Is Epsilon Eridani The Closest Known Solar System

What star is closest to our solar system?

Some of the closest stars to our solar system. Proxima centauri - 4.2 lyRigil kentaurus - 4.3 lyBarnard's star - 5.9 lyWolf 359 - 7.7 lyLalande 21185 - 8.2 lyLuyten 726-8A & B - 8.7 lySirius A & B - 8.6 lyRoss-154 - 9.7 lyRoss-248 - 10.3 lyEpsilon eridani - 10.5 ly

Which is the closest solar system to earth?

Over the last 20 years, astronomers have been discovering hundreds of planets around other stars, and some of these stars are hosts for multiple planetary systems. Of the solar systems discovered so far, the closest one is around the star named Epsilon Eridani, “just” 10.5 light years away (although that’s still about 100 trillion kilometres!).This isn’t the only answer though, as Epsilon Eridani has just one planet, so it’s necessary to travel even further to find the nearest multiple planet solar system. At a distance of 15.3 light years away (roughly 145 trillion kilometres), the star Gliese 876 has four confirmed planets. These are imaginatively named Gliese 876 b, Gliese 876 c, Gliese 876 d and Gliese 876 e. All extra-solar planets are named after their host stars, so that astronomers can keep track of which planets belong to which stars.

Shortest known distance between solar systems?

Well, the distance between stars in globular clusters average about 1 light year (much closer near the center), but those are all gravitationally linked to each other... so that's probably not the answer you are looking for. You could have similar distances between stars near galactic centers, but I don't think that is really what you are asking about.

In young star forming nebulous regions and open star clusters, the stars can get so close that some members are ejected from the system through gravitational perturbations... again, probably not the answer you are looking for.

I'm not sure what two gravitationally independent star systems are the closest known pair to each other. I would wager dollars to donuts that the likeliest components would be red dwarfs. Smaller mass allows for a closer distance without their mutual gravity on each other to cause them to be two components of a single system. Surely, as you get close to the lower mass limit of red dwarfs, the closest possible distance where they do not orbit each other could be less than a light year. But I know of no such examples.

Suppose you were looking at our own solar system from a distance of 11 light-years.?

What angular resolution would you need to see the Sun and Jupiter as distinct points of light?
Part 2
What angular resolution would you need to see the Sun and Earth as distinct points of light?

What planet is nearest to our Solar system?

Planets which are not within our Solar System are called
Exoplanets and they orbit other Stars, not our Sun. The closest
star to us is within Alpha Centauri which is 4.5 Light Years away.

Scientists and Astronomers are searching the sky for other planets that are orbiting other stars right now. Normally those planets are not visable to us because we are blinded by the brilliance of their stars. However, recently some new methods of locating these planets have been implemented with great success. One of the new methods has
to do with studying a particular star for long periods of time and noting when something passes between that star and us (most likely one of that star's orbiting planets). I like to think of it as the distant planet causing the star to "wink" as part of its light is interrupted.

A complete discussion and listing of the Exoplanets discovered so far may be found at

The last time I checked there had been about 270 large Exoplanets discovered, named, and cataloged. Note: there does not seem to
be a good way to detect the smaller size exoplanets, and the method
mentioned above is only good for detecting the largest size exoplanets.

What is the nearest solar system to ours?

Nearest star systemAlpha Centauri is the closest star system to the Solar System, being 4.37 light-years from the Sun. It consists of 3 stars: Alpha Centauri A, Alpha Centauri B and Alpha Centauri CNearest single planet solar systemThe closest solar system is around the star named Epsilon Eridani, just 10.5 light years away. Epsilon Eridani has just one planet.Nearest multiple planet solar systemAt a distance of 15.3 light years away, the star Gliese 876 has four confirmed planets. These are named as Gliese 876 b, Gliese 876 c, Gliese 876 d and Gliese 876 e.I hope this will help you.

What do you call solar systems?

They can be referred to as multiple things. I'll list them just off of my head

Extrasolar system
Planetary System
Star System
or just System

I'm sure that there are others, but this is what comes to mind right now.

What is the closest planet outside of the kuiper belt?

Proxima Centauri b. As close as an exoplanet can get, unless you count possible Rogue Worlds or another planet of the same star in a wider orbit.But there is also a probable Planet Nine. And a suggested Tenth Planet that would be closer, if it exists.