Is Dessert Once A Week Ok

Is it ok to have dessert twice a week?

I eat healthy and workout at least 5 times a week. Usually on Saturday I have dessert which is usually ice cream, would it be bad if I have it on Sunday too even if it fits into my calories?

Would having dessert once a week be OK when trying to loose weight?

You can have dessert every night if you want. It all depends on "what" you are eating. How many calories, how much fat, sugar etc.

If you say had fat free jello pudding with some strawberries and little dollop of fat free cool - whip every night you would be just fine with your diet plan. But if you have a huge slice of double chocolate cake with a massive serving of ice cream and hot fudge sauce on the side... well that's not going to help you do anything!

It's all about moderation. You have to let yourself slide every once in while other wise you will go crazy. But on those days have salad for lunch and dinner and treat yourself to a grand dessert. Or curb your sweet tooth with an allowance of your daily intake set to sweet stuff. For example if you're on a 1500 cal a day diet, and you still need something yummy. Have 150 cals set a side to that, and figure out what you can have to fit that in.

Best of luck with the diet!

Is it okay to have a cheat meal and dessert once a week?

It is as long as you are eating clean the remaining days and can compensate for it in the coming days…I have seen people starving to lose weight. Curbing their cravings for a dessert or a mac and cheese or where i come from, a good biriyani. This i where i constantly tries to find out why they want to loose weight. If people try to shut their digestive system out by just having chicken breast and broccoli, even without liking it, is plain suicidal. The moment you stop it, your body goes to rejection mode and you start to gain weight as before and may end up even bigger.Start a nutrition plan in such a way that you wont mind following it for atleast few years. Imcorporate things that you like and include essential muscle building foods too. Make sure you stick to the plan and everthing will unfold just fine.Fat loss is no rocket science but fitness industry is a hoax. So called celebrity fitness trainers are just trying to sell their product out and make money.The hypocrisy in it can easily identified. They give u tons of supplements like CLA , BCAA, Carnitine, Whey and sell it saying they all are natural. No one talks about what happens when u stop having it.Whey is fine as long as you are having it life long. The day you decide to stop all these supplements, your body is gonna react in unexpected ways and you may even end up in the same stage faster than it took you to decrease.I have personally lost around 15kgs without having any supplements and i do have sweets daily. I just a found a way to incorporate with my diet.

Is it ok if I eat pasta and dessert once a week?

A meal made of ony pasta and dessert is certainly not ideal. Basically you are eating carbs (complex and simple) and fats and not much else. Sure, it’s once a week but it sounds you opt for eating a series of unbalanced meals in the opposite direction instead of eating mostly balanced meals. What many people outside Italy do not get is that pasta is not *the meal*. Pasta is supposed to be part of the meal along with several other dishes. So, you may consider eating a meal made of a small portion of pasta, a portion of vegetables, a small portion of proteins (meat, but also fish, eggs, cheese or other dairy, pulses), and finally a fruit. These can be combined in many different ways. This is a kind of meal you can eat every day.

How often is it OK to eat dessert?

I am trying to maintain my weight (around 118-120 pounds, 5'4").
I work out about 5 days a week by running or dance. I eat lots of fruit and veggies throughout the day, but at night, all I want is a bit of something sweet! Usually, my dessert is two scoops of frozen yogurt every other day (of course, I'd love to eat it every day, but I worry about gaining and going back to my old habits).
What do you think? How often is dessert OK for me? Thanks! ;-)

Is it ok to have a slice of cake once a week?

Yes! Cheating occasionally will help to keep you on track!

Is it okay to have dessert every once and a while? I'm on a strict-ish diet/exercising about 2-4 times a week but had a bit of ice cream for the first time in ages, will I mess up my diet?

It is absolutely OK to have dessert now and then. There are no fattening foods. What’s not OK is being on a weight loss diet, especially a strict one. Never do that.See The best weight loss diet.

Is it unhealthy to eat dessert once a day?

“Dessert is like a feel-good song and the best ones make you dance.” -Edward Lee (chef)Dessert (noun): A usually sweet course or dish (as of pastry or ice cream) served usually at the end of a meal.More often than not, when we are looking forward to gorging ourselves with a good meal, we tend to eat so much food that we compromise by skipping dessert altogether. On the times however that we do permit ourselves to indulge our sweet tooth, we usually feel guilty afterward which would mar the entire experience with regret. Instead of enjoying our delicious and decadent dessert, we are then constrained to feel bad for going over our calorie limits for the day. However, this should not be the case as desserts are designed to make the diner feel a sense of euphoria after all. In fact, dessert connoisseurs would argue that a meal is never over until the last piece of dessert is consumed.So, for the naysayers, a good helping of a sweet and indulgent dessert might just help you change your mind. So before scouring the metro for the best cakes in Manila, take a gander at this article first and read the reasons why dessert is good for you:1.) IT MAKES FOR A GOOD BREAKFASTDessert for breakfast might sound preposterous but having dessert for breakfast can actually help you lose weight. Research conducted at the Tel Aviv University’s Wolfson Medical Center has claimed that non-diabetic obese people can lower their weight by eating desserts for breakfast. Dessert might not be conventionally considered as a healthy breakfast, but as eating dessert for breakfast has been attributed to reduced cravings throughout the day, one can argue that it might actually be a healthy alternative.2.) IT PUTS YOU IN A GOOD MOODEating dessert would no doubt put you in a good mood. After all, dessert is food for euphoria so it would make sense for your body to release endorphins the moment your mouth touches something sweet. For this reason, girls who have suffered through a bad breakup or people who have been going through a bad bout of depression typically reach for sweet-tasting desserts because it puts one in a good mood. If you want an instant pick-me-up or just something to cheer you up on a bad day, then treat yourself to something sweet.READ MORE: Four Good Reasons to Eat Dessert

Dessert everyday okay?

Ok, so I eat pretty healthy
Breakfast-two whole wheat waffles with peanut butter
snack-honey nut bar
lunch- turkey and cheese,100 calorie chips-and 100 calorie dessert
snack-yoplait yogurt with a honey nut bar, or some crackers with peanut butter or a banana with peanut butter.
dinner-what ever my mom makes.

But I have a VERY big sweet tooth...... Is It ok to have a small piece of cake, or small brownie,or a little bit of ice cream every night after dinner. I work out 3 nights a week and drink nothing but water! Is that ok?
Im 14:)

Is it okay to have a cheat meal once a week?

It can be okay. It can also be a hinderance for weight loss, depending on how it's done. If a cheat meal turns into a cheat day, then it's quite easy to consume the entire weeks weight loss, in calories, on that particular day. If a cheat meal is really excessive, then the same can happen. Example: a cheat meal consisting of 20 nuggets, 2 Big Macs, 3 large fries and a large Coke.However, if a cheat meal is truly just a cheat meal, then all should be well.When it comes to your particular situation, I would say that you are eating too few calories. This is also not healthy. It's perfectly possible to lose weight while eating more calories than you currently do. Typically 1200 is considered the minimum that should be consumed while losing weight. Most people would lose weight on this amount. However, when you consume too few calories, for a longer period of time, then your body enters something called starvation mode. This slows down your metabolism, and makes you burn less calories. This means you should gradually increase your intake, not jump straight to doubling your intake, if you decide to take a more healthy approach to weight loss.