Is Being Thin In An Image Conciouse Society A Sort Of Survival Tactic

Why am I so self conscious?

how to begin?
it started when i was about 12, when i realized that my weight was growing, when i began to notice all these flaws about me that had never bothered me before.
i began to think that my friends were excluding me, while i was the one pushing myself away.
i asked myself if anyone had noticed that i was the only (i hate this word, so i'll say: non-thin) girl in my group of friends.
there was a point in which all my friends had boyfriends except me
and i thought, "these bi***es only want to make me jealous" which, frankly, it worked.
how could i say that about the girls who have been my friends for over 5 years??
i hate being like this. i hate the feeling that i get when i see a skinny girl who looks good in skinny jeans, while i look like a ball of putty. worst of all, my mum says that i eat because of nerves, and im starting to think it is true.
another thing is that i NEVER speak in front of my friends, im always the quiet one that makes awkward silences worse. i dont know why, but i never have anything to say. and if i do, i whisper it, and if i try to repeat myself, i feel like a dork.
you know, i wasnt always like this. i used to be... happier, i guess you could say, i didnt keep to myself, i didnt care what other people thought about me, i was actually confident. and then... i turned into this.
im sorry for going all emo-ish here, but i just cant take it anymore. i feel like poo.
is this some sort of psychological disease?
or, how can i improve who i am? im not seeking perfection, just a more confident attitude.
thanks for taking your time reading this :) :/

Why is my conscious associated with the molecules that make up my body?

No need to joust, just stating the facts. Your first error is in stating: "The sensation of consciousness is attributed to the fact that our brain cells are interconnected in such a way that consciousness “emerges.” So why do you think you are you and not me?"
Well, consciousness does not emerge from brain cells. Pure consciousness is boundless, it is when one functions from the brain's limited capacity that one sees limitation, division, separation, the 'me' and the 'you' as existing in separation whereas the true state is that there is only ONE consciousness, call it what you wish, Cosmic Consciousness, Universal Intelligence, Divine Mind, and in this cosmic mind all exists. There is nothing outside of Divine Being, the Bible says, "We live and move and have our being in Him."

From the spiritual viewpoint, that is, seeing it from above to below, there is only ONE LIFE, and we are expressions of that One Life. This is the ultimate teaching in spiritual realization.

From the intellectual viewpoint - The intellect only deals with effects, with the 'known', the realm of duality, of the relative plane, and is not capable of encompassing the WHOLE of Life. That is why we have the saying, "Mind Be Still and Know that 'I AM' God."

So you have: a) the Spiritual consciousness which is Oneness, as compared to b) the Intellectual capacity which functions in duality on the physical plane.

Your senses give you impressions of separation but in Meditation you realize your oneness with all of life. The Master Jesus said, "I am the Life" for he knew his unity with the whole; his individual consciousness was an emanation of the universal consciousness, or 'the Father', or 'God'.

Now, what was your question? Are you asking for our spiritual connection or our divisions based upon sense perceptions? You can decide which is more everlasting.

The sad news is that society continues to encourage our unhealthy habits on a consistent daily basis. We’re attacked on all fronts of media for ads of sugary cereals, alcohol, and fattening fast food restaurants.It’s astonishing how early children are targeted by large ad networks on television persuading them to consume the latest and greatest sugar-loaded cereal. Through attractive bright colors and happy cartoon scenes, it’s impossible for infants to look away.There has been significant scientific evidence that COCAINE and sugar have increasingly similar effects on the brain. We’re constantly encouraged to feed our children cocaine for breakfast… Nice, society.If they’re able to condition us early enough, we’ll continue these addictive and self-destructive habits into adulthood.Then, we’re introduced to alcohol. We trade five, 8-hour days for an alcohol-fueled weekend. We continue this destructive cycle for another 25 years. If society is lucky, we’ll neglect our health through the whole process until we’re riddled with disease.That’s when the real money starts.It’s now Big Pharma’s turn to get a slice of the pie. We’ll require expensive Diabetes and heart medication to counteract our dreadful dietary/life habits.“Research found that more than a half million Americans spent in excess of $50,000 on prescription medicine in 2014, and more than 100,000 people's prescription drug spending surpassed $100,000.”With typical heart bypass surgery, you’re looking anywhere from $70,000 to $200,000! Of course, you’ll be recommended to take about 30 different types of pills and prescriptions once the operation is complete.It’s a vicious and endless cycle where our health suffers, and large companies profit.Curt Barter owner of LiquiFit.coInstagram / YouTube / Quora

