Is Every Single Person In The World Important Or Would It Matter If Some People Didn

Are some people more important than others?

I had answered a question asked by an atheist earlier today. Here is that question:;...

I have reflected on it, and something sort of bothers me.

Let's assume that God really did indeed save the 14 year old girl's life. Does it follow logically that this particular girl, assuming God did spare her life for some reason, is or was more important than all else who died? If I were to think about Jesus Christ, to me, he is the most important person that ever lived. But this is what appears to be an ordinary girl that survived a catastrophic accident. If God did save her life, what reason or motive would he have had to do so?

If it is true that God does spare some but allows others to die, then isn't that sort of like saying that some people are more important than others? The reason I am asking this question is because, frankly, it bothers me. A lot of atheists assume that the religious never doubt or question their faith, but that is not true. I often question the Bible. I question whatever I wish. I just try my best to remain humble, objective, and pious. I do not mean to question God in a disrespectful manner. I think questioning things is a good thing. I am not anyone special. A lot of Theists deal with burning questions about their own beliefs, faith, the Bible, what they have been taught, et cetera. Just because one is a Theist does not make that person braindead. That's just an atrocious stereotype.

I digress. So are some people more important than others? Discuss.

What are some simple steps or creative ideas that people can take at home and work to combat global warming?

There are many little things we can do that will collectively make a substantial impact to combating global warming. At the home, if we keep appliances or electronics that is not used unplugged, we will be saving electricity. Switching out lightbulbs for the energy efficient ones definitely help. Replacing old appliances for energystar ones will make a great impact. More drastic changes like switching from electric to propane wherever possible, or installing solar panels on the roof, would help even more. At work, we have motion detection lights after hours so that we don't waste energy. As well, the HVAC system is powered down in non-critical areas during the weekends and holidays to conserve.

On the macro-scale as a society, we need to invest more in alternative energy sources such as:
- wind and solar energy generation
- improved battery technologies, which will lead to new applications for batteries
(Case in point: The Saturn EV-1 was originally supposed to use new battery technology that would have given it a range of 300-400 mi/charge, but GM did not invest in battery technology between the concept car (Impact) and the production of EV-1. Can you imagine how many of us would be driving EV-1 or other electric vehicles now had they made the early investment?)
- alternative fuel for aircrafts, which is a great source of greenhouse gas emissions as well

Why is religion so important?

* Do you have a religion? If so, which?:
I'm an athiest.
religion is good for a lot of people giving them something to trust and give them a break but it also gives you a fear in a lot of things and feeds you what I think are some false facts to.
no problem with it as long as they aren't shoving it down my throat and thinking I'm a terrible person who needs to be 'saved' because I'm don't believe in myths that would be unbelievable if they didn't get told them by someone at a church, family ect.
I agree with you.

* What do you think about people with no religion?
I have no problem with people who do or don't have one.
I DO have a problem when they tell me who they think I am and force upon to make me believe in something that makes no sence

* Do you think having a religion is important?
it can hold some people depends.

*other comments
I'm not religious and I'm given shiit about it alot
out of every kid in the school theres only 2 one of them.
theres tons of reasons I stand by but I'm not going to try to prove a point there no god or anything
I simply have my own life and will stand by that.
it's hard to believe theres a dude floating in the sky that is susposed to help and created everything out of mid air.
expecially when many religions waring against eachother all say you go to hell and suffer if you go by the way you're raised. good person or not.

I want to know being happy is more important or being famous?is it necessary to become a famous person in life?

You're looking for immortality not fame. Live through the relationships you have with your family. Fame is fleeting and fickle. What would you be famous for? Do you have a talent, an invention? Being followed around 24/7 by paparazzi is not fun. After a certain point fame is not on your terms but theirs.