anyone else that has taken the test that can verify this? Is there anything else that is on the test that I missed? What math subjects should I study for this test? Algebra, Geometry, Trig? What would be the hardest kinds of problems in each subject? Thanks!

P.S. Already ready all the about articles. Looking for someone that either has or knows someone with personal experience on the test.

What object symbolizes the American government?

A notebook with things written or not written in it. It's like that the laws of the US and be written or then destroyed by ripping the page out. You could colour the a whole page yellow leaving one small circle of white saying that some laws have loop holes that people can get through. you could hide the book and say that if you had no book there would be government and people wouldn't know what to do or decend into anarchy. you could give the book to one person - this is dictatorship. but tell about 5 people to share the book and this is democracy which is what the US have. Its like saying whoever holds the book has the power - whoever holds the US government has the power.

What is the right way to choose an electronic document management system?

You might expect that all document management systems are created equal. But, they differ significantly from each other in terms of features. Not all documents management systems are backed by essential features to track, store and manage documents. Before buying a document management system, it is important to understand what constitutes as the essential features of a well-designed DMS software.Top Features that Every Document Management System Must have-User-friendly InterfaceIntelligent Document OrganizationDocument ProcessingWorkflow AutomationUniversal Format SupportDocument SecurityCloud AccessImplementing a quality document management system is important for businesses to work in an organized manner. A DMS software with these must-have features can help your business grow by managing all types of documents with higher efficiency.To read about these features in detail, you can click on Top Features to consider in Document Management Systems -

What is the procedure to convert B Khata to A Khata?

Property owners who wish to convert their B Khata properties into A Khata properties need to follow these three simple steps.1) Request for DC conversion of their property, i.e. it should be changed from agricultural use to non-agricultural use by the District Commissioner paying conversion charges.2) Ensure that all property taxes are paid till date without any dues and,3) Pay betterment charges. A betterment charge needs to be paid to the civic authority for the amenities in place.

Why did the government force U.S. citizens to switch to the digital tv signal ?

While the government converter box coupon was a good idea, many millions of people are still without access to tv because of economic reasons. Just because some of us were/are fortunate enough to either own an HDTV or buy a converter box doesn't mean everyone was that fortunate.

I understand we needed to free up space but I also feel we as a nation have way too many devices using the airwaves i.e. cell phones etc and those devices should have been redirected since cell phones are a personal choice and luxury for some people. I believe U.S. citizens have a right to TV the government or tv providers should have done more to make the transition accessible to every citizen !

What if the government decided to make everyone go GREEN within the next 5 years and find environmentally friendly ways to upgrade their homes to efficiently cool and heat. How many home owners/property owners would be prepared to do that and how many of them could honestly afford to do it within a certain time frame !

That's basically what the TV signal switch did ! It forced people whether they were prepared to or not to switch from an analog tv signal to a digital tv signal !
We would all be outraged at that and rightly so !

Where do commercial real estate websites like Property Shark get their property and market data? How do they use technology to siphon the information from public sources?

I do not know how PropertyShark acquires their data specifically but I can tell you there are three primary methods for building Real Estate data repositories - whether commercial or residential.1) Purchase data from a government entity in electronic format - examples where this is commonly done include property tax data and residential property characteristic data (bedrooms/bathrooms/Square Footage).2) Purchase source data from a government entity - examples would be copies of recorded documents - and create your data base through OCR and data entry processes.3) Crowd source the data - examples would be your typical MLS where the repository is created from data uploaded by Agents.So you can build the database yourself using one or more of the methods described above or, in some cases, you may be able to purchase or lease data that has been created by another provider.  Look at DataQuick, CoreLogic, and LPS.  What you won't typically won't be able to purchase is the crowded sourced data which would include things like "days on market", "list price vs sold price", etc.

Will paper money ever become obsolete?

it is costly to deal with, not traceable, and costs money to produce. there is a cheap, easy, and highly accurate solution in having an electronic currency system.
it will be instituted slowly, but steadily. each generation will be more inclined, goaded, and rewarded by the use of electronic banking, online billing, and e shopping. cash will be portrayed as slow, cumbersome, and unreliable. each generation will be pushed closer until one government somewhere, most likely a small nation in europe, will declare it will no longer print paper money. that decision will be applauded by banks and corporations. it will be the new cool. it will be the new sign of being a 21st century nation. other nations will follow suit. the noose will be tied.

Does an electronic balance measure mass or weight?

Mass or Weight?

In science laboratories, we have electronic balances that can be used to measure how heavy an object is. Suppose the reading shows ‘X’ grams. Is this the mass or weight of the object? If I am correct, an electronic balance should be measuring an object’s weight, since taking the balance to the moon, or for a practical aspect, measuring how heavy you are in an accelerating elevator, would give different readings. But then the reading of the electronic balance is always used in mass data, for e.g. you wish to find the density of an object, you’d use an electronic balance to measure it’s mass right? So my question is, does an electronic balance measure mass or weight? Is there any sort of conversion going on to change from weight to mass?