Is Hbr A Molecular Or Ionic Compound

Tell if its a molecular or ionic compund, Fe2O3,HBr,FeCl2,SO2,CH4?

I'm going to assume "molecular" means covalent.

So, an easy way to distinguish covalent and ionic compounds is that ionic compounds are formed between a metal and a nonmetal (also usually ones with polyatomic ions in it), while covalent bonds are formed between nonmetals.

So Fe2O3 is a metal and nonmetal........IONIC

HBr is a nonmetal and nonmetal..........COVALENT

And so on. You can do the rest.

Which are molecular compounds?

I just took an AP Chemistry test, and for one of the questions, I was marked wrong but I am almost 100% positive that my answer is correct. Here is the question:

Which is a collection of ONLY molecular compounds?
A) Ar, NH3, SF4, PCl5
B) NaNO3, CCl4, CuS
C) Cl2, CCl4, NO2, SF6
D) NO, CS2, PCl3, HBr
E) H2O, CaO, CO, CO2

I chose D because NO (Nitric Oxide) is composed of 2 nonmetals (molecular), CS2 (Carbon Disulfide) is made of 2 nonmetals, PCl3 (Phosphorus Trichloride) is made up of nonmetals, and HBr (Hydrogen Bromide) is made up of nonmetals. The reason is can't be A is because Argon isn't a COMPOUND, it is just an element. The reason it can't be C is because Cl2 is a diatomic element, not a compound. Am I wrong? Or did the scantron machine just make a mistake and I am wasting points on this question (I literally just became level 2 on yahoo answers and I'm not sure if I can regress back to level 1). Please help. I'm only a sophomore in high school and this is really hard for me. Thanks!

Among HF, HCl, HBr, and Hl, which is the most volatile compound?

Volatility depends on intermolecular interactions of a compound, as molecular weight increases so do the Vander wals forces. So the expected order should be: HF < HCl

Is HCl a ionic or covalent compound?

in the gas phase, HCl is a polar covalent molecule, with the chlorine pulling the bonding pair closer to it than the hydrogen can. In other words, the hydrogen is partially positive and the chlorine is partially negative but not enough to be considered ionic. that requires that the electron mostly transfer from the positive to the negative atom, as in NaCl. here, the Na transfers its extra 3s electron about 75% to the Chlorine. that’s considered enough to be called ionic.In water, there is solvation energy that comes into play. The energy released when water molecules surrounds ions is quite high and is in fact, higher than the energy needed to break the covalent H-Cl bond. thus, in water, HCl is a strong acid that breaks up fully into H+(aq) and Cl-(aq). that little (aq) sign means the ions are surrounded by the solvent, thus lowering its energy.So, in a gas, HCl is a stable molecule but in water, it’s more stable as the solvated ions H+(aq) and Cl-(aq).

Which on is an ionic compound? f F2 g HBr h CO2 j MgCl2?

A molecular/covalent compound has a nonmetal and a nonmetal in the compound and they share electrons...

An ionic compounds contains a metal and a non-metal... the metal transfers electrons to the non-metal thus having a positive charge, and a nonmetal has a negative charge....

Looking at all of those, Mg has a positive charge in the compound so it is a metal and Cl2 is a non-metal (has a negative charge), so this is an ionic compound.

Answer: MgCl2

What is the compound name for HBr?

Have you heard of WikipediaHBr leads to thisHydrogen bromide is the diatomic molecule with the formula HBr. HBr is a colorless gas that condenses to a colorless liquid. Hydrobromic acid is a solution of HBr in water. Hydrogen bromide and hydrobromic acid are, therefore, not the same, but they are related. Commonly, chemists refer to hydrobromic acid as "HBr", and this usage, while understood by most chemists, is imprecise and can be confusing to the non-specialist.

Are acids like HCl, HBr and HF ionic or covalent?

These acids ionize in water since water molecules can stabilize the hydronium ion and the associated anion. This stabilization is more energetically favored when the molecule is in contact with water.

However, the gases themselves are covalently bonded. The electronegativity difference between H and F, Cl and Br atoms is not that large and the atoms in the molecules are not dependent on associated charges to stabilize one another.

Is the compund HBr(Hydrogen and Bromine) a covalent bond or ionic bond i think its covalent what is it?

The compound is covalently bonded. To understand why, note that if it were ionic, the bromine would have to have the negative charge, since it is more electronegative than hydrogen. Furthermore, the charge on hydrogen could not be more than one, since hydrogen has only one electron to lose. The compound would then be H+ Br-. But the H+ ion consists of only a single proton, that is, its entire charge is concentrated in a tiny particle. And ionic compounds with small cations tend to be unstable.