Is Egypt Undergoing Democratization How Do You Know

Is Egypt undergoing democratization? How do you know?

No, they are definitely circling the drain and digressing - anybody with knowledge of history of democracy/coups/civics can see it clearly. In my opinion, the majority of Egyptians are playing the 'sports team' politics of bipartisanism....and that is what is/will really ruin any chance they had 2 years ago at real democratic progression or success. They sold out for appliance vouchers thrown from helicopters and it's sad to see them cheering 'their side' as if anybody wins.

How do you understand democracy?

I understand democracy to be government of the people, by the people, for the people which will negate the necessity of any government, people will decide how, why, what, when to do things to satisfy their needs as necessary, Socialism and Democracy regards ian.

How do you identify hematite?

Hardness of 5
heavy hard metallic mineral
dark almost black
Iron in it
it leaves an orange streak when you rub it across a surface

In 100 years, will every country's government be a democracy?

Almost certainly not, since it will most likely take more than a hundred years to stamp out the constancy of warlords in less developed parts of the world. But if we assume that such warlords are not ‘countries’ then we still cannot reconcile these following states which will most likely not become a democracy unless there comes to be an unpredicted event:Saudi Arabia - currently undergoing a gradual shift in economy and culture as proposed by Prince Mohammed bin Salman, if they continue with enlightened reforms, their monarchy should be safeBhutan - a stable, beautiful, and somewhat isolated monarchy dedicated to maintaing culture and increasing subjects’ happiness and technologyChina - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [no comment]Andorra - the small dual-princeship microstate which you hear about at the start of the Olympics and then forget (sorry, that was mean… they’re between France and Spain, and actually do hold an election for their executive)Some current democracies may fall, but I really don’t wanna doomsay. However, I will place a bet that, within the century, Vietnam will fall in its current corrupted system and form a democracy. I might be wrong, but if I’m right I hope that peoples’ blood shall not be shed. And if it is shed, it’s best for everyone and anyone to make it not shed in vain.

If Israel is a democracy, then why is it ranked 93rd out of a total of 100 countries in freedom of speech according to Reporters Without Borders?

Israel has recently outlawed any celebration of what is known as 'Al Nakba', which is the Palestinian catastrophe which occured simultaneously to the creation of the state of Israel, more or less.  In 1947 and 1948 over 300,000 Palestinians were 'cleansed' from their lands with atrocities happening to encourage this.  This is not up for debate, it's an accepted part of history.  Shit happens, and all that!  It's old.  It's over.  It's done.  Deir Yassin was one such event.  There were more.  This is 'al nakba'.  More recently, there is a film called 'Five Broken Cameras' which shows how each one gets broken.  They are mainly broken from violence from the IDF.More recently still we have journalists being banned from entering Gaza, at all, and journalists being shot in the face with tear gas cannisters, from very close range, by the IDF.Few years ago aboard the Mavi Marmara the IDF elite troops roped down and shot 9 people dead (1 died later) and injured around 50.  The IDF took all electronic media and recording devices from the passengers and crew of the Mavi Marmara.  Some were dropped into the sea.  Others were stolen.  Others were wiped and returned.  Others were returned without the digital chips which record information.Prior to boarding the ferry boat, the IDF used blocking signals to stop any transmissions of radio, SMS or email from the ship.You ask why?  Look closer...