Is It A Distinct Possibility That The Universe May Be Substantially Older Than 14-15 Billion Years

It took light billions of years to reach earth. The galaxies and stars we see now are hundreds of billions of years old. What if everything else around us has died and the solar system is the only thing left?

If, for an external observer that can somehow view both you and the distant galaxies at the same "time", the other galaxies vanish then you won't know until that light reaches you (or stops reaching you). For all intents and purposes, what you observe IS what the universe is now.The light from that far away galaxy, its gravitational pull, the beams of neutrinos, X rays and gamma rays, all travel at the speed of light.If some omnipotent being magically plucked that galaxy out of existence, you wouldn't know until that information crosses the vast expanse of space.While it is useful to know that light takes time to reach us and that things have already "happened" before we observe them: it is important to remember that for the observer, all the light and information that is arriving NOW constitutes the PRESENT (for the observer).It's like watching sports "live" on TV. For the people there, it already happened, but you get to see it a few seconds late. Except it's not late because NOTHING could get you the information of the score faster. For you, the match is happening NOW. Extrapolate that to the scale of the cosmos.BTW, the universe is only 13.7 billion years old.

At what age do males have their biggest growth spurt? I’m 14, a male and 5’3. I’m short for my grade, age, and gender and I haven’t had a growth spurt yet.

A boy gets a growth spurt 3 years after they begin puberty. The average age for a boy to start is 11 with the testicles however the penis dosent get larger and pubic hair won't appear until 12 month after the average age is 12 for that. A lot of people don't count the first year of puberty because a lot of people don't notice. I'm also one of them people because if you don't got any new hair in any places or get boners than you haven't technically really began puberty. So puberty start at about the end of 5th grade. And you show signs at the end of 6th grade. At 12 after getting pubic hair you will get armpit hair to and leg hair and arm hair. Also at 12 you will get a lot of erection. 12 month after that at age 13 on average at the end of 7th grade your balls drop as they say scrotum hangs lower voice begin changing and is now squeaky cracking low high uncontrollable pitch voice. Then at age 14 on average at the end of the 8th grade you get a massive growth spurt overnight you get broad shoulder your voice stop cracking and got a lot deeper and your voice broke now you will notice a gap in your throat as they say and you will also get an adam apple now. If you have an adam apple then that how you know your voice broke. That average however a boy can start puberty at 9–13 and show signs at 10–14 and get a growth spurt between 12–16. You only get 1 growth spurt in puberty. You may still get taller after that but you don't get any massive growth spurt after that. Most boys stop growing as early as 14 but 14 is not average and as late as 20. The average age for a boy to stop growing is about 17. However it depends on genes a boy can. Stop growing 5 years- 7 years after they started puberty. So the average age for a boy to start is 11 so they stop growing at 16–18. So it pretty simple actually. If a boy got pubic hair at 10 the earliest it means they actually started puberty at 9. So anyway precious puberty if a boy start before age 9 Meaning Age 8 or under. However a boy who got pubic hair at 9 technically started at 8 so that precious as well.So to sum it up boys get growth spurt anywhere from 12–16 however most common and average age is 14. Most boys get a growth spurt at the end of 8th grade just before they finished middle school. They often become aTo notice the first sign of puberty is you will noticed one ball hang lower than the other. By ball i mean testicle.