Is Catching Cold For Long Period Dangerous

Having a cold and your PERIOD at the same time?

Hi, i'm just turned 20 year old girl. Is it normal that i keep catching a cold the same time i get my period? This is the 3rd time it's happened this year. It's not too bad cause usually i get the COLD symptoms and i guess the period pains lower due to being sick, but my periods are always REALLY heavy, soo i feel more exhausted than usual. Is this normal? WHAT can i do?

Is it good to take bath with cold water during periods?

is it good for health or bad if females take bath daily during periods with cold waters? some one says no bath during periods as it will worse periods cramps/is it true any suggestion?

How do Nordic people (Norwegians, et al.) tackle the long periods of cold and darkness?

With great difficulties.The winter and lack of sunlight is the hardest part to live in Finland. I do not mind the cold, but the darkness is really depressing, and it is reflected in the melancholic psyche of the Nordics (not many reggae groups here, but have you ever heard of a Caribbean black metal band either?), high alcohol and drug consumption (yes, better life through chemistry) and - unfortunately - depression and suicides. Yes, it really is that bad.It becomes easier after the permanent snow. Snow does reflect sunlight and makes the landscape lighter than it is. The LED lights are a true blessing - they create a lot of light with little energy consumption.I like doing slalom and cross-country skiing. I also visit swimming hall regularly. I do indoor hobbies and drink a lot of coffee. Coffee is the true elixir of life during the winter months. D vitamin pills and sunlight lamps also do help on overcoming the worst.The summers are incredibly intensive here in North. Here in Helsinki, the sun never really sets during the Summer Solstice. It is light enough to read the newspapers. (A true pain if you are Muslim and Ramadan befalls on June.) True night appears only in September. The Nordic countries live with intensive, hectic, pace in Summer. I absolutely love going swimming in the sea in the midnight and watch the nautical twilight all around.Conversely, the winter is incredibly hard. The sun rises at 0930 and sets at 1515 on Christmas Eve. Those living further North have it even harder: Rovaniemi is located at Arctic Circle, meaning the sun doesn’t rise at all at Christmas - there is only civil twilight available that day! At Kemi the sun rises at 1050 and sets 1350 that day. Snow will ameliorate the thing to certain extent: it will reflect moonlight and the night appear lighter than it otherwise would be.Fortunately there is enough time to prepare for the winter. It is reasonably light until the end of October, and the darkness will ease in the beginning of March.

Do Chinese women really believe that they can't drink cold water during their periods?

yes cold water or drink is not good for woman during masturbating period

What is it that makes you catch a cold when you get caught in the rain, if it is essentially the same thing as being drenched in water when you're showering?

Getting wet, by itself, will not give you a cold. The only thing that can cause a cold or flu is a cold or flu virus. Getting cold or wet won’t give you a cold. However, if you are already carrying the virus in your nose, it might allow symptoms to develop.A study at the Common Cold Centre in Cardiff found that people who chilled their feet in cold water for 20 minutes were twice as likely to develop a cold as those who didn't chill their feet.The authors suggest that this is because some people carry cold viruses without having symptoms. Getting chilled causes blood vessels in the nose to constrict, affecting the defences in the nose and making it easier for the virus to replicate."Getting a cold from going out in the cold or after washing your hair is a myth," says Dr Joshi. "Colds are common. If the virus is already there and then you go out with wet hair and develop symptoms, it's common to think that is what caused it."- Preventing colds and flu, National Health Service, UKThe human rhinovirus, the real culprit behind your cold. Source: Wikimedia

Is it true that you're not supposed to eat cold things during your menstrual period?

No it's not true at all. Your period comes out based on muscle contractions in your uterus, it will come out as it pleases and you can't freeze the blood to make it last longer! However, caffeine can make the cramps worse, and I find that eating soup and other hot foods makes the cramps lighter...I think that's psychological though because I knows girls who practically survive on popsicles and stuff because they say that the cold, sweet food makes their cramps better.

So eat whatever you please, it won't change your period at all!

How serious is Herpes? Compared to an STD?

It isn't serious - more of a nuisance and inconvenience - if even that (80% of infected people don't get symptoms).

Genital herpes is exactly the same as a cold sore - which is an outbreak of oral herpes. Irritating to have, doesn't look that pretty, but goes away in less than a week and doesn't come back often.

Outbreaks don't hurt for the majority of people - like cold sores, only a few people get really severe ones. As for psychological effects, well that is down to the unreasonable stigma that is attached to herpes, completely unrelated to it's severity.

You feel ill when you first catch it because it is a virus - it is the same when you first catch cold sores. It is fine after that. It doesn't do you any harm, just causes blisters on your skin which heal and go away. You can't die from it. In fact, it is the least harmful sti you can have because it doesn't have negative long-term effects.

Yes, a mother catching herpes during the last three months of pregnancy CAN pass herpes on to her baby during a vaginal birth - but it happens only in about 1 in 200,000 births. In a UK study of neonatal herpes, the only women who passed herpes on to their babies were women catching it during pregnancy. Women who had it prior to that did not infect their babies. Plus, antiviral drugs and elective c-section can prevent it entirely.

Cold sores - oral herpes - occasionally cause encephalitis in immuno-compromised patients, bu this is also extremely rare - bearing in mind that 80% of the adult population has oral hepres. Genital herpes is no more serious than a cold sore and does not deserve to be treated as if it is.

And to a previous answerer, an oral cold sore is never curable, because it is caused by a virus, and that virus is often the exact same one that causes genital herpes.

Is it unhealthy to walk around in wet clothes for a long period of time?

Yes, you could get sick. Besides, wet clothes do nothing to protect you from the cold. Quite the opposite in fact.When it’s cold it’s better to walk around nude than in wet clothes. You’ll still feel cold walking around nude, but at least your skin is dry. That makes you feel the cold less. In wet clothes, your skin is wet so the cold from the wet clothes only gets enhanced. You’ll feel twice as cold.

Can you get sick taking a shower and going outside in the cold?

I’m going to go slightly against the three Answers already given, but I’d like readers to note: I am NOT a doctor!First off, I’d agree that simply “going outside in the cold” briefly will not make a person sick.HOWEVER… if the cold period is extended, or if the person is unusually weak/compromised to begin with, the increased stress of having a severe cold exposure followed by a long period of inadequate warming could indeed, I believe, lower the effectiveness of one’s bodily systems in fighting off the germs that actually allow illnesses to take root.I may be wrong on this: it’s a combination of things I have read over the years and the sort of personal/anecdotal “evidence” that doesn’t carry much weight in real science.That “evidence” for me comes from a number of experiences many years ago when I’d sometimes be sleeping in poorly heated rooms with inadequate blankets, shivering awake at times and wrapping myself more tightly etc, and then coming down with upper respiratory infections in the following days. At some point I read something that made me think that it might be cause and effect and thereafter always took care to ALWAYS have enough blankets or wear enough clothing or turn up the thermostat to a sufficient level for a warm sleep and have since had very little trouble with those sorts of infections.Important Side Note: This awareness and change in behavior came about in roughly the same time period that I became aware of a food allergy that also caused upper respiratory symptoms, so although my sense at the time was that the two produced independent effects, it is possible that the “sleeping while cold” observation was actually just a confounder.MJM, who now sleeps warm ’n well…