Is Being Commited To A Religion Would Help Give You A Discipline To Study Well

How do you keep yourself disciplined?

During the Indian Police Service (IPS) training, our daily morning PT (physical training) used to start with a warmup run of four laps (total 1.6 KM). It felt super hard in week one. We thought it will become easier once we got used to it, maybe after a few months.Here is the surprise: It never got easier. Running the four warmup laps was always painful, even when we were fit enough to do a cross country of 16 KM.The path of discipline is not easy, and will never be easy. Period.Why is it so hard to stay disciplined?Because we allow our mind to interfere in the path of discipline. Why do we fail to get up early in the morning? Because the mind says, “You are so tired and sleep deprived. Just sleep for 5 minutes more and it will be fine”. Then 5 becomes 10, and it is all the way downhill after that.We allow the fallacy that we will get up early or eat healthy or study well or do the right thing when we get used to it and it becomes a little easier.But it will NEVER get easier. It will never be easy to get up at 5 am, every single day of the year. Not now, not after 10 years.So what should you do? The answer is trivially simple, but also very hard. You have to stop listening to your mind. Just stop. No concession to what your mind says.When you have to do something hard, you have to become a robot. It does not matter how you feel. Who cares? Just execute the plan like a machine. That is the only way.If you decide to go for a run, get up and run. You will feel groggy and your legs will hurt. The pain you feel is exactly the pain everybody else feels. The pain of discipline is the price of happiness.People who win are those who keep going, regardless of how much it hurts.

How does one stay disciplined and committed to being a vegan?

I am a Hindu vegetarian Brahmin, so I think so I can help you in this matter.First of all let me tell you that being a vegetarian is really a matter of proud.Why Vegetarianism…Let me directly tell you what you can do to be disciplined regarding vegetarianism.Meditation: Meditate daily, this will increase your love towards nature and you will develop the resilience towards the urge to eat non veg. Also meditation is the #1 strategy to develop over all self discipline.Develop compassion towards animals: You will not even think of hurting somebody if you love them so have compassion towards animals. Meditating daily will also help you developing compassion.Have religious power: If you follow any religion try to search for things which can hep you to be compassionate about animals and nature. for example in some sub castes of Hinduism it is prohibited to even hurt any animal so we cannot think of killing any animal and eating them.(Here I am talking about some sub castes of Hinduism not all)Try Indian Vegan food: It is really delicious and nutritious, change you daily food pattern, We in India make Chapati and Vegetable everyday it’s our daily diet, but how we make vegetable differs we use a lot of spices, which makes the food very delicious. But one thing it takes a little hard work to make to prepare Indian food so be ready for that.Some tricks you can followWhen you go for shopping next time just watch a you tube video about vegetarianism and you will end up buying vegan food.Never go for shopping hungry, always eat something before going for shopping.keep reaffirming in your mind that you want to become vegan and slowly you will become.Whenever you see some non veg food see some live animal in it or think that some animal has been killed to make that food.(This trick is used or taught in our Indian vegetarian families.)Never shy to say somebody that I am vegan, never ever because peer pressure can cause you to eat some non veg.Even if you some day cannot resist to eat some non veg, don’t be hard on yours self, this can cause “Beware the "What-the-Hell Effect," Especially on Holidays! ”Try this thing and it will help you.A last trick think that you were vegan from your child hood but some evil forces indulged you in eating non veg and by becoming veg you are fighting against those forces.Hope it helps…Thank you

Does atheism lead to weaker minds and weaker self-discipline?

No.Thinking for yourself, rather than "surrendering" to an external control, real or imaginary, is more challenging. It requires a stronger mind and greater self discipline. The premise is exactly inverse from truth.If you must be responsible for any transgression, rather than getting divine forgiveness, if you must take care of yourself, rather than praying for aid, if you find your own path, rather than following a shepherd, great leader or prophet, you are a stronger person.When you give yourself over to a great, invisible parent, to watch over you, protect and provide for you, you give up a measure of adulthood. You are a freed person longing for the simplicity of chains.A meta-study of 63 individual studies indicates that believers are less intelligent than nonbelievers, religious nations are worse off than nonreligious nations and atheism follows education. "In a 2013 meta-analysis, led by Professor Miron Zuckerman, of 63 scientific studies about IQ and religiosity, a negative relation between intelligence and religiosity was found in 53 out of 63, and a positive relation in the remaining ten."Wikipedia Religiosity and intelligenceHelmuth Nyborg, in the scientific journal Intelligence "demonstrated that atheists scored an average of 1.95 IQ points higher than agnostics, 3.82 points higher than liberal persuasions, and 5.89 IQ points higher than other dogmatic persuasions."Further, studies of tribal cultures reveal that people tend toward religion, in almost every primal culture, simply because it is easier and more comforting than facing harsh reality. This reminds us that, mathematically, half of us are below average intelligence.

18+ question regarding Muslim guys...?

What do you want us to tell you? Go commit zina?? There are NO exuses for it, lotsa Muslims guys are dealing with the same problem, be patient.

I feel weird advising you...I'm just going to tell you what I think u should do..

1. Refrain from watching nasty stuff, like porn and all that stupid crap and LOWER YOUR GAZE.
2. Pray 5x a day and READ the Quran, it's the solution to everything, I swear.
3. Don't hang out with guys that are into this stuff and don't be alone with non-Mahram girls.
4. Go the mosque as often as you can and listen to the jummah khutbahs and sometimes in islamic centers there are muslim counselors that can talk to you about this stuff, they'll give you good advice.
5. Saying "Aouthu Billabi Mina Shaytaani Rajeem" throughout the day when you have bad thoughts, it will keep the Shaytan away.
6. Be around your family, occupy yourself. Don't be by yourself all the time.
7. Make Duas for yourself, talk to Allah(swt) about your problems.
8. Fast, it will diminish your sex drive.

How to tell my parents I don't want to be confirmed in the Catholic religion?

You need some education.

You have no reason to disagree with calling priests "father." Spiritual fathers are a biblical concept. For example, St. Paul referred to himself as Timothy's spiritual father, right there in Scriptures.

You have no reason to disagree with praying to Mary. Jesus established Mary as our intercessor in John 2, and the Bible does NOT forbid us from asking the saints who live with us in heaven to pray with us and for us.

You have ABSOLUTELY no reason to disagree with confession, because the Bible says we MUST confess our sins to somebody else. That's in James 5:16. We confess to priests because Jesus gave them the ability to do so in John 20:21-22.

You say you researched this. What happened is that you went to Baptist camp and they showed you a good time and you fell for it. They trotted out their typical complaints about Catholicism -- none of which are well-founded -- and you are repeating them here because you haven't turned your brain on and done LEGITIMATE research and determined what is REALLY true.

If you don't feel God at Mass, you're tuning out. Hello? THE EUCHARIST is Jesus, right there, physically present for us, and you can commune with Him physically, spiritually, intellectually and emotionally. The Baptists aren't going to give you a physical connection with the Lord because they say it's impossible...but the Bible says that with God, ALL things are possible.

You SHOULD go through your confirmation classes because you'll get good information. Ask all the tough questions you have and insist on getting answers, but LISTEN to the answers. Open your mind and LEARN what is true. At any rate, even if you were to become Baptist, you have to honor your parents, and they want you to go.

You don't have enough FACTS to know whether you believe in Catholicism or not. LEARN FIRST.