Is Facebook Just Getting Old

How did the old facebook look?

Screenshots of how the facebook homepage has changed:

A recent change on the facebook user home page:

Older profile layout:

Two more screen shots of older profile layouts:

Unfortunately i was unable to find a timeline of all the changes to everything but this gives you a pretty good idea.

When will facebook get old? just wondering? myspace is old what about facebook?

I personally think it's already old. Likes, dislikes and idle comments. So what else is new? :p More of the same "serious bizniss" cyber bulls..hit.

If anything, I think it's detrimental in this day and age. No matter how careful you are, what email addresses you use or what opinions you share, you're gonna leave a digital footprint. Employers and officials are gonna seek it out, dig into all that like crazed stalkers and call you out.

And opinions, political standing and individual values are something you will have, unless you're docile beyond repair.

I'm thinking of canceling my account, since it doesn't really bring anything new to the table socially speaking, and I'd like my presence at a job interview to be the only presence projected and judged, not my personal life.

Should I let my 15 year old get Facebook?

Facebook is much safer and so much more private with privacy controls than myspace. I think rules should be set as, dont put anything on there that you would be embarrassed of if your pastor, teacher, arent, grandmother seen it. And also as always you should have the password so you can check it whenever however and it allows access to his friends facebook profiles too. Im all about privacy but internet stuff and children is different.

Is Facebook played out getting old?

It seems for the past few months i very rarely get any comments or even likes on my posts. Im starting to wonder if FB is running its course and getting a little played out. I even tried deactivating my account and even said i was for a few days then posted "Im back: and nada. Most of my friends(about 60-70%) on FB are from a job I had about 5 years back. We where a close bunch back then. Perhaps time has separated us and we are no longer relevant to each other or not much any ways. Ps...37 yo male adult....Not that FB is a big deal im just curios...Any thoughts?

If I uninstall Facebook messenger would I still recover my old and new converstion messages when I get to reinstall it?

Yes, you will be able to recover your old and new conversations when you reinstall Facebook Messenger.Uninstalling Facebook Messenger won’t make a difference to your conversations as Facebook Messenger syncs with the Facebook servers every time you install it and checks for messages there. The messages that you receive on Facebook Messenger will always be stored on your Facebook account until you permanently delete your account.

How can I go back to the old Facebook messages?

Open the chat box. Click on the small gear icon on the top of the chat box & select 'See Full Conversation'In full conversation, if you script up you will see Loading Older Messages (69,514), just note down the number!Right click on 'See older messages' at the top left of the page & select 'Open link in new tab'In the new page opened see for the values of 'start' and replace it with the total number of conversations.Now change the value of 'page_size' with the same value entered for 'start'.Then hit Enter. And you can see your messages from starting!

Is facebook dying like myspace?

So im an 18 year old boy and today I put in my request to permanently delete my facebook which will be deleted oct 9 anyways I deleted it because it just seems so nonsensical and a waste of time

anyways on my last log in it seemed like things are slowly dieing down just like facebook did and I have close to 300 friends who I all know in person so its not a lack of friends

it just seems like people are getting tired of facebook and will soon move on from it like they did from facebook

is facebook startign to die out so to say

Would I win this lawsuit with Facebook?

I have an 11 year old daughter and she went to stay at a friends place who’s mother happens to be a very well known blogger.. she posted multiple images of my daughter on Facebook, not photos with everyone in the pictures.. there’s photos specifically just of my daughter and some are in bathing suits which look somewhat sexually explicit, some are silly face pictures, and there are a few with everyone in the shot.

I asked the mother several times to please remove them after It came to my attention from my daughter, she came home from school saying some kids had made fun of the images and my daughter wasn’t aware they would be posted on Facebook at all let alone made public and on a Facebook page as well.. the mother refused to remove them saying that it helps with publicity for her blog. I contacted Facebook several times and reported but they said it doesn’t violate their standards. This is disgusting.. would I win a lawsuit with Facebook for child endangerment as it said my daughters name and location with her pictures, for emotional distress of my daughter from bullying, for sexualizing my daughter as the images are very “grown up” makeup and bathing suit shots in sexualized poses etc.

This truly is disgusting I just want to teach them a lesson and maybe then they’ll think twice before allowing such things, it isn’t about money.. all money will be donated to a charity for missing children.

Do you think facebook is lame?

Seriously, ever notice how it just gets old saying "what up", "how you been", "long time no see" and the way that everything you type just seems to be a little awkward b/c you know that everyone you know will be reading every word you wrote and judging you based on a sentence????