Is God / Allah Just Other Words For Nature

What is the nature of God ?

There are two kinds of Divine essence/Nature of BrahmaN(God):

1. svarUpa : (Transcendence Nature)

The intrinsic/Essential Nature - Sat-Chit-Ananda - He is a Pure being with "attributes" - Infinite Knowledge (Chit) and Bliss (AnandA). He is also satyam-jnanam-anantam- He is a Pure reality-omniscience-infinity. Acc. to upanishads, HE is NIRGUNA -who is completely opposed to imperfections, so HE is Amalan(Purity).

The word BhagawAn(Basic nature) is defined by these attributes :
satya, jnana, Ananda, anantA, amala.

2. svabhAva: (Manifestation in the creation/vibhUti Nature)

The secondary nature/attributes - This ocean of noble/auspicious qualities are derived from six attributes:
jnAna (knowledge), bala (strength), aiSvarya (rulership) ,virya (uncompromising prowess), Sakti (energy), tejas (splendor). HE is SAGUNA - with the endless auspicious/kalyana gunAs derived are like :
sowseelyam - mixing with anyone freely
vAtsalyam - ignore the sins while seeing the love
sowlabhyam - approachable to anyone and becomes visible then.

With a ocean of qualities or attributes like compassion, mercy, simplicity, easily approacheable, forgiving, HE is the greatest, perfect being/Man(SAT) of all, foremost of all men, THE PURUSHOTTAMA.

These are the Loving words of inquiry in to the nature of BhagawAn as found in Upanishads, by the greatest incomparable BhaktA Saint Philosopher, Sri RAmAnujA.

Is God and Allah the same god?

So Christianity, Judaism and Islam all trace there origins back to Abraham so does that mean that all these people are believing in the same god? just different interpretations of the same god? Focusing on different sides of the same god?

Or do they all worship a different god that is just very close to each other?

What type of noun is the word 'nature'?

Nature can mean several things, and thus can be abstract or concrete.

It's the nature of the beast -- abstract
Nature is wonderful to look at -- concrete

Is Allah just another name for God?

The Roman Catholic Church at Vatican II said that Christians, Muslims and Jews share the faith of Abraham.
These three main religions all have their roots in Abraham in some way. But do Muslims understand Allah the same way Jews understand God? Do Muslims share belief in the Trinity as Christians do? No!
Although there are connections with Abraham, the ancient Jews, and the belief in ONE GOD, all three religions understand that God differently.
What Vatican II says about Muslims and Jews are correct. But we know that there are different beliefs concerning, Who God IS, what God has done, and how he works in our lives.
Lets look at Jesus. Jews reject Jesus as the expected Messiah and are still waiting for the messiah to come. Muslims say that Jesus was not the Messiah and is definitely not God. (It says so in the Koran). Christians believe in 3 person and 1 nature in God -Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Se we clearly see God differently.

Do you think Allah has made men polygamist by nature?

*audacity of me* lolz . first of all.... if u really think about it, Do YOU think u can handle 4 husbands? Will you know who is the father of what child? Do you think you will be healthy down there, with 4 men doin their business with u... ? and with all these horny men... will YOU be able to satisfy em all?
Now if a man had 4 wives... who is the father? well there's only 1.... Can a man handle 4 women, id say so, better than a woman handling 4 men and her dozen kids... and what not! so Islam makes sense if u really think about. And NO our GOD is not saying "cheating" is fine... it's said the 1st wife has the rights to allow or NOT allow, her husband if she does NOT he can NOT marry the other woman, and if he DOES, he will be considered makin a sin. As for whatever religion you practice ur men cheat regardless if they're allowed or not, behind ur back, and it's NORMAL.

In Islam the guy has to have a reason to why he even considers another wife... it has to be legit.

Who's ALLAH and who's GOD ?

They're the same, aren't they? Like one person can have many names, you know? My mom, I would, of course, call "Mom", but her friends would use her first name, but her patients would call her "doctor", and her college friends might have a nickname for her.

It's horrible when peace loving Muslims have to bear the burden that terrorists and racists create. Please know that there are those who understand that Islam and terrorism are not the same thing. And know that there are others who respect your religion and culture.