Is Character Created By Innateness Or Education

Are people born with their character or is it learned?

A2ACharacter is a set of behavior traits that define what sort of person an individual is. It determines whether a person will effectively achieve goals, be forthright in dealing with others and will obey the laws and rules of the group.Although character is related to personality, it is not the same thing. Personality primarily consists of inborn traits, while character consists of learned behavior.Both may vary with the situation or circumstances.Character : character is typically learned from your parents, teachers and friends. This learning comes from being taught directly or from observations of others. Character relates to attitudes and values.Personality : People seem to be born with certain personality traits or tendencies. Some people are shy, while others are outgoing and talkative. Some people seem to be leaders, while others are analytical in their thinking. A common way to classify your personality or disposition is whether you are an extrovert or an introvert. That is, whether you tend to be outgoing or keep to yourself more. Another classification is whether you tend to be task oriented or prefer social engagements.Changing characterAlthough character is taught to you as a child, it can vary or change with situations and experience. For example, man who is meek on the job may be demanding and assertive in his household. Or, a person may be devious in business dealings but devout and honest in his religion. Also, since your character was taught to you when you were young, it is difficult to change your attitudes and values. But if you see that certain behavior does not work for you, it is possible to change your character for the better. A person with dishonest parents may see that crime does not pay and change his personality to be a very honest person. People often change religions and have a different view about what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior.There fore I would like to sum up as, Character is a set of behavior traits that define what type of person you are. It determines whether you will achieve your goals, be forthright in dealing with others and obey the rules of the group. Character and personality are related, but they are not the same thing. Personality is inborn traits and character consists of learned behavior. Character may vary with the situation or circumstances or may be purposely changed.Thanks (If Read)

Is an IQ test a reliable method of knowing one's innate intellect or it only shows one's educational & environmental backgrounds? In other words, is it a nature or a nurture thing?

This happens to be a hobby of mine. I always want to know what a persons IQ is. I don't believe it is the only indicator, but it is a measurement of a persons ability to learn. It does not actually measure what you have learned because part of the IQ test is your age and education level. There are some questions that are related to social aspects of our society, so that part is a little unfair if you are not from this environment. However, regarding the nature nurture aspect of your question. In my opinion, you are born with a certain set of "hardware", just like a computer. You can't upgrade that hardware, but you can add software and optimize it as best you can. I think IQ measures that hardware. The nurture part is the software. So, a persons innate ability to learn combined with their drive or energy level, normally determines their success in life. I've met plenty of very smart people with absolutely no desire to do or accomplish anything. On the other hand I've met complete idiots with all kinds of drive the they just keep running themselves into the wall. Some of the most driven people are ones that have had a very hard life and they are extremely motivated to accomplish a particular thing.

Is morality learned or innate?

Does morality come from an innate awareness, or is it a learned construct?“Two natures are at war, the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But in our own hands lies the power to choose, what we want most to be, we are.” ~ Robert Louis Stevenson.Prior to recent research two theories competed to answer this question.1.Blank Slate Theory (tabula rasa): at birth the (human) mind is a "blank slate", and rules for processing the world are formed solely by one’s sensory environmental experiences.2. Veneer theory, which originates from Darwinism, believes that morality is a cultural overlay, a thin veneer hiding an otherwise selfish and brutish nature and the point of civilization is to tame the inner beast inside each of us.However recent research has demonstrated that the building blocks of morality are innate. Babies too young to have learnt about morality show a predisposition towards goodness. Both Yale researchers de Waal and Bloom states that babies are moral naturalists, fine tuned by nature.An experiment by Bloom et al. which presented 6–10 month olds with a play where a puppet tried push a ball up a hill. A second puppet comes along and either helps, hinders or does nothing. They then let the babies choose the puppet they wanted. Babies preferred the nice puppet over the mean or neutral one, and preferred the neutral puppet to the mean one. The babies could recognize who was good and who was bad. One baby even smacked the mean puppet on the head.However it is also hypothesized that “moralizing” one's deliberations (e.g., thinking of stealing as forbidden, as opposed merely to feeling disinclined to steal) might make more probable the performance or omission of adaptive actions (e.g., acts of reciprocity).[The Innate Mind: Volume 2]Also humans demonstrate an innate preference towards members of our our groups (race, language etc.). A study of soccer fans demonstrated, when fans watched men of their own club get shocked they felt empathy, but when members of the rival club were shocked, their pleasure centres lit up.It seems that humans are capable of moral goodness and moral evil. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn says “The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?”

What is "innate nature" ?

innate means built in or automatic. nature would be how we act and repsond to things. so our innate nature would be how we as humans naturally react to things and most of the time it is a universal reaction. it ties in very close to morals. like when you tell a joke our innate nature is to laugh or smile. stuff that is already in us and we automatically do!

Hope this helped!


In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, how does the character Ralph show his loss of innocence?

Can someone who is experienced with this book help me out? I need an example of how Ralph has gone through the loss of innocence, and it can't be how he participated in Simon's death. Thank you very, very much. My english grade and I appreciate it.

What is most important in film-making, imagination or education?

As Einstein said “Imagination is important than knowledge” Same applies to film. There is innate skill(born with) and acquired skill for example there are 6 year old kids who could do oil painting or draw just about anything and there are 60 year Olds who can barely doodle stick figures. The same thing applies to dance, music, acting and even film making. Let us say a child who drew from childhood grows up and joins art school and someone who cant draw joined art school who will shine? Education gives you knowledge which can make you a good teacher but not necessarily an inventor or creator, a business school(MBA) professor may not be a successful business man and vice versa.As a filmmaker you have to create something new(or different) a new story, screenplay, character, camera angle or something entertaining. Education gives you knowledge which tells you how something is done but not necessarily how to create something new or interesting for that you should have innate skills and talent.

What is the difference between (Innate) and (inherent)?

'Inherent' is an inherited trait passed down through genetics. Red hair, blue eyes, height, buck teeth, etc. are all inherited traits, but not all of those traits are necessarily passed down to all siblings. For instance, a family with 4 children might have an abnormally tall child.

'Innate' is not an inherited trait even though it's passed down from generation to generation. It is an intuitive or instinctual trait meant to help keep the individual alive.

For instance, new-born kittens, despite being blind, automatically know where to find 'dinner'. That is an innate trait. Their fur colour and pattern is inherent. Newborn babies might look more like daddy than mommy. That is inherent. However, no newborn child has to be taught to suckle. That is innate.