Is Anorexia Meant To Make You Weak And Tired

Why do I feel so tired in anorexia recovery?

This might be for several reasons: it could be due to changes in metabolism, drinking less caffeine as an appetite suppressant, or depression that is setting in now that malnourishment is not a coping mechanism (malnourishment can cause feelings of emotional numbness).Or, maybe you meant "tired" in that you are lacking motivation to keep going in recovery. If that is the case, maybe read about people who have successfully recovered. Recovery Spark is doing a short film series called "Recover" where they have artistic videos of folks who have recovered from eating disorders. Pretty cool stuff - Recover Film Series

Does anorexia make you feel exhausted?

Yes and no is a more honest answer from someone who has had it for most of my life. Anorexia filled my life with a sense of individualism and mission. My family was wrecked, I had no real friends I could hang with (not being part of the community religion) and I hated my body like most girls do being subjected to constant suffocating media of photoshopped skinny-fit women. Toxic combo and determination to be the skinniest gave me incredible adrenaline at times that seemed to go against the odds right? I believe the starvation state leads to anxiety that gives an energy because instinctively you have to stay alert to find food. Ironically it’s when I was hospitalized that the exhaustion set in. I could run 15 miles and do 2,000 sit ups on no food and do it daily without flinching an eye. (My tailbone stuck out so sit-ups hurt like hell but still did them).Once forced to eat again I could barely get out of bed. The body adjusting to trying to take in the calories it didn’t get earlier and making sure it will hold onto them. In short anorexia doesn’t make you exhausted. Recovery does.

How long does it take to become anorexic?

Why are you even asking this question? It's like killing yourself slowly, and I would NEVER condone that as being even a little bit okay! It's scary and dangerous and if you're having any tendencies towards an eating disorder you need to get help now.

Does this sound anorexic?

I only eat at the most, 800 calories. Yesterday I had 740 calories and today I had 640. I try to stay under 500. Does this sound anorexic or on the verge of becoming anorexic?

Anorexic...Im 14 and photos?

EMILY--- or who ever the hell you are saying Im not anorexic. Why would I have pictures of me in a treatment home with a feeding tube if I wasnt anorexic? Or more importantly, why would I make something like this up? Shows how much you know absolutely nothing about ana. Anorexics infact take hindreds of pictures of themselves ans look in the mirror all the time. NOT BECAUSE WE THINK WE ARE PRETTY. Its quite the opposite. No compliment in the world would help me recover. Now leave you ignorant heartless person.

Im almost anorexic, how can i gain some weight?

All right! Congratulations on making such progress. It is slow hard work, but you seem to be doing everything right.

It's going to take a bit of time to gain weight. Don't rush it, and most certainly don't pig out on junk food. That will just make you sick. Try increasing what you are eating slowly. Maybe adding an extra orange or banana a day. Within 2 weeks you may be able to add an egg and toast to your diet, or something like that. Then work up from there.

It will take time to adjust to more food. Don't get frustrated. What might help the most is making smoothies. Yogurt, fruit and milk blended together. This will help you get vitamins and maybe add a bit of weight plus make you feel a bit better.
Have you talked to a doctor or nutritionist about a possible drink supplement that may help you? There are lots on the market, but I'd want my doctor's advice before I took any.

How long does it take to lose weight if someone were anorexic?

Well i have anorexic nervosa and in the first week of not eating breakfest lunch and just eating a little for dinner and excerising alot i lost about 5 pounds and im 13 and used to weigh 103 and now weigh 91.

I don't recomend even starting this; it takes over your whole life and i lost my boyfriend over it because i needed to be alone and i didnt talk to my friends for weeks. All of my friends have been trying to help me but they don't understand how hard it is to stop not eating. It brings alot of pain and you become weak and always tired but you cant sleep. You also lose alot of hair and lose your period. I haven't had mine in 5 months now.

Eating disorders start alot of ways mine started because when i looked in the mirror i looked so fat but my friends argured that all the time but i didn't listen and now i am where i am and its to late.Im on my way to death. So listen to everyone saying not to start it.There are plently of other ways to lose weight in a healthy way.

Can anorexia cause a sudden onset of fatigue after years of high energy and a complete decrease in my OCD over food?

Yes. In my experience this is exactly what can happen. To start with your eating disorder is a coping mechanism which makes you feel like nothing can stop you. It makes you feel powerful, strong, and in-control! It feels like it’s the answer to everything! As time goes on your body just can’t keep up with the lack of energy and nutrition which can cause things like low-mood, insomnia, fatigue, nausea, headaches, and paranoia etc.It can also do some pretty weird things with your mind because it doesn’t have enough energy to function any more so the things which used to make you feel awesome are now becoming more of a burden which you can’t seem to escape from.All of these things weigh on you whether or not you realise it and it can lead to some pretty severe isolation and depression as you continue to starve your body and mind of what it needs. People always seem to focus on the food issues with anorexia but the mental issues that arise are just as concerning and horrible to deal with!Even if it’s not what you want to hear you can stop it from getting any worse. My recovery took me about one and a half years and i still get some relapses every now and then but it was surreal how much better I felt when i started to get on top of my new eating plans! It was like everything had turned to summer and everything that I used to worry about began slowly melting away! It takes dedication and you can’t do it alone.You are worthy of help and treatment no matter how much you think your illness isn’t ‘bad’ enough. Go to a doctor, tell them that you are having food issues, and just be open to what they say. For me this first step was the biggest hurdle. If you need any advice or help just message me and i’m happy to be there for you!I wish you all the best and send my love and support!!