Is Anyone Scared That Now Jerusilum Is Getting Bombed Now

What would happen if Iran destroyed Jerusalem with a nuclear bomb?

This fear-mongering question serves to perpetuate the grand public manipulation of “us vs. them” that works on most Americans but not on most people around the world. It is the same question that Pakistani government injects into the mind of its citizenry that India would turn Islamabad into a nuclear wasteland.The fact is neither India nor Persia (today’s Iran) has invaded any nations for a very, very long time.Also note that Jerusalem is the second holiest place for Muslims. Even if the Mullahs in Iranian regime went crazy, they will not nuke a place that is so very dear to Allah. Never.This neocon originated soundbite (not OP’s problem) exists to keep public mind ready for a war with Iran. Iraq War was wrong. Iran war would be worse. Unfortunately, this propaganda works for a sundry of other reasons out of the scope of this question.I have seen how mothers run holding a baby from rain of rockets. I know war.Look at the history of aggressive and nonaggressive nations. Nations that have waged wars, often for economic and bullying adventures, are likely to nuke other nations.The same way that we judge a person based on their background (a criminal is more likely to commit crime again) and not based on what someone tells us about them, we should look at other nations—at least that’s where we should start informing our attitude and faculty.Let’s work to reduce “us vs. them” mentality.

R U Scared Mark of The Beast?

yea i am frightened about that but you know i can't really help that and it's gonna happen but who knows when but God!!!

Was the bombing of the King David Hotel,Jerusalem a terrorism act.....???...??...?...?

Yes it was one of the many terrorist attacks that led to the creation of what we know today as Israel. There are more attacks that exceeded King David's Hotel attack in brutality. But what I find extremity amusing is that @Steve, who stated that he and his camp would condemn any terrorist attack, fails to explicitly condemn one when brought up. And he then blames others for not condemning OTHER terrorist attacks. Asking him to explicitly condemn a terrorist attack or a war crime committed by Israel or Jewish underground is like pulling a tooth.

Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them?

Did all that really happen? Wow.
But to answer your question..the reason
things like that aren't reported about in
the US is because if they did then they'll
be accused of Anti-Semitism.Just like they
never report about the crimes the gay communities
commit(especially against children) because then
they'll be accused of homophobia.:\
It is open season on all things Christian,my friend.
And besides the majority of the media are atheists.
So they are not going to report favorably on anything
having to do with God.And if they are aware of these
things,well they are cheering the perpetrators on.:(

Why is there no global outrage following the recent Jerusalem Bus Bombing?

I can see that you might think that it is antisemitism and indeed to an extent it might be true but other factors come into play. They are not very nice factors but nonetheless they might count.So proximity. Close to lots of news organizations, tv stations, multi national political hubs, multiple capital cities are mere kilometers away from each other.Sheer volume of people affected. There are lots, and I mean bazillions, of people very close to these bombs. When you see those photos from space of the earth at night that area of Western Europe is a huge lit up candelabra. Novelty. People are still getting used to the idea that they are involved in some low level war here.  Story. Where the bomb forms part of an evolving narrative that is the focus of much media and political interest. Now the inverse is also true. So the further away the bomb the less coverage. The lack of novelty, where there is on going and continuous conflict means less coverage. The seeming intractability of the problems of Israel and Palestine means the story has run its media course. There is nothing left to say except exasperation. So there have been bombs in Turkey, Iraq and Afhganistan recently and they've gathered equally little attention for precisely the reasons I've explained above. Indeed I seem to recall some indignation in Turkey that no one was marching in Europe or changing Facebook page livery to protest their bombings just like you guys are too quite rightly pointing out the hypocrisy of the western media. It's unfortunate but a reality and I'm not sure it can be attributed solely, if at all, to anti-semitism. When my football team loses all I can see are headlines about it. When another team loses I don't notice. Way of the world. I know you know all this already. During the 70s, 80s and into the early 90s bombs went off with a dreadful regularity in London. People got killed and maimed. We got used to the regular disruption to daily life. I suspect the rest of the world got IRA bomb news fatigue and those bombs became footnotes in papers around the world. Indeed I suspect there was some ambiguitity about condemning or being outraged by those bombs as possibly people perceived the bombers to be freedom fighters not terrorists. Which is strange because their war of freedom had been won back at the beginning of the 20th century.  So it goes.  I'm very sorry about the terrible loss of life and dreadful maiming.