Is Israel A Cancer To Humanity

Is Saudi Arabia the cancer of humanity?

Saudi Arabia is an Islamic country having implemented many shariyah rules and here almost form the whole world Muslims come and visit the holy places of Islam and offer Hajj and Omrah (kind of worships of Almighty Allah) as well. Muslims residing inside the kingdom are very happy, satisfied & in comfort.Now come to your neighbor's opinion. There’re 2 main denominations in Muslims. i.e, Sunni Muslims & Shiaas.The Shiaa people have enmity with Saudi Arabia. Shiaas are having waver kind of faith or less than it in short words. Saudia is the country having love with companions of Prophet Muhammad SAW but shiaa people have enmity with the companions of Prophet SAW. There are some more people having same faiths may say the same you listened but reality is inverse to it.Thank you.

Are there people in Israel with the cancer diseases?

I really thought I’ve seen every possible question regarding Israel, Israelis and Jews, but this one rendered me speechless. Initially, I was going to write something like “No, we found the cure long ago, but refuse to let anyone else use it.”. I’m really curious as to what went through the mind of Mr. Anon (the OP), as he was writing this question and I’ll appreciate his response.Of course there are people with cancer. A couple of years ago I spent several weeks in a hospital with an old friend who had cancer (he got well since). My grandmother had cancer. My mother had skin cancer (also cured, she was diagnosed very early, thankfully). I haven’t checked the statistics, so I can’t tell you how common it is compared to other countries, but certain areas around Haifa are known for having a higher rate of cancer than other places in Israel, due to industrial pollution.

WHAT could help humanity more than ENDING ISLAM?

Luckily for us, I think Islam will end itself fairly soon... There's only so much the rest of the world will take, before someone finally says, "You know what... just forget it... "

What do you think has the best chance of wiping out the human race?

If anything has the potential to wipe out humanity, it's humanity. Even if something like cancer or famine chances are that we caused it with all the crap we put in the environment or all the genetic modification and shmootz we put in the food that we probably couldn't grow fast enough without all the gunk and gobbledygook that we put in it. Personally I think if we did knock ourselves off the planet it'd be the result of some type of war. All over the world peeps be puttin bombs and nuclear weapons. If Korea shoots Israel then we shoot Afghanistan then Lebanon shoots Canada or something like that we just blew our own species off the planet and the only fellas left are roaches eatin twinkles and we KNOW that combo is gonna make for some super crazy brollic monster roaches, probs gonna start they own planet like dayum. Then everything starts over but instead of people ruling the world, it's bigass roaches and when they scurrying around they squish us with their high heeled shoes and they're a super evolved species and were like aanhhhh noooo we just want to get to Walmart for the summer saalllleeee and they don't care because they're so evolved and we are just simple humans so they smush us with shoes and flush us down the super awesome roach toilet and then we see this awesome toilet and realize that we have a ton of evolving to do after all look how cool this super bugs toilet is that's why our species got ended because we as humans do a ton of good stuff but a lot of bad too and we choose to focus on our good stuff more than bad stuff and that's why we're all doomed unless we realize that all our actions have repercussions and maybe we need to change the way we think and behave and then we can fix the world.

Why do people pray for people that have cancer or diseases?

You are mistaken. Disease happens. Cancer occures for many different reasons but not because God wants it to occure. Bad diet, poor living conditions, bad habits, flawed genetic material, chemicals, etc. cause cancer, not God. Its a sin steeped, broken world and bad things happen because of that evil in the very nature of the world. God does not ‘want’ disease and disability. It happens as part of this flawed world. He doesnt stop it because evil is all a consequence, one way or another, of free human choice going all the way back to Adam. And just because, generally speaking, God does not interfere does not mean prayer is pointless. You, like many, are attempting to limit God with flawed human reasoning. God can and does heal disease when asked. Not every time but He does do it. Again you, like many, also insist on misunderstanding God and His goals for humanity. We humans are focused on this world and get mad when God doesnt conform with our desires to keep people in this existence like we want. Gods only focus is Eternity, not this world. He knows what comes next is, for His people, so much better than this earth that keeping them here in pain and misery is the bad thing, death and bring them home to be with Him. But that still doesnt mean that He wont heal a cancer or other disease when asked. He does do it. More often than you obviously believe. But He does like to be asked. Hence prayer for healing. Disease is not of God in any way, shape or form. Disease and death, with other evils, entered this world when Adam and Eve chose satan over God and gave evil access to this world. Because it is a result of human free will God allows it all. He doesnt cause it. And He does heal. I personally know two people who medicine says should be dead now who arent because of ongoing prayer. Disease is satans fault, and humanities as they continue to choose to follow satan, it is not on God.

How do you experience the human condition, when you've been detached from it for so long?

Kori i don't think reconnecting with the world is what the lord wants you to do His people or hurting and we are to have sympathy and empathy for them if we have experienced what they are facing God's love and compassion in your is enough my mother passed away with cancer and i did not know how to handle it so i have empathy for you and your mother all we can do is ask the father for guidance and to have his way in both of your lives sometimes i don't feel either but i know that it is God's will for us to pray and through the Holy Spirit He gives me the words to say. some times just holding mama's hand and letting the Holy Spirit have control of the situation is the sweetest thing that you can do for He has the answer
With my mom God overflowed us with His presence at her death. my sister read the 23rd Psalm and we prayed holding mama's hand i told her it was alright if she wanted to go home She looked up at me and muttered home a couple of times and Jesus took her home while she was holding my hand so i know you will do the right thing prayer and meditation is a good start