Is Is Possible For Me To Get Rid Of My Accent

Is it possible to change your accent?

im a 19 yo black guy and trying to get rid of my (street/ghetto..raised in baltimore) accent...ive recently moved into a upper class community and people automatically assume im a rapper or ghetto when i speak and dont want to be affiliated with that crap and i want to speak more "Proper" , also since I plan on joining politcs and dont think people will take me seriously with my accent..what can i do to fix this??

Is it possible to get rid of my Chinese accent?

Well, watch LOTS of English language television and movies! Listen to lots of English language radio. Imitate. Mimic. Parrot!

Avoid "street" slang. Model your speech after newscasters, television reporters, new anchors. Broadcast news reporters and anchors have non-regional educated accents.

I knew a fellow from Spain who learned his American English accent by watching old Star Trek re-runs and old movies from the 1940s.

Take a drama class at school. Your drama teacher can help you with your accent.

How can one get rid of their accent, is it even possible?

I have a different accent now to that which I had either as a youngster or a teenager after moving from between two places with strong local accents (Liverpool and Birmingham), and then living in another large town and mixing with a wide variety of people using more accents during my university years. Sometimes you learn to modify your accent in order to be understood in your new surroundings and other times you do it because people make fun of it and your are seen as different and want to blend into your new surroundings.Many years ago I knew two people from Yorkshire who had similar strong regional accents and they both moved to the Texas. Within six months one of them (married to a Yorkshire woman) had acquired a distinct American drawl; but the other, who married an American, has largely maintained his original accent after more than 40 years and is resolutely still a Yorkshireman.So it’s perfectly possible to change your accent but it largely depends upon mixing with others and learning new ways of speaking as many accents often rely on different ways of vocalisation: either from the back of the throat, more forward using the tongue and lips, or making greater use of the nose.

Is it possible to lose an ghetto accent?

I grew up in the hood/streets and been raised around ebonics and slang unfortunely I picked up on it.
I'm now in college studying to become a child psychologist and don't get me wrong, I can speak proper but my accent is like horrible with it and i feel so low. I would like to get rid of it for good. Can I do anything about it?

How can I get rid of my Accent?

Alright. Well first off, if you intend to be successful in any form, you'll need to have the appropriate attire. Ex. if i walked into a business meeting wearing a biki. Lmfao, you'd need to wear the proper clothing. Next, i'd make it a habbit, to if i heard myself use an accent, punish myself in some way (ex. rubber band around the wrist, type thing, nothing serious), and correct myself. In a while, you will most likely notice that you're accent is gone. If you hang around with a crowd that doesn't have an accent, it'd help aswell. Speaking to peirs without an accent, will actually get you out of the habbit of speaking with one.

Hope I Helped! Tell Me How It Goes!

How do i get rid of my accent?

Aww, you are so lucky to have a Spanish accent; you should be proud and use it to your advantage. The accent is so much sexier and more beautiful sounding than the English accent. Example; Rafael Nadal, Fernando Tores, Cesc Fabregas...they all sound so sexy when they are speaking English! The English accent is boring!
When you have a different accent, especially Spanish or French you are looked upon as a much more interesting person because it gives you more charisma, personality and charactor. Women love accents generally!
I would love to help you but not to change your accent because its lovely!
However to make yourself clearer and more understandable try listening to videos of English people speaking on youtube everyday for a fifteen minutes or so and try to immitate the accent.
There is also a very useful site that I do when I am preparing for a French or Spanish exam and this you can type a paragraph or so of writing and hear it played back from an English person in an English accent. Male or female! Its a great site but you may feel they are speaking fast, don't will get used to it!
Try to listen to as much English music as possible and watch English television. This will help you a lot! The best way to pick up an accent or language is always to visit the country for a couple of weeks/months but if you cannot don't worry you are lucky enough to have to have American friends who can help you but remember that American's pronounce a lot of words differently to English people.
I wish you a lot of luck with your learning and I know that it may be uncomfortable or embarassing having to repeat yourself or pronouncing words wrong in fear of seeming silly but everyone makes mistakes when learning foreign languages its normal!
People will try and help you learn from them and will think its cute and sweet anyhow. So don't worry! Take care.
You're welcome!

Can you get rid of your accent?

This is my personal take on your question:Yes, you can, but the more important question is whether you need to do that.I always believe that if the accent bugs you, invariably you just lack confidence in your English speaking power.I can sense that your problem has more to do with your pronunciation, enunciation, and stressed sounds, than your  accent.As a result, you are now overly concerned about making your accent perfect.Bear in mind that it's an important part of your cultural identity to keep your quintessential accent.In my view, provided the conditions in (3) stay intact as I have suggested, native speakers will probably enjoy hearing English spoken with an accent like yours.I reckon if you try to imitate their accent, they probably would feel very funny with your futile attempt.There are many types of English: British, American, Australian and so on. None of these are wrong or not as important.English is English.As long as you can strike up an intelligent conversation, and have crystal clarity in your communication in English, in which your  pronunciation, enunciation, and stressed sounds are accurate to the best of your ability, on top of having acquired more varied everyday expressions of smart native speakers, you are truly amazeballs.In summing up, clarity is power in communication. Accent is very subtle.Just sharing:I have had myriad wonderful opportunities to rub shoulders with European principals (mostly, British, Scandinavians, Germans), Americans and Australians, and not forgetting fellow Asian associates (mostly Malaysians, Indonesians, Thais, and Japanese) during my quarter-of-a-century stint in the corporate world, and in retrospection, accent - either way - has never crossed my mind.Nonetheless, I take this opportunity to append some interesting and insightful write-ups on improving your pronunciation:The Complete Guide to Improving Your English PronunciationHow to Greatly Improve Your English Pronunciation in 8 StepsRhythm of EnglishEnjoy![20160426_Accent or Pronunciation?]

How can I get rid of my Urban Accent?

Ok, I am getting older and I am realizing that my accent may get in the way of me succeeding.I am 16 and I grew up in the hood all my life (yes there are white hoods you idiots) and I seems like its impossible to get rid of my accent.

What are some ways I can get rid of it.

Thank you

How to get rid of my heavy Asian accent?

I'm going to plagiarize myself and give some information I used when someone else asked this:

When I work with students, the biggest single sound I recommend they learn and work with is the schwa: the reduced vowel sound found in many unstressed syllables in English (the second syllable of "pencil", "motion", and "Egypt"). Any vowel letter can produce the schwa sound. I don't know if this will be rendered well, but the symbol is /ə/. Don't over-pronounce it, keep your mouth/lips/tongue relaxed, and don't turn it into a strong /ʌ/ sound, as in "cup".

The second sound is to practice the voiced and voiceless "th" sound (/θ/, as in "think" and /ð/ as in "this"). Especially practice how much to stick your tongue out when pronouncing it, and practice pulling it back in quickly so that it doesn't affect the next sound in the word. Try not to replace /θ/ with /s/ or /t/, and try not to replace /ð/ with /z/ or /d/.

The third is to practice the near-purely American sound /æ/ as in "apple" or "cat". Practice making this sound in the front of the mouth rather than the back.

Finally, Vietnamese speakers often drop the final sounds in a word. I often hear "buildee" instead of "building" or maybe "worh" instead of "word" or "work", so it's hard to know which word the speaker means. Practice pronouncing every sound at the end of a word. Unless it is supposed to end in a silent sound, of course.

How long will it take? That depends on your definition of success/when you're done. You'll probably always have at lease a trace of an accent, but if you're having trouble with communication because of it, some of that can clear up in a few months, and almost definitely will within the first year or two.

Good luck!