Is Anyone Else Libertarian And Why

Why are so many libertarians anti-abortion?

Cis white male libertarian here.So let me tell where I stand.Abortion should always be available. I’m not about to sacrifice a fully autonomous human for the possibility of one.Retro-active birth control. Should be available up to 16 weeks. The point of viability and the point agreed upon by most Western European Democracies that did not have the issue thrust upon them by a Supreme Court decision.Now the reason I am Answering this question is Stephanie Vardavas’s answer Which I think is bull sh*t. As soon as I saw the word “sexism” I knew she really had no argument. The typical bigoteer response to any argument is to call it an “ism”. Fighting Back: Bigoteer and Empowering Online Social HateYes, libertarians are roughly 2/3ths male. Do you know why Stephanie? This video might help.We are the guys who are probably Feminism allies when it comes to opportunity and enemies when outcomes. (Support equality of opportunity; reject equality of outcomes.)Of the 3 groups studied, we look to rationality more than anyone else.And no, Lacey Sheridan it is not a control issue. We are the group least likely to want to control what you do. The only thing that you will hear coming from a libertarian is “are you sure you want to do that”, as we look at at you about to do something that probably will get you killed.

Why isn't everyone a libertarian?

Some people prefer to be pets of the government . If I obey my master I can lay around and he will throw me a bone .

It doesn't matter if we are better or worse at regulating ourselves than a politician .

It's our responsibility , not the government's!

Almost every problem we have had in our economy , including the banking and housing problem was caused by government over regulation of the free market .

What is the party platform of the Libertarian Party?

In a nutshell: socially liberal and fiscally conservative.

Why do libertarians think that they have higher IQs than everyone else?

Question: “Why do libertarians think that they have higher IQs than everyone else?”It’s an ego thing. People on the fringe often believe they have “secret” knowledge that the majority don’t. They have figured out and connected the dots where few others ever could. Thus their IQ must be higher. They’ve read the mighty Adam Smith, they’ve completed Ayn Rand, they know for a fact that government is 100% evil to the core, thus they are smarter than the common droogs.Nevermind that Ayn Rand is junk philosophy and the fringe is fringe for a reason.I’ve seen plenty of libertarians on the Internet and it’s a common problem with them. They even have this “No True Scotsman” idea going that they, and only they, are true libertarians and most others are false. Virtually all I’ve talked to deny what other libertarians say and stand for. Shrug.

How do Libertarians, as a generalization, feel about abortion?

Libertarians for the most part are pro-choice. They believe goverment has no say in matters like this. The Libertarian Party platform has stated that they're neither a pro-life or pro-choice party. That the federal government cannot legislate in favor or against abortion. So there isn't a general consensus about abortion. Many libertarians are pro-choice, some are pro-life. This is what their platform on abortions states:


Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration.

I'm a libertarian and against abortion. But many libertarians disagree with me, this party is mostly about fiscal issues and that is where we agree.