Is Cheese Bad For Sore Throat

Blue cheese good for sore throats?

The American Cancer Society actually recommends choosing macaroni and cheese when you have a sore throat because it is soft and bland. Also, it contains proteins which may help increase your energy levels.

What to eat with a bad sore throat?

A hot tottie (or toddy- not sure) is tea, honey, and a dark liquor. My parents always suggest it, but it's gross I think. Lol. It might be tonsillitis, I'm not sure - my doctor was booked today, but I was able to get a prescription for some antibiotics. Thanks for the suggestions - went with Ravioli's worked perfect with some minor pain when swallowing as expected though. Helped soothed my stomach as well with taking the antibiotics.

Can I eat cheese with a sore throat?

My mom is making a quesadilla and it has some cheese in it. Will this hurt me a lot or can I eat (I really want to I'm hungry lol)

Also don't suggest chicken noodle soup. It's gross

Is curd bad for sore throat?

You can take some steps to relievesore throat discomfort: ... For strepthroat, eat and drink cold foods and liquids such as frozen yogurt, popsicles and ice water. Use a cool-mist vaporizer or humidifier in the room where you spend most of your time.What foods and drinks should you have?Foods that are soft and very easy to swallow are usually safe to eat when you have a sore throat. The soft texture will help limit the amount of irritation to your throat. Warm foods and beverages can also help soothe your throat.Some foods you may want to eat are:warm, cooked pasta, including macaroni and cheesewarm oatmeal, cooked cereal, or gritsgelatin dessertsplain yogurts or yogurts with pureed fruitscooked vegetablesfruit or vegetable smoothiesmashed potatoesbroth and cream-based soupsmilknonacidic juices, such as grape or apple juicescrambled or hard-boiled eggspopsiclesEating and drinking these items will allow you to stay nourished without irritating your already sore throat.You can drink with cold

Can I eat this, with sore throat?

Past few days ive been having migrains and soar throat. My fever was at 102.2 yesterday, but its gone down to 99.9 today. My throat still hurts like a *****, and every now and then I get some bad headaches.

Im so hungry and sick of iced sherbert, tea, water, gatorade, and **** like that. I want something real.

I ate some honey glazed chicken today and it was fine going down.

Would I be able to eat (or is it not a good idea):
1)Pink Lemonade (drink)
2) Grape Juice (drink)
3) Lunchable (Pizza lunchable with soft crust, fake sause, and shredded cheese)

If not any of those, can you guys list some things that I can still eat, that are snacky like, but taste good as hell

Is it ok to eat pizza if you have a sore throat?

My answer would normally be why not. I have acid reflux from 4th stage liver disease, unfortunately Chemo for Breast Cancer was not kind. I took tamoxifen for 4 years causing further liver damage. Why do you have a sore throat? Eating tomato based food causes acid refux, causing a sore throat if eaten later in the day! You will wake up a lot in the mornings with a sore throat if you have acid reflux and don't take meds for it. So I guess the real question is “why do you have a sore throat? I have given up so much to avoid reflux that my diet has completely changed. My daily life consists of eating soft foods, applesauce, yogurts, warm soup, warm tea, it's all worth it because as you age these problems come out more often and more severe. Eat right now and enjoy your healthy life.

What are the worst foods for a sore throat?

You should generally avoid foods that are difficult to swallow or may irritate (scratch) your throat since it’s already sore and tender.So best foods to avoid:fresh, raw vegetablescrackerscrusty breadgranola, dry toastdry snacks like popcorn, pretzels, potato chipsdrinks like sodas, coffee, alcoholspicy foods and seasonings like hot sauces, chilli power, curry, nutmeg, pepper, clovesacidic fruits like oranges, lemons, lime, tomatoes, grapefruits

Loaded tater tots and sore throat?

i ordered them *with cheese, sour cream, chives and bacon* last night, and realized i had a sore throat this morning. not recommended to eat them now right? but i want to eat them when my sore throat is over, and i was wonderinng how long the tater tots would last in the fridge?