Is He Opening Up To Me

He won't open up to me.?

I feel really bad. My boyfriend has been through a lot in the past. I just know it. And he has all these memories but he won't tell me. It's really hurting me because I can't even help because he won't tell me.i know that the memories always seem to always haunt him. I love him so much. He means the world to me. I have some past parts also that i'm not ready to tell him. But for now i'm not going to tell him until he tells me. Because he's more important to me. I've never felt this way for anyone before.

What should I do? I want him to open up to me but I don't want to force him. BUt...I want to know him more.

How can I get my Virgo man to open up to me?

I like this virgo and he likes me but he's having a hard time opening up to me, he gives mixed signals. Sometimes Very shy( he'll avoid me) and sometimes anxious to talk to me, almost like he's afraid that I'll lose intrest. But I'm afraid he'll lose intrest but OI know he wants me, how can I get him to relax and resure him that im a good women for him?

How do I get my cancer man to open up to me?

Oh god the infamous cancers... I feel sorry for you my friend they are the strangest men, and the only sign that actually fits perfectly... you will rarely see a man and think "yep, he must be a virgo" for example, but cancers are the only ones you can spot for a mile away. The thing you need to understand most is that they are EXTREMELY sensitive, and because of this many times they will lock themselves in their shell... it is no wonder cancers are represented by a crab, it is TOUGH to break their shells. But let me tell you, a relationship like this really requires patience and love on both parts. I was with one cancer for a year, but no matter how hard I tried, he never opened up; he gave up and broke my heart in the end... right after my heartbreak, another cancer came into my life... *face palm*... this cancer is now my fiancee of two years and I have never been so in love... never. But getting to where we are now took TONS of work and patience and understanding... see I've never seen a grown man cry before this one lol You can't force a cancer out of his shell, just be patient and loving and coaxing, and if you manage to get him open, you just might have the most amazing romance you will ever have.

Why does a guy not open up to the girl he has been dating for a month?

Each person is their own individual with their own thinking.A month to me can be far too early for men to open up to anyone. They need to feel safe with you. They need to feel that they can trust you with their innermost emotions and thoughts. They need to know that what they share with you shall never be used against them in the future. They need to have a connection with you before they share anything intimate.My husband whom I married in July this year, still has difficult times opening up to me. We have been together for just over three years. It takes a lot of my patience, time and effort to ask him to open up and let me into his thoughts and emotions. He has a poker face 99% of the time and rarely shows his emotions which can be exceptionally frustrating for me because I don’t feel we have a connection when he is being too logical yet this is who and what he is. I have communicated with him that I need him to show me his emotions in order for me to feel we have a connection and from this I feel secure in our relationship. He has finally accepted that this is one of my needs in our relationship and is doing his best to show me his emotions yet it is early days. It takes a lot of mental effort to do something unfamiliar. I am grateful that he acknowledged this need of mine.

Libra man won't open up to me, what should I do?

I have been talking to this Libra guy for a while now (as in we both know we like each other, hang out at school, and talk on the phone at night), but he won't open up to me at all. I understand intimacy and trust takes time to develop, but he won't tell me anything about his past. He is very shy, awkward, and doesn't really know what to do with himself. I think he might be holding back or pretending to be someone he isn't to impress me. I am a pisces, maybe, I am just too touchy-feely for him. I'd at least like to know some things about him, like what his religious views are. Maybe he isn't telling me because he think he might offend me; I am an atheist. Since he isn't sharing himself with me, I feel no connection.
Is there anything I could do about this? If so, what? Do you think that it is too soon for me to expect a life story?

How do you get a Capricorn guy to open up.?

You have to have lots of patience. The more you chase him, the more he will retreat back into his shell.

Are you guys together?

If not, then just show that you're interested and give him his space to work out his feelings on his own. If he's interested, he will be the one to initiate. They love the chase, but they will only chase you if they know for fact that they have a good chance of catching you.