Selfishness is neither human nature nor a conscious choice. It is the law of this society. Kids are encouraged to compete in games, then compete for colleges with good grades, then compete for scholarships. After many years of rigorous training they then compete for ever higher pay and positions in various fields as economies rise and fall due to massive, global competitions playing out that can make or break nations at a time.Some nations try to avoid this game by consisting of simple farmers or gatherers, but these are the highest targets of companies who swoop in and pay them basically nothing to extract virtually anything that produces profit, from mines to labor to entire forests destroyed and shipped overseas.It cannot be human nature because we grew up cooperatively, like wolves or any social animal. Social animals do not steal food or kill their family for it, they share food. Sharing food seems insane from a survival perspective, and if we were truly selfish we’d just murder each other for food any chance we got. But we didn’t, and instead even kept elders alive long past their hunting age. We kept many younglings alive even though they did not know how to hunt or gather yet, and many others around purely because we love and care about each other more than optimizing our own situation.Selfishness is, according to most, a very conscious choice. This is true only if you already have enough to pay off all your debts, your family’s debts, and the cost of living for you and your family, plus enough extra to consider giving some away. Very few people actually have this. Thus it is only a conscious choice for the extremely wealthy and financially rich to be selfish or not. The poor must always choose to act “selfishly” despite never actually having enough for themselves, let alone others. It is terribly ironic that they are often considered the most selfish of all, what with food stamp lobsters, welfare queens, and “leeches” being common nicknames for people who can barely survive and must rely upon whatever they can find and still try to do things for each other and be happy by these same expectations. Meanwhile anyone with a Swiss bank account doesn’t even have to pay taxes, nor could anyone even try to charge them taxes since the records are top secret. It’s truly backwards when the richest of all save the most money and the poorest are accused of being selfish.

Constant pressure to stay thin?

No, I feel it too. It def sucks. I live in Connecticut, I'm 20, 5'5" and 109 lbs. I struggle trying to lose 4-6 lbs because I feel like the little weight I do have, it makes me look awful. It's the society we live in and the culture of thin and being healthy. While being healthy kind of takes a back seat to being thin and fitting in our clothes to look really good, it's important to eat. I'm vegetarian too and I've been for almost 4 years now.

Just make sure you're doing whatever you're doing for you. It's when you start to try to please someone else that it becomes overwhelming and hurtful.. I used to think my boyfriend wanted me to be super small and boney, but he actually gets mad at me when he finds out I skip meals and spend hours and hours at the gym. As you hanging out with a group of females who desire the same body image as each other, it will def put pressure on you and the rest of your friends to be thin and stay thin.

Also, don't follow the celeb news and diets, don't look at the bikini pics, beach pics, whatever. All the images and constant media attention on bodies is not even real and isn't ideal.. These people devote their lives to the treadmill and trainers and diets, while real people deal with real situations and real life. Later in life, you and I may suffer from bone loss and health conditions because we are small so now the time is crucial to doing healthy things that will make our lives easier as we get older.

Beauty works, that's why.A lady named Molly Tilghman once summed up the 18th century perspective on beauty in this way:"Wisdom says beauty is a fading flower — but it attracts more admiration than wit, goodness, or anything else in the world." [1]This is because beauty taps into basic drives that people have for sex and admiration. The admiration of other people directly translates into ease in cooperation with them.Beauty is really more of a skill than a natural factor. Beauty standards are more like arbitrary skill challenges of fashion. Some cultures prize plumpness over thinness and vice versa. Shoes matter more and less depending on the culture.Beauty tends to be constructed, although culturally, people prefer to pretend that it's a sort of inborn talent, or that it comes mostly from genetics. It's not. It comes from an appreciation of aesthetics combined with the skill needed to apply that to the body. Women value beauty because it offers a superb return on investment, at least until old age creeps up. Being beautiful is a great way to induce other people to do stuff for you. Whether that's getting Thuggok the caveman to hunt a deer for you or convincing your employees of the importance of a new project, beauty powers charisma.The problem that women often experience is that it's tough to get any attention for their other talents if they're not also attractive. Men also have this problem, but it's not as remarked upon, because it's more of a taboo subject among fellows. [1]What America Was Really Like In 1776 (The Thomas Fleming Library): Thomas Fleming: Kindle Store

Can you recall anything about your existence before birth or your conception for that matter?

If you're going to answer this question seriously, please don't read the other answers beforehand, they may affect the results of the following "exercise".

You know, we all have an uncertain outlook on death, its gonna happen to all of us but none of us really know what'll happen when it hits us. So, the following idea came to mind, maybe you can't accurately predict what happens after death, but if we existed before conception, we would have had an experience of some sort before that time. Ofc tho, whether or not we can recall any sensations from it if we even felt any is another story. Existence after death can't be that much different from existence before conception, right?

So, this is what I want you to do, firstly don't read any of the other answers before you respond. Think back on your early childhood memories. After that, attempt to push back further, try to remember what came before that, using either emotions or your senses to put it into an idea or words. What comes to you, if anything? Put your response in the comments below...i felt something specific with intense clarity when I did this, I'm wondering if any of you get a similar recollection or sensation. Thanks!

PS: I know this is a spiritual question of sorts, so I'll give this clarification, unless you actually recalled something distinctively religious in nature, please don't bring up religion. I'm personally an atheist, I'm open to religion and spirituality, but I'm not looking for some ideas you believe out of a book I can lookup online. Please only give details on what you can actually recall.

Does anyone think those baggy pants with the undershorts sticking out the top are sexy?

Wearing those sort of clothes doesn't mean he was trying to "be black", it means he's trying and succeeding at being a moron.
That dress mode is plain disgusting. I do NOT find it appealing in the least.
And by the way,do you think that saying that someone is "being black" is an epithet of some kind?.Or that his skin color should determine whether or not he "goes far in life"?
Oops!Honey, I may have stumbled across another racist tonight...
(One last thing: use the Spell Check button,cracker!)