Is Anyone Else Sick Of Libertarians

How would you find a Libertarian commune?

Communes are nowhere near as common as they were in the 60's (50+ years ago). I expect Religious Communes are the only ones left.

What do Libertarians think of consumerism?

As a Libertarian, I believe people have the right to spend their money any way that they'd like, even if it's a stupid way to spend their money.

Look at it this way: If everyone else is stupid in their spending, then that makes you smarter than average!

I have a greater concern regarding federal subsidies on certain products that promote one product over another, as well as federal regulations which prevent competition (and therefore innovation). Likewise, I oppose state subsidies of a particular company in a particular industry, while other companies in the same industry and companies in other industries don't receive the same benefits. Why is one company favored over another?

What gives government the right to decide what's "good for you" and what's "bad for you", or what's best for the society? What does government do right? Post office is broke. Medicare is broke. Social Security is broke. What empirical data makes you think the government can do a better job?

The problem with libertarianism?

The problem with libertarianism is psychopathy. It's not a name, it's a euphemism.

What is the Libertarian viewpoint on euthanasia?

Define euthanasia please.

Are you talking about killing Grandma because you've decided she's quite old enough now?

Then no. That is harming another person.

Are you talking about a pain victim who is in such horrible pain and no medication can help, and so that person freely chooses to end his own life? But needs your help?

Then that's OK. That is the person harming himself. The state has no moral authority to prevent a person from willfully and deliberately harming himself.


btw, I'd suggest being careful asking questions like that on a forum like this where people who are certainly NOT libertarian in ANY sense of the word are going to answer with a a stupid strawman.

That is, assuming you're asking an honest question and looking for an honest answer, rather than just trying to stir up controversy for controversy's sake.

Will there ever be a Libertarian President?

Maybe not a libertarian but I think a 3rd party will emerge within the next 15-20 years.

I'm a libertarian. Why do Republicans pretend to be? Correct me if I'm wrong...?

There's actually a huge cleft within Republicanism between 'moral conservatives' and 'libertarian conservatives'. The differences between these two are at times more stark than those between themselves and Democrats. The Conservative Libertarian believes very strongly in minimalist government (most moral conservatives adhere to this as part of their belief in fiscal responsibility). It could be argued that both types of conservatives have a social agenda, of sorts. Moral conservatives especially believe the government has a mandate to legislate and intervene in the process of regulating social behavior (abortion, use of drugs, even the recognition of 'God' as the cornerstone of political life), while Libertarian conservatives accept a more laissez faire approach regarding the governments relationship with society. Theirs is a type of 'negative freedom' which basically says, you are free to be and do what you wish, as long as you hurt no one else.

Democrats, by contrast, believe in a more active role by government in society. While they are less apt to prescribe certain moral behaviors (at least those held dear by 'moral conservatives') they do believe in using government power to create 'equity' in society, a type of 'positive freedom' which empowers individuals. This is where libertarians and democrats usually diverge, as the former would argue that such interference is neither democratic nor equitable, and typically creates conditions of inequality (ie, discrimination toward minorities) rather than leaving society to work such things out naturally.