If you are, then try not to show too much emotions with him. I'm a scorpio and I'm very emotional and intense when it comes to my feelings but Cappies just aren't that good with handling emotional situations. If you're sentimental, that fine, but too much over-the-top emotions are too much for a cap. In time he will open up to you but just not all the time. Ocassionally at most. It's all about patience. LOTS AND LOTS of it.
Also, since they're very reserved, they like someone who can make them laugh. If you can make him laugh, then he'll definetly be more comfortable around you.
Most caps are workaholics, like mines, and since I'm very ambitious as well, I try to support him with all of his goals and vice versa.

I hope this helps!

Any songs about wanting someone to open up to you?

this guy and I, we're best friends. But he knows I have strong romantic feelings toward him. He told a friend that he likes me also, but that he has emotional problems and he is afraid to open up. He doesn't open up to me about his problems nor about his feelings toward me and he runs when I open up mine about him. Any songs that fit this situation? I'd love some to be able to vent.

What does it mean if the guy you like opens up to you?

It means he’s found another unpaid therapist, and decided to dump on you, much as someone cleaning out their house dumps all their garbage elsewhere. But if you don’t feel comfortable when people do this, why open the door? You can always change the subject to something more pleasant. Now that you know he suffers from problems that apparently remain unsolved, I’d step back a step or three, and suggest he get the professional help he needs to solve these problems, since you’re not a psychiatrist or therapist.

Is it hard for scorpio men to open up?

I am a scorpio male. Yes, it is very hard for us to open up because we fear revealing our true selves will make us vulnenerable and weak. We secretly fear rejection and getting deserted by our lover.

But communication is very important if you guys really want to love each other. And when a scorpio male shares his secrets with you, you know that he truly loves you and is willing to commit to you because he rarely ever does this. It is the ultimate sign of his love to you when he's honest about his every feeling.

One interesting thing though is that I still have some secrets I never tell my lover. Some secrets I feel I definitely need to keep to myself in order to keep the relationship healthy and my lover interested. So perhaps your lover, being a scorpio, might never share some of his darkest secrets with you forever. I guess u just need to accept that, although it may sound harsh, he's doing for both you and him.

Perhaps you can hint your worries at him instead of demanding him to open up. For example say "I know you said you love me but I feel like I still don't know a lot about you and you keep a lot of things to yourself and I really want to get to know you better. When you feel ready, please come back to me and open up a little bit and I will really appreciate it and I think it will help us strengthen our love"

Why won't my boyfriend open up to me?

Hello OP. I used to be your boyfriend. I had issues and I eventually got to a point where I decided to address them but I greatly needed my then-gf’s help. One of the most terrifying things I did up to that point in life is to open up to my gf and tell her what was really going on with me. But I decided to ask her to help me, and warned her it would be really hard, but I didn’t know much more than that.One major problem was my mom was basically incompetent to solve any and every problem I had. The advice she gave me was terrible and usually made things worse. So, in survival mode, I (wrongly) assumed everyone was like that. But this time I’m glad I took a chance.I was afraid my gf would be afraid of my anger and she would just give up and run away. That would devastate me as I really needed her. Make sure you tell him a couple times a week you want to be there for him and you won’t run away even if he gets angry. My gf wasn’t what I would call an emotionally strong person but she was super committed, and it turns out that mattered quite a lot. I wasn’t angry at her I just had some anger that had built up over the years and I never directed my anger at her when I let it out. I had to have supreme communication skills and tell her exactly what I was feeling: “I’m really upset right now but it’s not you at all, I just need to let some tension out, mkay? RAAAHHHH!”This is very serious business but having a sense of humor about it now helps me deal with the terrible memories.I eventually worked many things out with her help but it was a terrifying emotional roller coaster for both of us, and I’m the sort of guy that plays with snakes and snapping turtles, and walks on fire. This was much worse than any of that. I will always remember her for the great sacrifices that she made for me.You have to take the initiative here and understand his problems, and his fears, may be much more intense and complicated than you ever thought. You have to tell him you want to stick with him through thick and thin. You can’t force him to open up but you can encourage him by reassuring him you will be there and won’t run away.