Is He Ignoreing My Messages On Fb

Why is he ignoring my Facebook message?

It's 24 hours. It's not the end of the world. Sometimes I leave facebook messages for days or weeks if it's not important or if I just don't have time.

His world doesn't revolve around you. Also, he thinks you like him because YOU DO (you are asking random strangers to psychoanalyze why he didn't respond to your message from just a day ago).

Try to find something to distract yourself because you're driving yourself nuts. He also probably knows you overthink everything and he doesn't want you to get the wrong message (which would be he likes you back), so he's intentionally not responding yet to give you the "hey, we're just friends" message.

What does it mean if a guy ignores your message but when you meet he's giving you all of his attention?

There are several possibilities, but two are by far the most likely.He is interested in you, but not good at, or interested in, messaging.Some people are terrible at certain types of communication, or simply not interested in some kinds of communication. My husband is terrible at texting. I know he loves me, but sometimes I’ll text him and he simply never texts back. It’s not a lack of interest in me, it’s a lack of interest in texting.If you think this is the issue, the next time you see him, ask him how he would prefer you keep in touch. He might prefer phone calls, emails, or some other type of communication. Ask him if he’s more likely to check his texts, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or any one of the fifty thousand forms of communication we have nowadays.“Hey, I’ve been sending you messages on X, but sometimes I never hear back. Are you just really busy, or should I try sending messages with a different platform? I know it’s impossible to keep track of every messaging service these days…”He’s not interesting in you, but simply polite.A lot of people aren’t good at saying no, or they think expressing disinterst is rude. You might think he’s leading you on, while he might think he’s just being cordial. Some people are just really friendly and will laugh and have fun with you, even though they don’t really like you very much.If he sometimes messages you when you’re not around, then this is less likely. So, chances are he’s somewhat interested in you, at least in a friendly way.Want to make him more interested?Ask him about his likes and dislikes, find out what you guys have in common, share fun anecdoates from your own life that you think he’d find interesting. Most of all, tell him that you’re interested in him.“Hey, I love talking to you; you’re really interesting. You seem like a cool guy, would you like to grab coffee/drinks this Saturday?”

How can I tell if I'm being ignored on messenger? My messages are going through but I get no reply. If I'm being ignored can I reverse it?

How can I tell if I'm being ignored on messenger? My messages are going through but I get no reply. If I'm being ignored can I reverse it?Yes. Ignore them back. And ignore any time related advice someone gives you like, “If you don’t hear from someone in a few hours, at most 24, they’re ignoring you.” Not everyone gets on Facebook every few hours, or even everyday.I haven’t been on in over two weeks. I’m in the cancel my account phase. I’m even afraid to accidentally end up there from some other app, as that will start the cancel waiting period all over again.Odd, isn’t it? It only takes a couple of hours to collect all of the data from your time line and send it to you as a compressed file, but thirty days to erase all that shit. It doesn’t. They just say that, hoping you’ll change your mind and come back.Twitter thinks the same thing, but they only give you fourteen days. Which is why I’m not impressed when I hear some poor embarrassed schlub cancelled his account when people push back on something stupid he said. He’s lost nothing, and he’ll be back.Facebook=Assbook and Twitter=Shitter

He ignored my last Facebook message?

I like a guy who's 17, shy and inexperienced. I'm 16. We've been fb messaging for 2-3 months. We met at track. He came to two of my parties and we went to a carnival with friends. We watched a movie at his house with two friends after the carnival... he sat really close. He told our friend he's more attracted to me and would rather date me. We were talking on fb Saturday and I asked if he wanted to hang out. He asked what I had in mind but I accidentally changed the topic. Sunday I said "hey what are you doing Tuesday?" but he didn't reply. I don't have his number and we're in high school- it's summer so I don't see him in person. People have said he was probably nervous to hang out alone (he's girl shy) and that I should message him again. What do you think?

Is he ignoring me ? Why didn't he answer my message ?

This guy always looks at me, is close to me, and touches me.
I added him on Facebook, and he accepted (he usually just ignores the request from people he hates).
A lot of people think he likes me, and want me to ask him out (OMG).
But, I sent him a message on Facebook. And he didn't answer. It's been so long. Idk why?
He still looks at me and stuff, but he never answered the message. Why?

How can I tell if someone ignored me on FB Messenger?

You can’t.. Because Facebook chooses to not to tell you when someone ignores your messages.When someone clicks ‘ignore’ in the Facebook chat window, they will get the following pop up to confirm:As the message says, Facebook won’t tell you that the person has ignored you. But you can still message that person. The person will not get any notification of those messages.But when someone blocks you, you can’t send any message to that person anymore. The pop up a person gets when he blocks you looks a little different, as shown below:

A guy ignored my message on facebook. i sent this to him a week ago. should i still wait?

hi dear! it's hard to really help you out without knowing more.. what was awkward on saturday? guys can be really odd sometimes.. i try to stick to the "never double text" rule. if he wants to talk to you he really really will- if he wants to get to know to you he ::will:: make an effort (boys never ever miss an opportunity). sending one message saying hi in a casual way makes you seem friendly and cool- sending more than one without him responding makes you seem over eager which will make him even less interested. guys like confident girls, not desperate ones.. just remember: super cute guys are just regular people, they're almost NEVER as cool as they want you to think, and talking to all of them is infinitely more fun than letting one waste all of your precious time ;) you go girl.. good luck!

ps- just think of him as a potential friend.. more of a 'hi friend good to see you the other night' style, just to get your foot in the association door and make yourself approachable.

Why would a guy ignore a facebook message?

Why would a guy not respond to a message?

A month ago, I met a guy at a party up at school and we talked a little, he flirt with my roommate (both of us thought he was cute) and we all hung out till 3am, although he was drunk, so we thought he wouldn't remember us. It turns out he lives to the small town next to me and we are on break. I ran into him while doing errands.

I didn't recognize him at first but he came up to me and asked if I remembered him. He talked to me a little, asked me how long I was in town, if I played soccer, etc. but not long because I was on the phone. Then he said, "So, I'll see you around?" and I told him yeah, then he left.

I added him on Facebook and he accepted and then a few days later I sent a message saying it was great to see him and that I hope I wasn't too rude since I was on the phone it was hard to talk. But I really do want to get to know him since he is very cute and funny-even as a friend.

It doesn't seem like he's been on Facebook at all since there is nothing new on his wall or anything-but almost everyone gets on Facebook at least every other day. So, idk. It's been 3 days-do you think he got it and just wants to ignore me? If he does, then why would he have come up to me in the first place?

Guys, why would you ignore a message even if you initiated face to face conversation first?

Why do a lot of people ignore my Facebook messages?

Why are you asking us what you did? Ask them.

But from experience, when someone doesnt answer messages repeatedly its for one of the following reasons:

-they dont know what to say
-they find it awkward talking to you
-they dont like you
-theyre buisey and know theyll see you later
-they just dont feel like talking

Dont feel worthless... People are just idiots. Im sure you a wonderful, unique person

If someone ignores your Facebook pokes, will this message pop up?

So there's the guy friend of mine (who I maybe sort of like...). We used to talk all the time and at one point I thought he was pretty into me, but lately he hasn't really made an effort to talk to me. We started poking each other on facebook almost everday recently, but ever since Friday he stopped poking me. So I thought maybe he had clicked "ignore" for my poke or I had accidentally hit "ignore." So I went to his profile and clicked "Poke ____" But a message popped up and said "_____ has not received your last poke yet. He'll get it the next time he logs in." Does that mean he's just holding onto my poke, or did he ignore it?