Is Every First World Nation Required To Take In Somalian Immigrants

I extremely hate Somali people, even though I’m Somali person.?

My own race is so irritating and so annoying for many years. My Somali people are 1. Ignorant. 2. Arrogant 3. Abusive. 4. Undispalant.
Somali people are ignorant; Somali people are the only nation in my knowledge who has only 10% of educated people in the world, the educated people, is so limited to the Somali peninsula.
Even though there is small number who are cool, but majority of Somali people are so arrogant and also so incoherent. And here is why, I have a friend who is doctor, and one day one man come to us and he was sick. Then when he started to talk with his doctor he begun to complain and to make loud argument, like he is talking his 6 years old kid. Instead saying and explaining his problem nicely and cool way.
I think this kind of thing is obvious for every single Somali person. And the reason is they abuse almost everything they abuse women, they abuse disable people, they abuse everybody they think he can’t challenge with them, they even abuse the people visit with their country. Sometimes I ask myself, why you in this nasty society.
UN polite
If you look and pay little more attention for Somali people. You can see this bad behavior. For instant, you can see one who insulting and making misconduct behavior in schools, bussess, and trains. The Somali people majority are so miss conduct people. They don’t respect whom they working with at all. They insult and they disrespect almost every time.
Did anybody have same feeling like I do?